A Shy Confession.

Exquisite One Shots.

▌requested by - Yunmi.
▌exquisite writer - silvermist.
▌genre - romance, comedy.
▌disclaimer - exquisite, cannot be plagiarized nor copied.

One look from you girl and it’s too hard to get by
But excuse me girl, I been watchin you
All night’ that’s right, I’d like to
Take this night over
What I’m tryin to say is you should be mine…

Lee YunMi smiled as JYJ finished singing her favorite song, “Be My Girl”. She had been invited to their concert tour, and she was glad she had come to see her old highschool friends actually on stage and singing, which was their dream come true.

With the last note of the song, the stage darkened and the fans around YunMi screamed, wanting to see more of their favorite boys. But the show was over, and the lights in the stadium brightened, leaving everyone disappointed. YunMi was disappointed as well. JYJ was certainly extremely talented and their songs were really good.

She reached into her pocket and took out a card saying ‘VIP BACKSTAGE PASS’. She bit her lip in excitement as she swerved around the fans and towards one of the guards. She showed him the pass, and he led her quietly to a door, opening it for her. YunMi walked through the door and followed the guard as many, many thoughts flooded her head. She hadn’t seen these boys in a while, and she could only contact them by chatting or calling, never in person. The boys’ packed schedules just never let them meet with YunMi.

She walked along the hallway, recollecting her memories with the boys. All of them had been her close friends during high school, and she was happy they had still remained as friends until now, years after graduation. Their close friendship just couldn’t let them separate after something like a graduation.

Kim Jaejoong was her closest friend out of the three boys, and YunMi smiled, remembering how he was always there for her and vice versa. They wouldn’t have survived high school without each other as best friends.

Park Yoochun was the friend that always made her smile, along with the other two boys. He had always made her day and knew just how to cheer everyone up. YunMi always missed his happy and bubbly personality.

Kim Junsu. As soon as she thought of his name, YunMi sighed. She had loved him all throughout high school… and she still did. He was a cute, caring, and obedient boy, and everything he did just made her love him more. But he had broken her heart. During their junior year, Junsu had gotten a girlfriend, and seeing them together always left YunMi jealous. She had thought she and Junsu were more than friends, but later realized it wasn’t the case. But nevertheless, she was still in love with this boy, and it made her nervous to face the fact that she would see him in a matter of seconds.

The guard and YunMi arrived in front of the door. She silently thanked the man and laid her hand on the doorknob, knocked, and took a deep breath. She opened the door quietly, and…

“YUN MI YAH!!!! YOU’RE HERE!!!” a voice boomed. YunMi laughed as she recognized the voice of Jaejoong. Jaejoong ran towards his best friend and hugged her in joy. The other two boys, Yoochun and Junsu, hugged her as well.

YunMi’s heart skipped a beat when Junsu hugged her, but she quickly tried to push the thoughts out of her mind.

“Thanks for coming, YunMi-yah.” Junsu said, with a smile.

“I should be the one saying thanks, for inviting me here.” YunMi replied back, shyly. She looked up at Junsu’s face but quickly averted her gaze to Jaejoong as she felt her face getting pink.

“We missed you so much, girl!” Jaejoong said, beaming. Yoochun nodded, next to him, and flashed a grin.

“So how have you all been?” YunMi asked.

“We’ve been pretty busy. But it’s been fine. It’s a dream come true for us to be singing on stage anyway!” Jaejoong said happily.

“What about you?” Yoochun added.

“Well, I’ve been alright. Just that your concert was too awesome.”

The boys chuckled and thanked her. “Come, let’s sit down and talk.” Jaejoong offered YunMi a seat on the sofa. The three boys and YunMi sat down on the sofa. Yoochun offered all of them some juice, and they all sat, drinking from their cups of juice and catching up on the things that had happened while the four friends had separated.

But while they were talking, YunMi couldn’t help but notice how little Junsu was talking. Was something wrong? He seemed to just nod, or add little comments once in a while, but he never really seemed to look straight at her or to talk to her directly. She looked off to the distance, to nowhere in particular, thinking.

“YunMi? Hellooo? Earth to YunMi!” Yoochun waved a palm in front of YunMi and suddenly she snapped out of her thoughts. “Mmmf?” she said in confusion, and it cracked the boys up, as well as YunMi at her own randomness. She left the thoughts to think about later and talked and laughed with JYJ.


Junsu sipped his orange juice, thinking.

To be truthful, he had had a crush on YunMi, during high school. Yes, he had gotten a girlfriend, but he had broken up with her soon after they started going out because, well, she just wasn’t the right one. And he began to see YunMi as someone more than just a friend.

He knew he should be the one to make the first move.


