Ch. 5- Sweet Pastries

Dancing Butterflies

Hoya's POV:

I woke up extra early today and got something from the bakery. Since Dongwoo-hyung made me lunch yesterday, I thought as a good thank you I would to get him something from his favorite bakery. The bells rung as I opened the door and I was greeted by the fresh scent of baked goods. There were donuts, danishes, and other delightful pastries. I looked at each one and decided to get one croissant filled with chocolate and one filled with cream cheese. I paid the cashier with my money and thanked her as I headed to Dongwoo-hyung's place.

The smell of the fresh croissants made my mouth water and I really wanted to eat it right now. If I did, then Dongwoo-hyung will have a cow that I didn't wait for him and ate it myself. He will be happy that I got a chocolate filled croissant for him since I know he likes that stuff. The cold morning was getting to me and I rubbed my arms for some warmth. Spring mornings are the best, well that's what I think. Dongwoo-hyung said he likes spring the most because the cherry blossom trees bloom and something else I don't remember. I finally get to Dongwoo-hyung's place and his window is open again. I swear he will get a cold one day.

" Dongwoo-hyung! Are you up yet!?" I waited for a few minutes and I see him coming to the window.

" Hi Hoya! What do you have in your hand?"

" Breakfast! I got you a chocolate filled croissant!" Dongwoo-hyung immdediately closed his window, and for some reason I can hear him running around his place. Then in an instant he was right in front of me.

" Give me it! I'm so hungry!" I took out a napkin, that I conveniently have in my bag, and pulled out his croissant. Just like a kid, he happily took it and started to devour it. His eating reminds me of a dinosaur eating dinosaur. At the thought of that, I chuckled.

" What's so funny?" There was a bit of chocolate on the side of his lips and I wiped it with my thumb since I put my napkins back in my thumb. Then I my thumb and went back to eating my croissant.

" Nothing's funny."

" Liar." I looked back at him and his face was really red. Like really, really, really red like a tomato! This is like my first time seeing him so red. I laughed while I was eating my croissant and started choking.

" Yah! Hoya who told you to laugh while you are eating!" He started to smack my back really hard, and to be honest, it hurted quite a bit. After a few more smacks, I was okay.

" T-Thanks."

" Make me worry for nothing."

" Look at these love birds! They are already having an argument so early in the morning!" Dongwoo-hyung and I turned around to see Sungyeol and Myungsoo walking behind us. We both rolled our eyes and continued walking on. Then I heard footsteps getting louder and louder, and right then they were right in front of us.

" Come on hyungs! We were just teasing you!" I flicked Sungyeol's forehead and he rubbed it in pain.

" Says the person who has fights with a certain somebody 24/7!" Sungyeol and Myungsoo looked at each other and turned their heads back to us.

" No we don't!" They both said at the same time and Dongwoo-hyung laughed really loudly.

" And here is my proof!" I high fived Dongwoo-hyung and we left Sungyeol and Myungsoo standing there.

As we were walking to class, we noticed that Sunggyu-hyung was walking by himself. He seemed a bit lonely so we walked over to him. I touched his shoulder and he jumped like a couple of inches.

" Y-Yah! Lee Howon! Don't creep on me like that!"

" Well you were spacing out, squinting your eyes as you were looking at something. Even though it always looks like you are squinting." 

" HOYA! TAKE THAT BACK!" Dongwoo-hyung and I were laughing our butts off as Sunggyu-hyung got angry. He rolled his eyes at us and his eyes drifted to where he was looking before. Our eyes looked over to where Sunggyu-hyung was looking where before, and we were in shock. Woohyun-hyung was talking to a girl! A really pretty girl, one of the popular girls, and it seemed like the two of them were flirting. I looked back at Sunggyu-hyung and noticed there was a bit of hurt in his expression.

" Sunggyu-hyung, are you o-"

" I'm going to go." I wasn't even able to finish what I was going to say, but then Dongwoo-hyung grabbed my hand.

" Let's leave him alone for now. You know how he is sometimes." I nodded my head and we went to class together.


Dongwoo's POV:


Hoya and I went to class, and right when we were going to enter, Jieun-sshi was right in front of us. Hoya's hand went tense and then she looked down. I noticed that she looked at our hands, and I didn't expect for Hoya to harshly pull his hand from mine. His ears were turning red, and I knew that was when he gets angry or embarrassed. He must have been embarrassed of holding my hands in front of his crush, that he may still have feelings for. They have known each other for a long time, but Hoya never told her his true feelings. I felt like I was third wheel and went to my seat.

" I'm going to sit down."

" O-Oh, okay." He didn't even look at me as he said that.

I placed my bag on top of my desk and my eyes just had to drift over to where Hoya and Jieun-sshi were still at. From all the gestures Hoya was making- he was flustered. I couldn't help but feel a tad mad at how Hoya was acting. This was the first time I have ever seen him like this in front of any girls! I guess he only acts this way in front of her. I wish he could act like that in front of m-

Wait! Don't you dare finish that sentence Jang Dongwoo! Don't you dare finish that sentence. It would be awkward if he acted like that anyways! I don't even know why I'm being like this all of a sudden. I don't even know how I am feeling!

