Ch. 7- Jealous?

Dancing Butterflies

Hoya's POV:

It was finally the weekend! I can finally do nothing and just rest my body for the rest of the weekend. Or that was what I thought. Dongwoo-hyung just decided to come by my place at ten in the morning saying that he was bored out of his mind. Since my parents were home, they decided to let him in and let him wake me up. He kept on yelling for me to wake up and laughed after each sentence. I swear I thought he must have had like chocolate fudge cake with chocolate icing for breakfast. This only happens every once in a while, and I guess today just had to be that day. Dongwoo-hyung wouldn't stop yelling in my ear so I woke up and pushed him off my bed. Now, here I am, at the mall shopping with Dongwoo-hyung.

" Come on, Hoya! Be more happy! You can't stay in bed for the whole day! You would be wasting your life then!"

" I get it, I get it, I get it! Dongwoo-hyung, you have been saying that to me for the past hour!"

" Well, you are being such a downer that of course I have to be like this. Now come on, I want to go into that store!" Since Dongwoo-hyung has a budget he can't always buy the stuff he wants. He usually tries them on, thinks about it, and then we go to the next store without buying them. He always says that if he sees something better or cheaper he would buy it instead. I told him many times that I could buy it for him, but then he always refuses my help.

Dongwoo-hyung went into the store ahead of me while I slowly followed him. There wasn't anything interesting to buy so I just looked around the stores. This time we were in a shoe store and I walked over to where Dongwoo-hyung was. He was trying on some new high tops and it looked like he really liked them. I looked at the price of the shoes and knew that Dongwoo-hyung wasn't going to get them. They were one hundred dollars! Dongwoo-hyung looked at the price too and sighed. I felt kind of bad for him knowing that he couldn't buy them. I could tell he really, really, really wants them, but then his budget is holding him back. We left the store and started to look around some more.

As we continued to look at the stores, we walked pass this girl's clothing store, and I saw Jieun with one of her friends. I waved at her and she saw me. Then she came out of the store with her friend and came to say hi. The person standing next to her was the girl who has been hanging out with her since the first day of school. I think her name was Suzy if I was correct. I guess I have to be thankful to her since she was able to make Jieun's first day of school comfortable.

" Hi Hoya and Dongwoo-sshi! This is Suzy, I don't think you guys met yet."

" Hello Suzy-sshi, thank you for taking care of Jieun." I held out my hand and she took it.

" It's nice to meet you, and don't worry, Jieun is a really nice person!" It seemed like they finished shopping and right now I was feeling a bit hungry.

" Hey, do you guys want to grab something to eat from the food court? Is that fine with you, Dongwoo-hyung?" Dongwoo-hyung looked at the girls and then back at me. He nodded and smiled but I felt there was something hidden behind that smile.

" Sure! I'm hungry too! Let's go eat, shall we Suzy?"

" Okay!"

All of us headed to the food court and we all got pizza to share. There was quite a few spots open so we chose a table that had four chairs. We all sat down and started to eat. It seemed like I was really hungry because in a minute I already finished my first slice of pizza. As we ate, we joked around and talked about school too. It seemed like Suzy took the after school singing class, which is good that way Jieun will have somebody she knows. When I looked up from eating my pizza, I noticed that there was a bit of sauce on Jieun's cheek. I got a napkin and wiped it off. I saw a faint blush and chuckled. She is so cute when she blushes like that. Then I noticed that Dongwoo-hyung hasn't said anything ever since we got to the food court. He hasn't really ate any food either. I think that is only his second piece while I was on my fourth. Even the girls were on their third piece, but I can tell they were getting full. I was about to say something to Dongwoo-sshi, but Suzy-sshi just had to say something first.

" Dongwoo-sshi."

" Y-Yeah?"

" I heard you work at Angel Café."

" Yeah I do. Why?"

" I was wondering if you guys make cakes too. I was wondering if you can possibly make a cake for my boyfriend. His birthday is coming up soon, and I really want a nice cake for him."

" Sure, I can talk to my manager about it."

" Thank you!" I nudge Dongwoo-hyung's side and gave him the look. I thought he was going to nudge me back but he didnt. Instead he turned his head away from me and got up to throw away our trash.

What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong?"


Dongwoo's POV:


I can't believe that with my luck, that we would see Jieun-sshi again. Then Hoya-hyung just had to invite them to eat with us! I mean I really wanted us to just spend a day with just the two of us. I felt weird too when Hoya wiped away the sauce on Jieun-ssh's cheek. It was as if a volcanoe was going to erupt inside of me. Why the heck do I even feel this way!? I shouldn't even be feeling this way at all!

