How We Met

Valentine's Day


"Valentine's Day. What's so great about it anyways?!" I muttered angrily to myself as I rushed down the stairs, taking two at a time and finally leaping the last four steps, landing like a cat onto the carpeted floor.


"Omo, sweetie. You're finally up?" My sister cooed lovingly at me when she spotted me gulping down my orange juice and sloppily spreading some butter onto my burnt toast.


I sent her death glares which just bounced off of her bubbly armor of unending happiness and joy.


"You were suppose to wake me up unnie! I told you I had an important presentation today didn't I?" I was cranky and having a serious case of lack of sleep. I was on edge and my nerves were near breaking point. This few days hadn't been the best I had either.


"I'm really sorry dongsaeng ah. But I'm just too excited! It's almost Valentine's Day! And Jay is taking me out for a fancy dinner!" She squealed happily, a huge bright smile lit up her face. 


I looked at her feeling defeated. I shrugged and just smiled weakly, I could never get mad at my sister. She was those type of people that you just love the moment you meet them, it's like they have this aura or attraction that pulls you towards them and makes you like them. I was jealous at times of her for having this wonderful gift.


"Jay. Jay. Jay. When are you guys getting married again?" I lightly as she passed me my tumbler. She blushed a bright red and started stuttering embarrassedly, trying to hide her blushing face behind her delicate hands.


"W-What are you talking about?! I-I haven't even t-thought about this! And I'm sure Jay hasn't either!" She sputtered out.


"Sure. Sure. Whatever you say unnie," Little did she know, Jay was planning to propose to her at their dinner on Valentine's Day. How did I know? Well, I did have a hand in the arrangements leading up to the big event. Jay had come begging me for help when he told me about his plans. I couldn't say no. Jay was adorable and a great guy and unnie was really happy with him. 


I pecked her cheek before heading for the front door. She followed me, her fluffy bedroom slippers slapping against the wooden tiles. 


"I'll see you soon then unnie, tell me everything that happens alright?" I put extra emphasis on the word everything and winked at her cheekily. She laughed her dainty little laugh and hugged me.


"Behave yourself alright dongsaeng ah. Aigoo, I get so worried every time you step out of the house," she shook her head exasperatedly. 


"You don't have to. I know how to take care of myself, you should focus on yourself and lover boy," I teased again.


She blushed even harder and handed me my schoolbag. 


"Have a nice day!"


"See you," and I was off, walking briskly along the pavement towards the direction of my school.


As I walked, I thought back to the last few weeks I had spent with her boyfriend, Jay as we prepared for the big event. I would never forget how he would call my sister's name. It was just so different from how any other person called her. It was filled with unending love and affection, filled with tenderness and gentleness. I noticed that she used the exact same tone whenever she talked about Jay, even if it's something small and simple like, "Oh, Jay is coming over today."


I guess I shouldn't be surprised. They're high school sweethearts after all. It's almost 10 years now since they've been together.


I guess, I was also jealous of their relationship. I wish I could have something like what they share. Someone to care for and love for the rest of your life. I wanted someone to sweep me off my feet and catch me whenever I fall. Someone that would be my knight in shining armor and defeat all the bad guys. Someone that I could call my own.


To call myself a hopeless romantic would be a huge understatement.


This was why I was still single after 17 years of existing on this Earth. I had high standards, too high standards to be honest, for my ideal boyfriend. My friends would laugh, not cruelly though, whenever I describe my ideal type to them. And every single time they would tell me that someone like that does not exist. That I should be content if I could get a decent guy.


But I refused to believe that there was no one for me on this Earth. My soulmate was out there somewhere, someone who will fit me perfectly, who will complete my missing puzzle piece. So until I meet him, I was going to keep searching. Who knows? I might just run into him today. Valentine's Day was right around the corner after all.


I was busy daydreaming about BIGBANG's G-Dragon and fantasizing about him being my soulmate that I accidentally bumped into someone when I turned the corner. The sound of breaking glass pierced the silent morning air and snapped me back to my senses.