" Dongwoo? Dongwoo? Earth to Dongwoo, is anybody in there?" My head turned to see Kiseop sitting on my desk again. 

" Kiseop-ah! How has your morning been?"

" Mine? Hm, well I got up extra early and got you something!" He whipped out a bag from behind him and he gave me a donut. Even though I just ate a chocolate filled croissant, I couldn't help but get hungry once again.

" Thanks Kiseop!" He gave me the donut and I gladly ate it. The donut was just as good as the croissant. It helped me clear my mind a little bit, and I didn't even pay attention to Hoya and Jieun-sshi.

" You're welcome!" Kiseop started to eat one too and I laughed because there was powder on his nose. I got up from my seat a little bit and wiped it off with my finger. His face turned really red and I got confused why.

" Are you sick? Why is your face so red?" I placed my hand on his forehead and placed it on mine. I did it again, and it felt like he was fine.

" I-I think it's just a bit hot in here."

" Really? I feel fine."

" Dongwoo-hyung! Why are you eating a donut! You just ate a croissant!" I crossed my arms and stuck out my tongue out at Hoya. I put the last piece of the donut right between my lips, but Hoya did something that made my heart stop beating- he quickly took the piece of donut between my lips and ate it. Luckily Kiseop was there to catch me before I fell to the ground. I swear I felt his lips touch mine a little bit because it felt like I got an electric shock.

" Here you can have the last bit of mine. Say ahh!" Kiseop was offering his last piece and I opened my mouth a little bit. His fingers brushed my lips and I got a tingly feeling.

" Thank you, Kiseop! Unlike somebody here." Hoya stuck out his tongue at me and I kicked his chair. The teacher finally came in, and we sat in our seats.

After I sat down, I unconciously turned to Hoya. I regretted it though because Hoya was looking at Jieun-sshi. During the whole class, he was looking at Jieun-sshi, and for some reason I felt a small tug in my heart. Also I was a bit ticked off because Hoya wasn't sending me letters like we would usually do in class. Instead he was looking at her while he was writing all over his notebook. By the way his pencil was moving, I can tell they were not words but random things. What felt like centuries, the class finally ended, and I had to hit the back of Hoya's head to get his attention.

" Class is over."

" H-Huh? It's already over?"

" You are still the same aren't you." We both turned to see Jieun-sshi standing right next to us as she tried to hold in her laughter.

" Y-Yeah I guess I am." I was feeling like the third wheel again, and headed out before him. I heard Hoya calling out my name, but I didn't even bother to stop until he grabbed my arm. 

" Why did you leave before me?" I had to make up an excuse or else he would be worried.

" I had to go use the bathroom, but now I can't because you stopped me. Let's go to class."

" Oh....okay."


Third period.....


Hoya said he wasn't going to leave early for third period because he had to do something. I didn't really bother with him, and left early as usual. The class was of course empty, but this time it felt really empty. Without Hoya next to me, it's as if I'm taking the big stage by myself. I put down my bag and walked up to the front. Then I streched a bit so my muscles wouldn't cramp and get sore later on. After stretching, I took a swig of my water bottle and began dancing.

The music was loud to the point you can feel the room shake a little bit. My foot was tapping to the beats as the music began. It only took me a few seconds to get the feel of the beat, and I was already making my moves. Since Hoya wasn't here, I had a bit more space to move about. My body described the song: pain, anger, sadness, and alone. Dancing is able to let me express my feelings since I don't usually tell my feelings to anybody. I haven't been able to actually. Ever since I was little, my parents told me that they would like me to take over the company, but they still thought of my feelings to a certain point. The thing is, I haven't been able to express my feelings any other way than dancing. This song was absolutely perfect at how I'm feeling at this point.

Finally, the song was done, and I didn't even notice I was sweating so much already. I must haved moved my body a lot to have sweat so much. I stood up and turned the music off, and I was about to get my water bottle until it was thrown at me. I was surprised to see Kiseop and Wooyoung-sshi standing right next to the door. They walked up to me and slapped my back. Since both of them slapped it at the same time, it kind of hurted. Almost like how I smacked Hoya's back, but not as repeatedly.

" Nice job! Didn't know you can't move like that. I haven't seen you dance by yourself for a long time." I rubbed my neck in embarrassment because I didn't even noticed they were watching me the whole time.

" Yeah, even I was a bit surprised!" Wooyoung-sshi hit my back again and went to put down his stuff.

" Thanks Kiseop and Wooyoung-sshi." Kiseop threw my towel at me and I dabbed myself. I took another sip of my water bottle and threw back into my bag. The bell rang and everybody else started to come in. My eyes grew wide when Hoya came in with somebody I didn't want to see at the moment- Jieun-sshi.

