How He Swept Me Off My Feet

Valentine's Day


I walked towards the little cafe that Junho and I always met up at. It had become our place in a sense, where we would just sit and talk about anything at all, for hours and hours, while sipping on our usuals, honey lemon tea for me and chocolate chip frappucinno with extra whip for him. Remembering those times made my footsteps feel a lot more heavier, the feeling of just turning around and walking away was also gradually growing.


I literally had to drag myself the last 10 feet towards the cafe. I couldn't back out now, not after agreeing to help him with his master scheme. He had sounded so happy, the excitement undeniable. It felt like I was helping everybody with their love life, everybody except myself.


The familiar tinkle of the bell rang in my ears as I pushed the door to the cafe open. The smell of brewing coffee and bubbling tea invaded my senses, making my stomach rumble slightly.


I scanned the place, looking for that familiar pair of eyes. My search came up short, he wasn't here. Looks like I was early today which was strange since Junho is usually the one who's early. I settled into the comfy little chair at the table next to the window, our usual place here. The waitress, she was also our usual waitress, came over to take my order when she spotted me, a sweet smile on her face.


"Alone today?" She asked me politely.


"I'm waiting for him. One honey lemon and one chocolate chip frappucinno with extra whip please." 


"Your boyfriend shouldn't make you wait," she laughed as she took down my order.


My heart twinged a little at her words, but I quickly smothered that ridiculous feeling of hope.


"He isn't my boyfriend," I told her with a meek smile.


"Ahhh really? That's strange," she muttered the last part under her breath before leaving to prepare the drinks.


I turned my attention back to the window. I watched the window fog up from the cold morning air. It was still chilly here despite the sun shining brightly in the sky. I watched as the people pass by outside, some rushing off in a hurry, some strolling along lazily. My eyes focused on this one couple who were glued together, the girl giggling happily as the boy wrapped one arm around her. I smiled at that, that same feeling of jealously surfacing again. Jay and my sister were like that whenever they were together. I would always make fun of them but now I was just incredibly envious.


The sound of the bell tinkling caught my attention. I looked towards the door, feeling disappointed when it wasn't Junho. Sighing, I turned back to the window, giving myself a huge surprise when I saw Junho sitting right in front of me, head propped on his palm, a mellow expression on his face.


When and how did he get here without me noticing?!


"How long have you been sitting there?" I asked him, trying to calm my heart which was beating like crazy.


"Since quite some time ago," he replied lazily, his eyes never leaving mine.


I felt it again, that sensation of falling into his twin pools of chocolate brown. It was an amazing feeling, but still I knew, that it wasn't meant to be. So I tore my eyes away unwillingly, breaking eye contact with him. 


"Hey…" he started, I could hear the nervousness in his voice.


"Sorry for the wait. Here's your drinks. Enjoy," the waitress set down our drinks and bowed before leaving us alone again. I wrapped both hands around the cup, glad for the distraction of the warmth and sweet aroma coming from it. I glanced at Junho, he was eyeing his drink with a strange expression on his face.


"Is there something wrong?" I asked him, curiosity getting the better of me.


"Did you order this?" He answered me with a question of his own.


"Yeah I did."


"With extra whip?" He asked seriously.


"With extra whip," I chuckled at his question. It was such a typical Junho thing, making sure he got his extra whip.


He smiled brightly at me, bringing me back to reality with a hard bump. Soon, there wouldn't be anymore of the little moments that only the both of us shared. Soon, his smiles would no longer belong to me, his laughs no longer directed at me, his chocolate chip frappucinno with extra whip no longer ordered by me. All this little moments was going to be shared by him with someone else.


This sudden realization hit me hard in the face till I was struggling just to keep a calm composure on the surface.


"Alright, so how are you going to impress this girl, loverboy?" I asked him quickly, trying to make this dreadful conversation end as soon as possible.


He contemplated this, playing with his drink as he thought. 


"Well, what would you want me to do, if you're said girl I'm trying to impress?" There was a sparkle in his eyes, as if he was hiding a secret that I didn't know about. 


I laughed the irony of his question, shaking my head in defeat. I began describing my ideal date to him. It felt so unreal, talking about this, to my ideal guy.


"Well firstly, he's gotta get me this enormous bouquet of white roses."




Valentine's Day finally arrived. 


While millions of couples around the world were celebrating their love, I was lazing on my couch, reading a book. My sister was out with Jay on their romantic dinner in the restaurant where they had their first date so I had the whole place to myself. I checked the clock sitting on the mantlepiece. It was nearly midnight. Jay should have proposed to her by now. I smiled at the thought of how happy and surprised she would be. 


Junho should be about done with his own adventure with his girl as well. I had helped him with the arrangements and everything else that I possibly could. I hoped his date ended well, that girl better treat him right or I'm going to do something drastic that involves a lot of violence.


My phone suddenly rang, that familiar ringtone that was only reserved for one person. Well, speak of the devil. I picked it up and flipped it open lazily.


"Yobosaeyo?" I tried to make my voice sound as sleepy as possible. I don't think I would be able to take his excruciatingly detailed breakdown of how the date went, not now at least.


"Yobosaeyo? I need your help!" He practically yelled through the phone. 


"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. 


"I forgot to bring that bouquet of white roses! It's at my house, can you please, please, please, help me get it and pass it to me?" 


I wanted to throw my phone across the room right there. No, actually I wanted to throw Junho's phone across the room and destroy it into oblivion, and give him a good punch to the face while I'm at it. I rolled my eyes and muttered a string of curse words under my breath. Junho was so stupidly hopeless sometimes. 


"Fine. Where are you?" I spat out angrily.


"Thank you so much. You're the most wonderful person I know!" Looks like my daggers of doom does not travel across radiowaves.


