The One For Us

Unexpected Chance

After a few seconds the lights went out and the curtains in front of me, that I thought was just for decorative, opened like the curtains in a stage program. There was also a spotlight that was focused in a grand piano and another spotlight was focused to the man sitting in front of it. As the man start playing the keys a familiar intro of the song was formed, it was Baby Don’t Cry of EXO. The moment I saw this man’s side profile I knew already who he was and then just before the start of the first verse of the song he look sideways, towards me, smiling.


 It is Luhan…..


 It is Luhan….


 My heart beat faster as he was singing the song while playing the piano and still looking at me.


Ni jiu bie zai you yu le hao ma
jiu qing na chu wo de xin zang
na xiang yi dao hen ci yan de guang mang
lian ye de yue guang ba yan jing guan shang

Ru guo bu shi wo shi bie de nan ren
ru guo zhi shi xi ju li mian de yi ju hua
shao gan le jiu ba, wo yuan he ni de ai jiao huan shang heng


[ENGLISH: Just stop hesitating, okay?
Just please take out my heart like a dazzling ray of light
Even the moonlight of the night, close your eyes
If it’s not me, it’s another man, if this is a line from a drama
When it’s burnt up it will stop, I’ll exchange your love with pain]



A tear escape my eyes even though the song was telling not to cry, I can’t help it my emotions were overwhelming a mixture of happiness, thrill and nervousness.



Baby don’t cry, tonight dang hei ye zai ci liang qi lai
Baby don’t cry, tonight jiu dang zuo mei fa sheng guo yi yang
Ni yong yuan dou bu hui hua cheng xiang pao mo yi yang
Nan dao ni bu zhi dao ma
So baby don’t cry, cry wo de ai shou hu ni bu fen kai


[ENGLISH: Baby don’t cry tonight, when the dark night lights up again
Baby don’t cry tonight, just pretend that it didn’t happen
You will never turn into sea foam, did you not know?
So baby don’t cry cry, my love will protect you and won’t leave you


After the first chorus the song was gently transitioning to other song and it was Peter Pan, one of my favourites, and Luhan start singing it too.


Oh~Woo~oh Oh~Woo~Oh Oh Oh
Lao qu de ri ji zai qiang jiao bei yi wang
Fan kai bei hui chen fu gai diao de guo wang
Zai na yi ye ni hai na me yao yan yi ran liu zai li mian
Guo qu de hua mian jian jian dou xing guo lai
Xin tiao ye hao xiang na tian yi yang peng pai
Ke xi shi jian que bu neng sui xin suo yu de dao tui

Ni de bi de pan li kai ni you yi dian gu dan
Hui dao wo men de Never Land
Hui yi dou hai zai wo men bi ci ning wang wei xiao dou hai zai
Wo yong yuan shi ni bi de pan wo hai liu zai shi jian li qi pan
Chuan yue yun cai fei guo ji yi de hai qu kan wu ke ti dai de ai

[ENGLISH: Oh~Woo~oh Oh~Woo~Oh Oh Oh
An old diary was forgotten in a corner
Flip open the past that has been overwritten by dust
On that page, you still shine as before, still inside there
Each of those scenes from the past reawakens bit by bit
My heartbeat is also surging like it did on that day
Unfortunately, time can’t go turn back according to what the heart wants

Your Peter Pan, after leaving you he was a bit lonely
Come back to our Never Land
All the memories are still there, our smiles as we stared at each other are still here
I’ll forever be your Peter Pan, I’m still here in time looking forward to it
Travel through the clouds, fly over the sea of memories, go to see your irreplaceable love]



His sweet….

angelic voice….

I can’t believe it…

I feel like I’m in dream land….

I’m afraid of waking up in my room only to find out that I am just dreaming…


Another tear escape my eyes, I don’t have strength to wipe it with my hand, I feel so weak and floating on air.