" Hey guys, you don't mind if my friend here watches us."

" No problem!"

" Fine with me."

" Sure. Just make sure she sits where she won't be in our way." Jieun-sshi sat in the back and I turned away. Kiseop placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring grip.

" What's wrong? I thought you got your thoughts off when you danced." I turned away not wanting to admit the truth.

" W-What do you mean?"

" You were trying to calm yourself through dancing right?" I nodded my head.

" You feel a bit better after you danced right?" I nodded my head again.

" Then you should be okay. Just dance your off and you will be fine." I laughed and nodded my head again.

" Thanks Kiseop. You always know what to say. It's great being friends with you." His expression turned a bit sad but he immediately smiled at me.

" Anything for my friend!"

" Okay! Everybody get in your spots!" I stood in the front and Hoya stood next to me. I decided that I should let it go and I playfully punched his shoulder. He looked back at me, punched me back, and smiled.

We began dancing, and it felt great, just like how Kiseop said. Dancing really helped me get rid of any thoughts that were jumbling around in my head. Though whenever I looked in the mirror, I could see Hoya looking at Jieun-sshi. She was looking somewhere else, she was looking at somebody else, but I wasn't able to tell who it was. Sometimes she would look my way and I would turn away, but she kept looking at somebody else. I mean she did look at Hoya a few times, but it was as if somebody else caught her eyes. I'm afraid it wasn't Hoya either.


At the café.......


Hoya's POV:


Ever since after lunch, Dongwoo-hyung hasn't been speaking to me. I don't know why either! It was fine during third period, but then after lunch he stopped talking to me. He isn't even talking or looking at me while he is working. Maybe the reason was because I didn't sit with him during lunch, but I mean he had the others too. So that shouldn't be the reason why.




During lunch.....

" Hyung, Jieun said she wanted to talk to the singing teacher. She is thinking of taking the singing class, so I won't be able to eat with you and the other guys. Can you tell them that." Dongwoo-hyung stared at me for a few seconds, and looked down at his tray. That's when I noticed he got food for the both of us. I made him use his own money for the both of us for lunch, yet I wasn't even going to eat! I felt really bad and was going to say something until he cut me off.

" That's okay. I will just eat all of this food myself." He bowed to Jieun and I and went to sit with the others. Though when Sunggyu-hyung looked at me, I got goosebumps and I felt cold all of a sudden.

" Let's go." Jieun was tugging on my arm, and we went to find the teacher.




" Dongwoo-hyung. Dongwoo-hyung. Dongwoo-hyung!"

" What! I'm busy working here if you can't see."

" I just wanted your attention." I heard him sigh and I lowered my head. I tried to make myself look pityful so I started to play around with my fingers. I heard him slide into the chair across from me and he spoke up.

" Hoya, look at me." I shook my head.

" Hoya, please, look at me." I shook my head again. I'm starting to like this.

" Yah! Lee Howon! Look at me or else no strawberry shortcake for you!" My head immediately looked up and Dongwoo-hyung started to laugh.

" D-Don't laugh! Just because I like strawberry shortcakes a lot, doesn't mean you can make fun of me."

" Sorry, Hoya, but it's just too funny." Dongwoo-hyung was wiping away the tears he got from laughing at me, and looked back at me with a smile. He patted my head, stood up, and left the table. Then he came back with a slice of strawberry shortcake. I looked up at him and he smiled with his huge, gummy smile. Just then my heart stop beating for a second. My body was getting all warm, and I felt a bit tingly.

" Hoya?"

" H-Huh?"

" You okay?"

" Y-Yeah, I'm okay."

" Good. Eat this before I take it back." I quickly picked up my fork and started eating it.

" I'm just kidding, you know that right?" He laughed at me again, and I stuck out my tongue out at him. Unconciously, my hand went back to my heart.

Weird. Why did my heart stop beating for a second there?




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This story made me miss Hoya so much.
He is enlisting today and I hope he'll return healthy.
Vanja77 #2
Chapter 2: I like how in the end of the chapter Dongwoo would dream about the previous events :) it's kinda sweet
Chapter 35: Aww~ I love this! They are so sweet
Chapter 35: i cried too much....
This story is too beautiful of friendship and love. I wonder if i can get myself a friend like that(but not prefer to fall in love with them).
Keyq1998 #6
Chapter 35: this story is beautiful T-T so beautiful and perfect T-T
MonieX3 #7
Chapter 35: awwwww ^^ so adorable. i have an insanely weak spot for a crying Dongwoo xD hehe, so cute. Awesome story ^-^
Chapter 35: omg its over! its strange and sad, but im happy! yaaays marriage!!! <3 thank you darling for such a fab story! <3 i loved it all!!!!!
Chapter 35: The ending was so cute! it was so fluffy!!
burdenheart #10
Chapter 35: i absolutely loved this ending. so nice and happy ^^ this story was really good! thanks for writing this. and as i said before this was one of my first stories i read in here so i will probably remember this story for a looong while ^-^