After I threw away our trash, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I must have bad luck because Hoya decided to follow me into the bathroom too. While I was washing my hands, he just stood there and watched me. It was starting to feel awkward, and to break the awkwardness, I flicked water at his face. Then I went to dry my hands and ran out of there as fast as possible. Before I even left the bathroom, he pulled the back of my shirt, and then my back hit his chest. Hoya's arms then wrapped around me and he whispered into my ear.

" Hyung, did I do something wrong? Why are you being all quiet? You aren't like this." I struggled to get out of his grasp, and luckily nobody was in the bathroom with us. If they saw us then they would get the wrong idea. Something was wrong, though. My heart was beating like ten times faster.

" H-Hoya. L-Let me go."

" Why are you stuttering? Are you okay?" Once I felt his grasp loosen, I push myself away from him.

" Let's go. The girls are waiting for us." I walked out of the bathroom first. After a few minutes my heart started to calm down.

Why am I being like this? This has never happened before to me. Why?

" What took you guys so long?" This girls were waiting for us by our table, and I got the greatest idea ever.

" Um, well, let's just say Hoya had to do the number two." They looked a bit disgusted but then they started to laugh. I laughed along with them, and when Hoya came out he had a confused look on him. We just continued laughing and walked ahead of him.

" What's so funny?"

" Oh, nothing. You don't need to know." My idea was so great that Hoya had no idea what I said to them.

" Oh no! Suzy, I have to be home soon! We are having somebody come over to house for dinner. I have to go, but it was nice hanging out with you guys!"

" It was nice meeting you Hoya-sshi and Dongwoo-sshi. See you at school!" Just like that, they left us, and now it was just Hoya and I.

" Bye Jieun! Bye Suzy-sshi! Dongwoo-hyung, how about we go look around some more?" I nodded and we contiuned to walked around some more. As we passed the same shoe store, I saw the shoes that I really wanted. I didn't have enough money so I kind of felt sad that I couldn't buy them. There was a music store a few feet ahead and I decided to go in there.

" Hyung!" I turned around and I saw Hoya by the shoe store.

" What are you doing?"

" I saw something I like. I will meet you in the music store!"

" Okay! Hurry up!" I watched Hoya go into the shoe store, and I contiuned walking to the music store.

There were so many CD's in here! I haven't been to a music store for such a long time that I'm amazed at the amount of stuff in here. As I looked around, I thought I saw somebody similar. I dismissed the thought and started to look around. There was a variety ranging from all kind of genres. I looked at the CD's that looked interesting or good and then I would go onto the next one. Then I saw a thing where you can listen to songs so you can see if you will like that CD. I looked through the playlist, but then someone else decided to pick one for me. In a second, the person put the headphones on me and put their hands on my shoulder. Even though I didn't know who the person was, I continued listening to the song. The song was called Be Mine by a group called Infinite. The song was about how the guy is telling the girl to be his because he won't make her suffer and will take care of her. Once the song ended, I put down the headphones and turned around to see Kiseop.

" Yah! Kiseop, you scared me when you did that to me!"

" Haha! Sorry, I just felt like scaring you a bit. So, do you like the song?"

" Yeah, I really like it! Do you like it?"

" Yep. I guess this song kind of describes me."

" What do you mean?"

" Well, there is this person I like, but I think the person likes somebody else. The person that person likes though doesn't even notice him."

" Are you sure he likes somebody?"

" I'm not sure. I think he does, but he doesn't realize it yet. Before he does though, I want to catch his heart."

" Then steal his heart before he actually falls for the person! Kiseop, you a great person, I'm sure he will fall for you." I placed both of my hands on his shoulders and gave him a reassuring grip. I gave him a big, gummy smile and he laughed. All of a sudden, Kiseop thumb was on my face. I felt him brush something away and I looked at him quizzically.

" There was an eyelash on your face. I-It was b-bothering me." Kiseop rubbed the back of his neck and I chuckled.

Kiseop is such a nice person! I don't understand how nobody can not like him. He is really good person to be with him. Maybe I can help him with the person he likes!

" Thank you for brushing my eyelash away." It went silent or a few minutes and we laughed again. I was about to say something until somebody came right next to us. I turned my head to see Hoya, and for some reason he didn't look so happy.

" H-Hoya, you're here."

" Yeah I am here if you didn't notice. Hey, Kiseop."

" Hey, Hoya. Well, I got to go back to work before my boss gets mad at me. If you need a help looking for a CD, then just come look for me."

