How He Captured Me

Valentine's Day


I woke up to the smell of disinfectant and medicine invading my nostrils. Ewww. That was disgusting. Staring up at the yellowing ceiling, I tried to lift my head but instantly regretted doing so, the throbbing sensation against my skull was hurting me so much that I wished I could just go back to that realm of unconsciousness to escape it.


"Owww," I mumbled out to the silent air. I let my eyes travel around this place I was in. There was a curtain around the bed I was lying on which was blocking most of my vision. I stretched out one hand to move it aside, freezing immediately when I noticed my hand which was wrapped in heavy layers of bandages. What puzzled me the most was the fact that there was some scribbles on the bandages. Bringing my hand closer to my face, I realize they weren't normal scribbles, it was actually a phone number. 


What in the world?


Right at that moment, the curtain was pushed aside with a loud swish, revealing a plump lady in a nurse uniform. 


"Oh good. You're finally up," she said impatiently.


"Excuse me?" I said slightly irritatedly but she just ignored me and pressed one chubby hand against my forehead. 


"Your fever's gone. You can leave now," she bustled around my bed, turning off machines and clearing away the cups and jars. She then proceeded to push me off the bed, stuffing some clothes into my arms, spinning me around and pushing me towards the direction of the bathroom, yelling something about changing and where the light switch was.


I was confused, my head was still throbbing but I did as she said. I returned to the room after I was done changing, the bed I had been lying on just minutes ago was so clean and made up that it looked like I was never there. Shaking my head, I left the room in search of the grumpy little nurse. I found her behind the receptionist's desk, chewing on a piece of fruit. 


"You can leave now," she repeated, pieces of fruit spraying everywhere as she spoke. It wasn't a pleasant sight. I cringed backwards slightly, afraid that she was going to get fruit on me. 


I guess I should thank her, she did take care of me when I was unconscious. Why had I been unconscious again in the first place? I couldn't remember. 


"Thank you for taking care of me," I said, slightly begrudgingly.


"Oh it wasn't me who took care of you, it was Junho sshi," she told me casually, though I thought I caught her emphasizing the word Junho considerably. Who was Junho again?


I asked her this earning a wide-eyed stare from her.


"You mean you don't know who Junho sshi is?"


"Erm…nope. I don't know anybody by the name of Junho."


"How can you not know! He's the one who carried you here! That strapping young man with the fine body and adorable eye smile and that …" She let the last line fade off awkwardly, her cheeks were turning a bright red. I wanted to snicker at her, looks like she had taken a liking to this Junho person.


"Sorry, I really don't know anybody who has a fine body, adorable eye smile and a banging ," I smiled at her. She glared at me, face still as red as a tomato. She huffed angrily before answering me. 


"Well, that's strange. He told me to tell you to call that number after you wake up," she pointed towards my hand in the bandages.


I thanked her again and left the clinic, wondering where the heck I was. It was an unfamiliar street but I was pretty sure I was still in Ilsan. I reached for my phone and realized I had forgotten to bring it along with me today. I cursed myself at my own stupidity and contemplated what next to do. 


"Boo." A voice came from behind me. A man's voice.


I literally jumped off the ground from shock, turning around quickly to match a face to the voice which was strangely soothing and smooth. No! I shouldn't be thinking about how good his voice sounded! He might be a stalker or some creep! 


Luckily for me, it wasn't some stalker or a creep at all. It was a rather good-looking young man, a faint hint of a grin tugging at his lips.


"Who are you?" I asked him cautiously. Good-looking or not, he was still a stranger after all.


"You forgot who I am? I'm disappointed. To think I actually carried you all the way to the clinic to receive treatment, and I paid for the bill as well!" He retorted, pouting his lips cutely.


"Wha-" Then it hit me, all the memories came flooding back, the broken glass, the cut, the blood, the warmth of his back, and…his eyes. I felt my cheeks heating up at that last thought. 


"You're Junho?" I thought back to what the nurse had said. So this was the fine bodied, adorable eye smile and banging Junho. The nurse definitely got it right. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking this! I don't even know him! I quickly dispelled the inappropriate thoughts of the young man standing in front of me. 


"Bingo," he replied with a smirk.


"Oh," I said lamely. What were you suppose to say to the savior of your life again? Oh yes, I should thank him.


"Thanks for taking care of me?" It sounded more like a question than an actual statement. 


"Anything for a pretty lady," he sang and winked at me.


Oh dear. 




