2nd shot

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2nd shot

Bom CL and Minji sat on floor in front of Dara's room, leaning their backs on the door listening to the sobs their friends have been giving off for the past 4 hours. 
It was already around 2am but the girls could not find the sleepiness they usually have during those hours

They felt horrible for their friend that all the feelings they could give as of the moment was anger and frustration. 

“I swear... i'm gonna kill him if I see him this very moment” Bom gritted her teeth after hearing another loud moan from Dara

“And where are the other oppa's when we need them huh?” Minji frowned still fiddling with her phone... She's been sending messages after messages to the DBSK guys.. but no one seems to answer her.

CL stood up stomping
“Where are you going?” Bom asked 

“Getting Dara unnie some warm milk” CL said “And darn Minji, don't even call them oppa again got it?” their leader hissed 

as she made her way towards the kitchen


Dara runs her warm hand above her tummy... she was still crying.... 
somehow she did expected his reaction... but it never occurred to her that he will just cut his ties with her just like that....

“I'm sorry baby...but daddy seems to not care right now. But he's a good man. I know he's just confused and shocked” She tried hushing herself 
Making excuses for herself to feel better

“he'll come to his senses soon... I hope” She said again looking at the picture frame of her and Jaejoong cuddling together. 
She smiled thinking back of the time that specific memory was created. 

It was during their first year anniversary
She was in the middle of filming for the bean pole jeans when he came really dashing on his black fitted outfit.

It was also the only time where everyone found out about their hidden affair. 
But both of them didn't really cared much nor got worried about people knowing that they're together..
for them having each other, being with each other is all that matters. 

Dara shook her head remembering that memory.
“What happened to you Jae?” She questioned herself. 
“Where's my Hero? My Joongie?”She curled into a ball hugging protectively her still unborn baby and continued to cry

“i know I have to keep you baby!... even if it meant losing everything... “


Bom and the other girls were startled with the sudden ringing of the their door bell

That they all stood up furiously... ready to kill who ever dare to disturbed them... not to mention of course the fact that Dara's room just turned silence indicating that the girl have already fallen asleep.... much to her friends relief. 

Running towards the door CL swung it fully open
“YA!.... ehhh?” she was ready to beat the hell out of who ever it is but stopped when some guys who's carrying lots of boxes and shopping bags stocked up to their heads appeared in front of their door

Bom and Minji came running towards the door as well and stopped after seeing what CL also saw.
'What the hell???” Bom blurted out as she stopped on her track

“YA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! ARE YOU ALL INSANE!?” Bom growled as the guys came inside their dorm.. finding their way behind the boxes and bags that they're carrying

“ Don't even tell us about it!” Yoochun hissed dropping what's he's carrying in the living room

“Yoochun! Will you be careful on that things!” Jaejoong emerging behind with a few more boxes and bags with him. He carefully picked up what yoochun dropped arranging it neatly on the floor. 

The other guys rolled their eyes, obviously irritated of what's going on

the girls gawk on Jaejoong with wide eyes. Even though they don't have the slightest idea what's going... somehow their hatred with the guy flew.. along with it is their confusion. 

“oh wait... I left something in my car.. wait.... i'll go get it!” Jaejoong excitedly said as she skipped towards the door

When Jaejoong was gone............

“Oppa what's all these?” Minji asked grabbing a box and read it
“ pump...ehhh what? pump?” she gave the others an innocent look

“Ya! I told you stop calling them oppa!' Cl hissed

“ya! Why?” Junsu raised his eyebrow

“Just because.....................”

“hey what's all these about?” Bom asked eying all the boxes and the bags that's scattered on the floor

“Mother and baby stuff?” Yunho sarcastically answered as he flopped his body on the couch looking really tired

“Ummm for???” Bom again

“Ya Dara noona is pregnant right?”

“and???” the girls looked at them.. still confused

“And what?'

“Ya we thought Jaejoong oppa doesn't want the baby? Dara unnie had been crying the whole night till she fell asleep because oppa hanged up on her on the phone!” CL scowled angrily making the boys jerked backwards a bit

“Oh my ghaad!” Jaejoong blurted out after he heard CL 

“oh my ghadd what?” Bom was ready to give jaejoong a proper beating “after you made her feel like a trash? All you can say is Oh my Ghad?... how cruel Jaejoong!” 

“ya I didn't purposely hanged up.... I... I..”

“YOU WHAT!?” the three girls shouted angrily

“He passed out... can you believe that??? jaejoong hyung passed out! Haha!” Changmin said on impulse. He was intending to continue laughing.. but stop after seeing Yunho and jaejoong send him some deadly glares<

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 2: Lol Jae is just too much. Sequel please ^_^
Chapter 2: Reteading and it still is cute af!!!!! God im so inlove with ur stories, just goes to show that veteran jaedara authors in aff are so damn good! Kudos authornim.
lavezjoy #3
Chapter 2: Done rereading..
Chapter 2: Awwww this is too cute!!!! But with Jaes personality , i was really expecting him to get so ecxited and dash to where dara is upon knowing shes pregnant. Damn, just looking at them two being slay visuals, their children will rule the world. Like really! LOL JAEDARA is LOVE!
bluefairy07 #6
Chapter 2: authornim your always jjang !!! jaedara fanfic of yours r jjang...mommy dee and daddy jae r jjang too...keep it up authornim..
Chapter 2: This is crack up oh my goodness!
ifyouseekhaye #8
Chapter 2: sequel juseyo. kekeke. Jaejoong passed out. haha. good story.
msdeathstalker #10
Chapter 2: aye aye Mommy Dee and Daddy Jae....