"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" I apologized fervently and squatted down to help pick up the broken glass pieces, not really thinking through my actions.


"Ahhh! Be careful! It's okay, just leave the glass!" The person said with a voice of alarm.


Too late. I picked up one of the broken glass pieces and dropped it back onto the ground instantly, shattering it into even smaller pieces of glass. I had cut myself, one long gash ran the length of my palm where I had held the glass. The blood came pouring out from the wound.


"Damn it!" I cursed as I looked around for some sort of source of water to rinse off the blood. The thick droplets of blood were dripping onto my shirt and skirt, staining it a deep red colour. I applied pressure onto my palm, trying to stop the bloodflow which wasn't letting up.


"Here. Let me."


One large and tanned hand reached out for my own while in the other was a roll of bandages. 


I looked up, finally identifying the person I had bumped into and felt my heart skip a beat. It was a guy, and a really good-looking one too. His features were sharp and defined, a long nose, plump lips and really tiny eyes which made him look really cute.


I blinked, trying to gather my jumbled thoughts when he grabbed my hand on his own and started wrapping the wound with the bandages. I saw the blood seep through each fresh layer of bandage quickly and realized that I was losing quite a lot of blood.


Mr. Good-Looking clucked his tongue impatiently when he noticed that the blood wasn't stopping. He looked at me for a second and clucked his tongue again. Then, he pulled me up with him with him so quickly that I didn't even notice I was on my feet again. 


"I'm really sorry about this, the blood isn't stopping and I don't have any proper first aid tools with me right now. I'm taking you with me to fix you up, is that okay with you?" He said all this in one long and quick breath that I didn't catch half of what he was saying. But nonetheless, I just nodded dumbly.


Mr. Good-Looking took my uninjured hand in his own, completely engulfing my tiny one with his huge one, and began walking to wherever he was headed to. I trundled along behind him, feeling a little unsteady on my feet. His hand felt rough against mine, I could feel calluses and healed cuts everywhere our skin made contact. This was the hand of a man. 


Hmmm, that was quite a strange thing to think of, now that I think back to it.


I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I tripped over my own two feet and fell to my knees. A sharp pain shot up my entire body from my knees. I winced as I struggled to get up, the tiny stones on the pavement cutting into the bare skin on my knees. 


"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have walked so fast. Are you okay? Can you walk?" He bombarded me with this questions, making my already throbbing head hurt even more as I tried to process what he was saying.


"Are you okay? You're losing too much blood. Here climb on." He squatted down with his back facing me.


"What are you doing?" I croaked out, surprising myself with my own shaky voice.


"I'm going to carry you there. You're obviously in no condition to walk. Hurry and climb on," he urged me.


Once again, I just followed his orders. He hoisted me up like I was a bag of feathers and linked his hands underneath my backside. I slumped onto his shoulders, resting my throbbing head against his cheeks, not quite aware that I was doing it. Everything was becoming a muddled blur.


"What's your name pretty lady?" I vaguely remember him asking me. I looked at him through blurry eyes, frowning slightly. He was smiling at me, his eyes crinkly half-moons. It was beautiful.


I said my name.


"Nice to meet you, I'm Junho."


Then I out.



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stephanie_bep #2
(yarr im hardcore stalking) BANGING JUNHO HAHAHAHA <3
I loved this story.
motsaengyeossda #4
OMG So adorable! It's cliche but terribly cute. Very nice!
Awwwwww so cute~!! :)
junhoan #6
Aww.. Thats so cute.. Junho yaa.. Love it!
Anything for a pretty lady~ XDD ahhhhahahahha you write such cute and sweet stories ^____^ <33
I loved the story keke~<br />
I'm a little late though.....<br />
Junho with the banging lol... and "with extra whip?"<br />
Junho is soooo cute in this story!! I LOVE IT<br />
"With extra whip?" Junho so cute. and they got hitched at the end too. this was cute, and the scene for her date was <3
haha the receptionist, her description of Junho XD<br />
but the message o_o