Fan guo you ni zui hou yi duan
Sui ran hui you yi dian yi han
Ba bei shang jie san yong xi wang de yu yan qu xiu gai ti dai
Rang shi jian de fa tiao kuai zhuan
Wo men de gu shi hai you yi ban
Mou ge zhuan wan ming yun hai zai deng dai yi ding hui you mei li an pai

[ENGLISH: I flipped to the last bit about you
Although I’ll feel a bit of regret
I’m going to dissolve the sadness, and use the language of hope to fix and substitute
Let time fast forward
We still have half of our story left
At some turn, fate is still waiting, they definitely have a beautiful plan for us]



Every lyrics of the song struck me, good thing I know the meanings of them by heart. Then the music started to slow down and reaching its end and as he played the last note he stared at me. Another tear slide through my cheeks and he stood up smiling angelically and started to walk towards me.  It’s like we were in a wedding scene but he was the one walking down the aisle and I’m the one waiting at the altar.


Luhan the beautiful bride…. And me the proudest groom


Heat rushed through my face and I can’t help not to giggle just thinking about it, but my tears flows freely this time I felt like an idiot crying but laughing. Then as he was getting nearer and nearer I began crying hard while sobbing, I tried to suppress my overwhelming emotions but I just can’t….. happiness, nervousness, longing, astonishment were all there. I know I’m over acting but what can I do? It’s what I feel.  I tried to wipe away my tears but there were many of them, while I’m busy trying to calm myself, he was already in front of me and he held my face and wipe some of my tears and I just stared at him still my tears were flowing happily.


“Hush now Chloe, stop crying okay?” he said while he was kneeling in front of me since I’m sitting and he smiled at me but his eyebrows furrowed, I guess he was worried since I’m such a crybaby.


“Wow you can speak engilsh?” I asked amazed


“Yeah” he said shyly as he scratched the back of his head


“and Understand it?” I asked again really amazed


“Yeah… I  studied it” he said as he chuckled lightly


“Wow… Deabak” I just uttered and my tears already stopped


He smiled brightly as he held my hand and we both stood up and he led me to the middle of the room. He held my left hand and my waist with his right hand and we started to sway from right to the left. “We look like idiots come on….. dancing without music” I told him “ Nah it’s alright our hearts can make music on their own and we can dance to them” he grin sheepishly. “I never thought you’re too cheesy…. And you even have pick up lines” I told him as I can’t help laughing at him “Am I that really funny?” he asked me as he pulled me closer to him, our faces were inches apart.


We were staring at each other’s eyes, I was so indulged in to its roundness and softness gaze then he whispered “Sorry”.  “Sorry for what?” I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. “Sorry for leaving you” he managed to tell me “It’s alright; you need to go back right?” I told him. He look at me in disbelief “It’s not alright, I made you sad and you even act like a robot” he said guiltily.  “How did you know that?” I asked surprised “Lyn?” he said shyly “Oh yeah Lyn” I said as I rolled my eyes. Of course Lyn has connection with them…. And I don’t…. I thought and pouted, he chuckled and then he kissed my forehead which made me froze “I don’t know what to do with you and your cuteness” he spoke while his lips was still touching my forehead and my face became hot, I felt embarrassed.


He embraced me with his head above my shoulder and I was leaning against his chest, we were still dancing without music. “I really thought that you liked Kris” he said I didn’t response “that you were just kind to me because of him…. Also I was jealous but I don’t know why at that time…. maybe due to our communication barrier although you knew English very well and a few Korean as for me I don’t know how to communicate with you with my bad English….” He continued and still hugged me I didn’t want to interrupt him I just want to listen to his beautiful voice. “While he can perfectly communicate with you without any hindrance, but now I know too well….” He chuckled without finishing his statement. “Why are you laughing? And what you knew too well?” I asked curiously “that….that… you had a crush on me” he said and let out a hearty laugh “Urgg….” I just said due to embarrassment and my cheeks were really hot good thing I’m leaning in his chest so he can’t see my red face. “Sorry…. It’s Lyn” he said and he stopped laughing.

Oh yeah right Lyn and without break….. I will get you later Lyn….