" I will. Thanks Kiseop!" He waved at us and left to go back to work. Then I turned around Hoya and eyed him. It seemed like she bought something because he was holding a bag. Just then he took my hand and we left the music store. I turned my body around and waved goodbye to Kiseop once again. Though, his face didn't look so happy when I left. 

" Let's go back to your place. I'm tired from walking around all day."

" O-Okay."

Hoya and I took the bus back to my place. It wasn't a long ride back home so we got there in like ten minutes. It seemed like Hoya was very eager to get to my place because he was the first one to get out of the bus. He had to wait for me to get out of the bus and we walked to my place. The walk there was really quiet and awkward and I didn't like it at all. One of us would usually start the conversation, but it seemed like neither of us wanted to say anything.

What's wrong with Hoya? Did I do something wrong to make him like this? What's wrong with today!? Ever since we saw Jieun-sshi and her friend, everything has gone downhill! I don't think I have done anything wrong.......right?


Hoya's POV:


When we finally got to Dongwoo-hyung's place I made him sit down. He must have been really surprised as to what I was doing because he was trying to stop me from what I was doing. I lifted the bottom of his pants a little bit, and took out the box that was in the bag. Slowly, I took out the shoes and slipped the left shoe onto his left foot. Then I lifted his foot a little bit and examined it. It looked like it fit well, and I looked at Dongwoo-hyung's face. His face was really red and for some reason it looked like he was going to cry. All of a sudden, he hit my shoulders and kept on hitting them.

" S-Stop, Dongwoo-hyung!"

" P-Pabo! Why did you buy me these!? These cost one hundred dollars!"

" You wanted them and I know with your budget you wouldn't have been able to buy them!"

" S-Still! Y-You didn't have to buy them!"

" Hyung, they are your favorite color too. Green high tops, I know you really wanted them. Don't worry okay? Y-Yah! Why are you c-crying!?"

" B-Because you bought be these shoes a-and....I don't know!" I wiped away his tears with my thumbs and laughed at him. He is such a weird but precious person. I don't know what I would be able to do without him.

" Aigoo! What am I going to do with you? Stop crying, okay?"

" O-Okay." Dongwoo-hyung wiped away the rest of the tears with his sleeve. I couldn't help but smile at his child like side. This is one of the reasons why I became friends with him.

" Now, how about we put the other side on?" I helped him put the other side on and he stood up. He jumped around the apartment and then all of a sudden he gave me a hug.

" Thank you, Hoya. You are a really great friend."

" You're welcome, hyung. I hope we stay friends forever." Dongwoo-hyung pulled away from me and when I looked at his face, he looked a bit disappointed? I wonder why though.

" I'm going to put away my shoes. I will be right back."

I wonder why he was being like that? Well, at least he is happy now. I rather have a happy Dongwoo-hyung than a mad one. When I saw him with Kiseop, my feelings were all over the place. Then when he hugged me, I felt really happy. What's wrong with me? It's like I have mood swings or something.


Dongwoo's POV:


That's weird. I felt disappointed when he said he wanted to stay friends forever. I mean, I don't mind being friends with him forever.......right? Right! We are going to stay friends forever!

Before I put away my shoes, I whispered a little something;

" Thank you, Hoya."





(A/N: Wow! I have 40 suscribers for this story already! I'm so happy! I hope all of you are enjoying this fic! Comments are appreciated!)

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This story made me miss Hoya so much.
He is enlisting today and I hope he'll return healthy.
Vanja77 #2
Chapter 2: I like how in the end of the chapter Dongwoo would dream about the previous events :) it's kinda sweet
Chapter 35: Aww~ I love this! They are so sweet
Chapter 35: i cried too much....
This story is too beautiful of friendship and love. I wonder if i can get myself a friend like that(but not prefer to fall in love with them).
Keyq1998 #6
Chapter 35: this story is beautiful T-T so beautiful and perfect T-T
MonieX3 #7
Chapter 35: awwwww ^^ so adorable. i have an insanely weak spot for a crying Dongwoo xD hehe, so cute. Awesome story ^-^
Chapter 35: omg its over! its strange and sad, but im happy! yaaays marriage!!! <3 thank you darling for such a fab story! <3 i loved it all!!!!!
Chapter 35: The ending was so cute! it was so fluffy!!
burdenheart #10
Chapter 35: i absolutely loved this ending. so nice and happy ^^ this story was really good! thanks for writing this. and as i said before this was one of my first stories i read in here so i will probably remember this story for a looong while ^-^