He told me the place he was at and hung up, not before reminding me to hurry up though. I stared at the blank screen of my phone, feeling extremely tempted to just stand him up and go to bed. Sighing at my own stupidity, I slipped on a pair of shoes and left the house, on my way to helping my first love end up with another girl.


I must be the stupidest person in the world.




"Junho, where the hell are you? I'm here already. Shouldn't you be too!?" I muttered angrily into the phone, crouching low and scanning the place for that familiar figure while clutching a giant bouquet of white roses in my arms.  A faint light coming from a corner caught my attention as I creeped closer towards it.


"I'm here! You just have to walk a little closer…"


"What are talking about? I don't see-" I turned the corner, mouth dropping wide when I saw what was in front of me. 


The night was dark that night, with only a handful of stars sprinkled randomly in the sky, which made the white stand out even more that it already does. There was a trail of white rose petals on the ground which lead to a massive white thing in the middle of the place. I squinted to see what exactly was that white thing, it looked…fluffy.


"Told you you just have to walk a little closer didn't I?" Junho's voice came from both the phone next to my ear and above me.


I looked up, surprised to see him standing above me with a smug grin on his lips. I straightened up from my crouching position immediately, embarrassed at being caught in such a position. Junho was clad in a simple fitting white suit matched with a white bow tie. It looked good on him, I couldn't help but blush furiously.  


"Where's your girl?" I asked him, squeezing the bouquet a little too hard.


"Let me show you," he took my free hand in his and began dragging me towards the fluffy white thing.


"What?! Lee Junho, have you gone insane?" I tried pulling away but he used his superior strength against me and continued pulling me along.


"Yah! Lee Junho! You don't bring other girls to dates you idiot! Are you seriously that thick?" I screamed at him, still pulling with all my might.


"I know that much! I'm not stupid or insane, or an idiot either," I heard the laugh in his voice, could literally see the smirk on his face.


"Then why are you doing this!?" 


We were right in front of the white thing now. Being so close to it, I finally made out what it was, a canopy decorated completely with white roses and feathers, no wonder it looked fluffy. And under the canopy was a round table also covered with a while tablecloth with one lone candle burning in the middle. Two elegant chairs sat next to the table, both the chairs were empty.


It was exactly how I described it, back that day when we were talking in the cafe. This was my ideal date, everything would be pure white with…


"Thank you for bringing the roses," Junho lifted it out of my arms and knelt down on one knee. I stared at him, dumbfounded. 


"I felt attracted to you since the very first time I met you, which was the day we bumped into each other and you destroyed my presentation which was made entirely of glass. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that you were running a fever and ended up fainting on my back. If you didn't, then I wouldn't have had the chance to meet you."


"I wrote down my phone number on your bandages, waiting for you to call me when you woke up, but I couldn't wait, I wanted to see you so badly, so I went to the clinic to introduce myself to you personally. The time I've spent with you after that day has been the best of my life so far. You make me want to jump in joy every time you smile at me. You make me all giddy with excitement by just talking to me. You make me feel complete." He took my hand in his, caressing it tenderly.


"I won't ask you to be my valentine, because valentines only lasts for one day. So instead, will you be my girlfriend?" He grinned up at me cheekily, while handing me the roses.


I stood there, not moving a muscle, still trying to absorb what was happening. So the person Junho's in love with was me? So I had unexpectedly helped him plan our date? So I had brought this flowers to give to myself? I felt like fainting.


"Hey, you're not running a fever again are you?" He stood up, looking at me worriedly. 


"You're…in love with me? I was that girl in your message?" I asked him wondrously.


He laughed, that same laugh that I had come to love. Wrapping both arms around me, he smiled down at me.


"Of course you are, you silly girl, who else could it be?" He said simply.


"I-I don't know what to say."


"Just say yes and I'll take care of everything else."


I hesitated, still quite not believing that this was true. But it was real, I was in his arms, he was smiling at me. All the things I thought I would lose actually belonged to me, his smiles, his laughs, his chocolate chip frappucinnos with extra whip and most importantly, he belonged to me. As soon as I say those magic words, he would become mine.




"Thank you, girlfriend," he leaned in slowly and captured my lips. 


He was my first love, he took my first kiss, he made me experience things that I never knew I could feel, he made me believe in love, he made me believe in Valentine's Day and the magic of it.


And now 10 years later, here we were at the altar, getting ready to exchange our wedding rings, getting ready to spend the rest of our lives together. I looked up at his handsome face, at his eyes which were glimmering with unshed tears. I'm sure mine looked the same, the happiness I was feeling was indescribable. Jay and my sister were in the front row, married as well, with two beautiful kids of their own.


"Thank you Junho," I whispered to him.


"For what? Marrying you? It was all part of the plan," he grinned.


"Well yes, for marrying me and making sure I don't become some sad little old lady who keeps a million cats," I rolled my eyes at him as he chuckled under his breath.


"But no, thank you, for making me believe in Valentine's Day," I leaned in for a quick kiss on his lips.


"Anything for a pretty lady."

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stephanie_bep #2
(yarr im hardcore stalking) BANGING JUNHO HAHAHAHA <3
I loved this story.
motsaengyeossda #4
OMG So adorable! It's cliche but terribly cute. Very nice!
Awwwwww so cute~!! :)
junhoan #6
Aww.. Thats so cute.. Junho yaa.. Love it!
Anything for a pretty lady~ XDD ahhhhahahahha you write such cute and sweet stories ^____^ <33
I loved the story keke~<br />
I'm a little late though.....<br />
Junho with the banging lol... and "with extra whip?"<br />
Junho is soooo cute in this story!! I LOVE IT<br />
"With extra whip?" Junho so cute. and they got hitched at the end too. this was cute, and the scene for her date was <3
haha the receptionist, her description of Junho XD<br />
but the message o_o