“Are you mad?” he asked when he noticed that I’m too silent, well to silent threatening Lyn for my crushed pride.. “No” I just said shyly “So… you really had a crush on me?” he asked teasingly  “Well what can I do? Lyn already told you about it…… huh…. And I think in full detailed huh…. Now I can’t play hard to get right?” I told him not so wanting to admit it but he already knew so what’s the use. He again chuckled “You really are funny” he just said as he pulled away from our embraces and look me in the eye as we stop dancing “that’s why I like you” he said as he blushed shyly. “I like you too” I told him even though I know my face is red as a tomato. We both laugh shyly in our confession; I don’t feel awkward at all as if I already knew him long enough like I was just telling secrets to a best friend and I think he too wasn’t awkward at all. We started to walk towards the piano chair to sit down and we look at each other.


“Luhan? When did you know…. That you like me?” I can’t help asking him, maybe it’s not awkward since he knew I liked him even before right? “Well…. I realized that after you left us in our hotel…. I tried to run after you but you already rode the taxi, but maybe I liked you already during our first meeting….” he chuckled shyly and I too giggled at him. “Uhm… so Chloe what’s your story…. Just wanna know it…. If you don’t mind” he asked as he smiled brightly “Does Lyn tell you everything?” I asked him teasing “Well quite a lot” he said “but you know it’s  her perspective I wanna know yours” he continued as he lean towards my face teasing, it affects me and made me blushed, he just chuckled.


“Well….” I started but still hesitating but I still continued “Well during your debut last year I’m still busy being a loyal fan of Super Junior so I still don’t know you or any one of you. Hehehe but Lyn started following your group since according to her you were under SMe, a family of Super Junior and Shinhwa. So she introduced EXO to me then she said kris was hers so I just have to pick other. Then my eyes landed on you as we watched different videos your group have and I don’t know why but I find you so beautiful hehehe” I look at him and he pouted “See… you look like a girl” I , he just rolled his eyes I guess he was used to it.  “I have a crush on you since then, until that day you and Kris followed me…. That after seeing you with him I wasn’t able to act well”I said closing my eyes, I think if I would see his reactions I wouldn’t be able to continue. Remembering how I go ‘gaga’ with him during those days was so embarrassing.


As I opened my eyes his face was an inch away from me and he was so serious and his round eyes were very hypnotizing and it lure me to a starry night sky. I didn’t notice that our faces were moving towards each other it’s like our subconscious were kicking in. Right there and there I felt his soft lips in mine and we kissed softly but passionately.


After him and I separate from our kiss, 



“I think this is my ‘LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT’” he whispered while smiling brightly.

“As for me, I guess ‘DREAMS DO COME TRUE’” I told him smiling brightly.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Dear Readers!

     The story of CHLOE and LUHAN has come to an end... (thank goodness *sob* *sob* *sob*) just want to THANK ALL OF YOU out there that spent their time reading my story, commenting, subscribing and adding me as a friend. This is my first fanfic that I was able to finished..... hahaha.... so that's all. Love you guys I hope you'll still support and give me inspiration :) <3 <3 <3


Love from the bottom of my heart and hyphothalamus,

joa_nna26 \(>_<) ~annyeong~


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Chapter 14: I love it so much and it has a very touching end that im crying!!! *Wipe fake tear*
Chloelovesbaekyeolll #2
Chapter 14: Hhuhuhu <3 I LOVED IT SO MUCH T-T thank god it's made with my name !!! I love it even more cuz u author r so AWSOME. Thank you
luyoon90 #3
Chapter 14: So cute ending :) Congratulations for finishing this :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 14: Daebakk ^^ finally they meet each other :)
luyoon90 #5
Chapter 11: what will happen next?????? please please please update very very very soon!!!!
luyoon90 #6
Chapter 8: OMG! the last part made me cry
Chloelovesbaekyeol #7
Oh mt gawd I should have searched this up along time ago! Finally a Fanfic with My Name!!!! Oh thank youuuu soooo mucchhh you wonderful writer<3
if you need any graphics and reviews, stop by at this shop. It's daebak:

Sorry for taking ure wall space

well, it's my friend shop. helping her to advertise
Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS FIC :"""> Luhan and KRIS!!! BOTH ARE MY BIASES ^^ it seems like i'm the first one to leave a comment here in your fic hehe don't worry unnie, i'm here! KAJA ~ *winks* update soon ^^