How Sadist?

My Sadistic Angel


Yeona woke up as the bright sunlight peeked at her window. From her bed, she looked at the clock beside her study table and  as she realized the time," Oh no, I'm gonna be late." 
On  her way to school she met her friend, " Hey you woke up late aren't you" Dara pointed at her tired eyes small as beads that made Yeona chuckled as yawned. 
At the school, Suho was walking at the hallway with his friend Kris. Thud! someone bumped into him, "The hell watch your way, son of a!" the guy said as he grabbed Suho's collar. " Move it, rat..." he answered to him with a malice look. " Hey, you shouldn't mess with Suho... " the guy's comrade whispered and the guy took his hands off immediately from Suho's collars and apologized to him with fear in his eyes.
"As expected to the Sadistic Angel" Kris put his hands on the back of his head trying to tease Suho. "Hey it's your girl", Kris pointed his mouth to Yeona and Dara standing not so far from them, She waved, she's so bold to do that, Dara thought, but Suho looked and gave her a cold stare that made the two froze for a moment and then Suho walked away. "So how's your relationship with Suho?" Dara bumped her elbow to Yeona..."Uhmmmm...On Sundays we date on town, though I'm always late. We eat lunch together, but he doesn't share his food, and we go home together, although we never hold hands while walking”, she said with a smile. I want it to be more romatic!!! She thought deep inside, "Hey girl, how can you survive in your sadistic boyfreind?" Dara joked...That made Yeona chuckled. Actually he's sweet to me, sometimes...I just think nobody sees it except me, she thought and giggled at herself.
At the cafeteria, Yeona was surrounded  by such crowd of students piling up over the counter to have their orders. Suddenly, she tripped and fell on the crowd. And the students didn't notice that they were stepping on Yeona. "Hey!", Suho shouted with an angry voice. Everyone froze and looked at Suho as he grabbed Yeona's both arms to hold her up. He stared at the other students, "Line up...", he starred at everyone and so they instantly lined up. Suho grabbed her to their table and shared his food to her. "Wow, so sweet", Kris smiled at them who's also at the table. Yeona smiled back but Suho suddenly stuffed with muffins. She hissed to him but he just smirked. She tried to swallow it but Suho put another one that almost made her choke. He gave her a soda and she drank it but when she was finished, Suho grabbed Kris and headed to their classroom
Sometimes he's sweet but there are times that he's also cold to me. it's kinda upsetting, she thought while staring at the table feeling lonely. 
After the lunch break, everyone goes to their classes.
Yeona's eyes were glued in front, trying to pay attention to the lecture. She couldn't focus because she’s still kinda upset with her boyfriend.
Finally the bell rang and the class ended. She slowly put her things to her bag and realized that everyone is already gone. Yeona walked into the hallway but some voices traveled to her way. She walked closer to the room and there, she saw Suho with a doll-like girl clinging into his arm and he seems to be happy. Suho felt her presence and saw her standing at the door. She smiled and looked at him then walked away. Suho pushed the girl's hand from his arm, "Oppa where are you going???", he glared at her and walked away. Suho looked for her and end up finding her at the back of the school lying under a big tree. "Hey...", Suho pinched her cheeks". “Aigoo!”, trying to take his hands off her face. "Yuck! Ypu’re drooling...", he pointed the saliva that slipped on Yeona's lips. “Aisssh, it's your fault. Why did you pinch my cheeks so hard?", she said trying to wipe her lips. Suho pulled her closer to him with her back against him but she just stared at the grass on the ground. "Who's that girl?" Yeona muttered. Suho rested his chin on her shoulder. “Ah, just a classmate, the prof. asked me to tutor her. Why? Are you jealous?", he smirked as he hugged her tighter. He pinched her nose. "Yaaaaaah!", Yeona tried to throw punches but he managed to catch it, " You almost ripped my nose!", she hissed. "Besdies, I'm not particularly jealous or anything...", she added as she slightly puffed her cheeks.
Suho put his hands to her head and he lean his face near to her. “You're not jealous? Not at all? You think nothing of it, Yeona?", he softly muttered as he attempted to crash his lips on her's. She pushed him and walked away. Heat was rushing to her cheeks that made her mind blank.
The next day, Yeona didn't see Suho at all. He must be very angry to me...Ugh. why did I walk away!!! I shouldn't have done it...For sure he's angry again, she thought to herself lowering her head in her palms. "HEY!", a voice startled her. It was Dara shaking her shoulder. "I've been calling you for 6 times...", she said. “You seem so down today?", she said while  tapping Yeona's head. "Ugh...He was about to kiss me yesterday but I walked out...i'm so dumb... ", she stuffed her face on her palms. "Aigoo…You let it slip...Waaaah"now it make sense" dara muttered, " What make sense?" Yeona furrowed her eyebrows
"well, he seems in a very bad mood to be merciless in the game a while ago... he played the piano in a very beautiful but gloomy piece and he's dark aura is creeping......."dara explained that made  yeona sigh deeply", Dara ruffling her hair. After that Dara left her alone.