He didn’t want to ruin their friendship. He was afraid that once he told her, their friendship would be damaged, and they would be too awkward to be the friends they were again…

And he cherished their friendship more than ever.

He wanted to talk to YunMi so badly, he wanted to be all chatty and funny like Jaejoong and Yoochun, but he was lost in thought. How should he act around her? Because, because…

He still loved her.


After a few hours of time together with the boys, YunMi looked at her phone, and gasped. “Oh! Sorry guys, it’s time for me to go! I’m sorry!”

The boys’ faces fell in disappointment.

Then Jaejoong’s face lit up as if he had an inspiration. “Hey! Here.” He handed YunMi a piece of paper.

She looked down and rolled her eyes. “You want me to come again? This is another backstage pass!”

Yoochun stood up. “Please?” he tried to put on his cutest face.

Junsu smiled and stood up as well. He wanted to see YunMi tomorrow, too. “Pleeeease Yunmi-yah?” he said, putting on his puppy eyes and best aegyo.

YunMi’s face flushed pink, and blushed as soon as she saw Junsu.

She blinked, and smiled. “Gosh, Junsu, your aegyo is so cute I can’t say no.” she giggled shyly, then looked up at the 3 boys pleading her to come again.

“Fine. I’ll come tomorrow.”

“Whoo hoo!!!” JYJ yelled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” YunMi smiled one last time, then left, the thoughts about Junsu still bothering her at the back of her mind.


“So Junsu…” Jaejoong grinned mischievously as he flopped down on Junsu’s bed next to Junsu.

“Hmm?” Junsu replied, taking his hands off his face and blinking his eyes open.

JYJ had returned back to their house after they had said goodbye to everyone, including YunMi. As soon as they came home, Junsu had sat down on his bed and lay down, covering his face with his hands. Yoochun had immediately went into the bathroom for a shower.

“I think someone’s in love~” Jaejoong said jokingly.

“YAHH!!!!!” Junsu yelled and suddenly sat upright, punching his friend playfully in the arm.

Jaejoong snickered as he rubbed where Junsu had punched him. “You’re in love with Lee YunMi, am I correct?”

Junsu froze and looked at Jaejoong. “How did you…?”

Jaejoong pulled himself upright and sat down next to Junsu, cross-legged. “I knew ever since high school! And now that I see your behavior today, hmmm….” He grinned.

Junsu sighed. “Aish… yeah, you’re right, I do love YunMi…” He thought he should tell his friend, now that it was his chance to get things straight.

“Aha! Wait, but why aren’t you telling her? You didn’t even tell her in high school!”

“It’s because… because well, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. What if she doesn’t like me back?” Junsu looked up at his friend with a worried face.

His friend chuckled softly. “She loves you too.” He whispered. Yes, he knew. YunMi had only told him about her secret crush on Junsu, and he knew all along, that both of them liked each other. He waited for either of them to make the first move, but no one did, and eventually, high school was over.

Junsu’s eyes widened. “Really?” Then he looked down at his feet. “No… you’re probably kidding…”

“No! I’m not! I promise! And you have to promise me that you’ll tell her tomorrow.”


“Confess. Tomorrow. When she comes!” Jaejoong said, excitedly.


“No buts, Junsu. Here, I, Jaejoong the great, will tell you how to do it.”

“Puhahahaha! You?”

“Urgh, just be quiet and listen.”

Jaejoong furiously whispered in Junsu’s ear, and Junsu beamed. “Hey, that’s a pretty good idea!”

“I told you.” Jaejoong said, grinning. The two friends laughed, and decided to put the plan into action.


Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun sat backstage, waiting for YunMi to come. Jaejoong had told Yoochun about the plan, and they were all ready to put it into action.

Well, maybe except for Junsu himself. He bit his lip as he straightened out his shirt for the last time. His friends snickered as they saw how hard he was trying in order to look exceptionally good today. Junsu took deep breaths as he waited with the other members.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Jaejoong and Yoochun jolted up, bolting to the closet, and climbing inside. Before they closed the closet door, they winked, both at the same time, at Junsu. Then they closed the closet door, perfectly concealing them both.

Junsu rolled his eyes as he tried to smile, and quickly hid the bouquet of flowers behind his back.


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byunqrins_ #1
naturopath #2
requested a one shot~
I applied as Yang Sora~ :)<br />
Hwaiting!! hehe :3
gelixing #4
love it!!! :D
these oneshots are rlly cute! evn if sum of them aree kinda sad-sihh T^T<br />
like the epilogue to dating lee taemin. So cute :)
This is really amazing! I really enjoyed the storyline and the dialogue, very well written ^_^ Will check out the website as well. Thanks!
Wow guys! All your authors are so good that I am at lost :)<br />
All the shots was great!!