I heard my name being called across the courtyard. I smiled to myself when I heard his voice. I had grown so accustomed to it now ever since that faithful day. I decided to ignore his calls just to and continued walking along the corridor towards the library. Angry calls were heard from him and I snickered to myself silently.


"HEY! I SAID HEY!" He finally caught up to me, grabbing one of my shoulders and spinning me around to face him.


"Oh Junho sshi!" I feigned ignorance and greeted him pleasantly, holding in my laughter at his red and sweaty face.


"Don't you oh Junho sshi me, I know very well that you heard me calling you and yet you decided to ignore me! You're such a bad girl," he complained irritably.


"I swear that I didn't hear you calling me Junho sshi, all I heard was some foul words being thrown about, disrupting the morning silence and peace," I smirked at him as he blushed from embarrassment. I continued on my way towards the library with Junho tagging along next to me now. We bickered a bit more and bantered on about other random things.


Junho and I had begun our bizarre friendship after the day of the accident. I was rather surprised to find out that we went to the same high school after getting to know each other a little better. How I've never even seen him before around school will remain a mystery forever. But here we were, walking to the library together. I had grown rather close to him over the time I've spent with him. Sure, his millions of crushes were cursing me to die every single moment of the day but I ignored that minor detail. It's just…it was so comfortable to have him around, so comfortable to the point that, I felt strange when he wasn't around to annoy me. 


Junho was an easy person to like. He was kind and sweet and funny, he also had that same aura and attraction that my sister possessed and his good looks were definitely a plus. I don't see how anyone could ever dislike him. 


I think…I may have turned into a fangirl of his. I wanted to gag at the thought of that. How could I even think that?! He was just a really good friend of mine that's all! 


"Hey, you okay? You're not running a fever again are you?" Junho's voice was laced with worry, his eyebrows were furrowed together as he looked into my eyes. I stared back into those deep pools of chocolate brown, getting slightly lost in them. 


A disturbing thought suddenly occurred to me.


Was I in love with Lee Junho?


I couldn't be…right?




"You most definitely are dongsaeng ah," my sister answered my question with a huge smile on her face. Once again, my daggers of doom failed to penetrate her bubbly defense.


"I can't be. He's just a great friend of mine. That's it," I cringed at how pathetic and desperate and lame I sounded.


"Okay let me ask you this, do you feel lonely when he's not around? Do you feel the need to see him every single moment of the day? Does your heart beat increase dramatically whenever he is around? Do you smile just by thinking about him? If you answer yes to any of those questions mentioned above, then you're most definitely in love with this Junho person," she waggled one finger at me and nodded her head approvingly, obviously pleased with herself.


I was stunned speechless. I did feel all those things and more about Junho. I wanted to kill myself. I couldn't be in love with Junho. No, I CAN'T be in love with him. What would he think?! He would probably think I was another weirdo fangirl that was only obsessed with his looks or something. I didn't want to be thought of like that by him. Just thinking about it made me shiver in fear.


"Ahhh, I'm so happy for you dongsaeng ah! You're finally in love!" My sister gave me a quick squeeze and beamed at me happily. 


I just smiled back meekly in return. The sound of my handphone vibrating caught my attention. I picked my phone, heart nearly stopping when I saw who was the sender. 


I quickly opened the message and scanned through it quickly. My heart really did stop for a minute there after I was done reading.



Junho :D :


Annyeong! It's me! Listen, I need your help. I really really like this girl that I met recently! I think…I'm in love with her kekeke. Do you mind helping me out so I can make her mine? Please, please, please, with a cherry on top. Tell me as soon as you see this message!



I guess I did have a valid reason for not loving him now.

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stephanie_bep #2
(yarr im hardcore stalking) BANGING JUNHO HAHAHAHA <3
I loved this story.
motsaengyeossda #4
OMG So adorable! It's cliche but terribly cute. Very nice!
Awwwwww so cute~!! :)
junhoan #6
Aww.. Thats so cute.. Junho yaa.. Love it!
Anything for a pretty lady~ XDD ahhhhahahahha you write such cute and sweet stories ^____^ <33
I loved the story keke~<br />
I'm a little late though.....<br />
Junho with the banging lol... and "with extra whip?"<br />
Junho is soooo cute in this story!! I LOVE IT<br />
"With extra whip?" Junho so cute. and they got hitched at the end too. this was cute, and the scene for her date was <3
haha the receptionist, her description of Junho XD<br />
but the message o_o