Yeona walked in to the hallway with her head looking downward. When she felt that someone was looking at her. She pivoted in a slow quarter turn and she saw a girl. It was the girl who was flirting with Suho yesterday. It's awkward that she's looking at me, Yeona thought as she turned around and continued to walk. "Yah!! He doesn't like you!! You and Suho oppa won't last!!! S and another S is the worst comptibility!!!", the girl screamed and ran away. Yeona ignored her but what she said was echoing in her mind. She must be an M for her to say that, she deeply thought.  she gaped slightly * ah.......wait she said an S and another S is incompatible...Am I an S? does she mean I'm an M wanna be?* now yeona's was in spiral of confusion
The next day, Yeona was circling her spoon while taking her breakfat, worrying that Suho might be still angry at her. She grabbed her phone and dialed his number..."Oppa, meet me this morning at the gymnasium, arasseo?" and then she quickly cancelled the call not confirming if he will go or not.
At school, Yeona sprinted her way to the gymnasium. As she reached the gymnasiun, her eyes wandered for an angelic guy..Just when she thought he wasn't there, a pair of arms wrapped arround her and gave her a tight bear hug, "What is it? Something wrong?", he whipsered to her ear. She just smirked at him, "Oppa can't breathe...too tight". Suho loosen his embrace," oppa~" he put his index finger to her lips and reach out a candy to her. She looked at him for it was rare for him to give candies or sweets. She put the candy on and chomp it. Suho grinned at her, “It's a wasabi candy from my cousin...", he stated as Yeona blink her eyes as she felt the burning taste. "Op--Oppa...Wat---Water", Yeona stuttered asking for water. Suho gave her a bottle and she immediatly drank it, "Ahh, that's a sparkling wine..." Suho warned her but she already had a gulp of it that makes the spicy sensation worse. Tears welled up in her eyes but Suho just let out a chuckled and ruffled her hair. Yeona tapped his hands away and throw weak punches on him. 
"Yaaaaaaaaah!!! I’ve had enough!!! I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!! Look, I'm not an M who likes your pranks!!! I'm getting physically annoyed! I hate it when you're being cold and mean to me", she yelled as tears fell down on her face". It's painful when you're not treating me as your girlfriend…". She looked at him. "Yeona…", Suho muttered but she covered her ears with her palms, "BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!! I DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT! WE'RE BREAKING UP!!!" She screamed as she left…
It's over...It's OVER...Our relationship has ended. Wae am I the only one cares in this relationship? Yeona was crying while Dara is struggling to comfort her. Suddenly a strange guy approached them, "Hey, you’re Suho's girlfriend, right?”. She just stared on the guy who was a complete stranger. He leaned his head near to Yeona's face, "Give up on him...He's just a face...Let me satisfy you.", he attempted to kiss her but someone held him on his hair and pulled him away from Yeona. “Don't you come near my girl. Or else I WILL KILL YOU”, he said with a disdain. And then Suho threw him on the floor. 
“When he says it, he means it", Kris smirked and the guy started to run away.
"If you're going bre...", Yeona's voice was trembling but Suho just stared at her and it makes the tension bigger. He held her chin up and crashed his lips to Yeona's lips. "No...", Suho muttered as their lips parted”. “I want to see you everyday, to talk to you everyday. I want to tease you coz your expressions are so cute...And I never said that I like an M...And actually, it crossed my mind sometimes to be kinder, to change for you but I don't know how...", he was ruffling his hair as the worry fills his face. PLACK! Yeona slapped him in the face so hard. "You, jerk!!! That is hard to understand!!! If you really love me show them with your words and actions!!! Damn you're so confusing!!!~". Yeona smacked him a couple of times. Then, "Hey wait what are doing to OPPA!!~", a voice interfered. They looked who it was and they saw the doll like girl rushing to them. She grabbed Yeona's arm, “Why are you hurting OPPA?!~", the girl protested to her that made Yeona lose her patience. She swatted her hands. "Call him OPPA one more time and I'll pull your tongue and cut it off...", Yeona was glaring at her. "You understand?", the girl just nodded her head while trembling in fear as she felt yeona's dark aura.
Kris bumped his elbow to Dara, “Neh, now it makes me wonder......... don't you think Yeona is more sadistic? ”. Dara let out a chuckle.
“Put your arms around my waist", Yeona grabbed Suho's shirt tail. “Don't make me repeat it". Suho embraced her and it made him flustered. "Kiss me", she ordered him and he just smirked at her and pressed his lips against her lips.
This relationship is so weird but still romantic. So crazy, Yeona thought deep inside.
the End~
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SuhoSandi #1
Chapter 2: cute & funny
Chapter 3: Hahaha the title should be my sadistic girlfriend...>.<
OMG i'm creepin' smiling like Chanyeol!
All these feels...!!!!sxdcfqvghjpqosafvabhjkl!!!!

Suho Saranghae :)))
hahakap #4
ommo... I really like suho's character in this story.. Suho shows his love in different way.. Kyaaa make me melt