Only Look At Me.

Exquisite One Shots.

▌requested by - Julie:)
▌exquisite writer - fourevermuzik.
▌genre - romance, comedy.
▌disclaimer - exquisite, cannot be plagiarized nor copied.

“Julie, get your out of bed!” Junsu hollered, his loud echoes booming through the stairs. He hummed to himself as he fried some eggs, not affected at all by the loud thumps and crashes coming from the floor above. ‘Ah’, he thought, ‘it’s good to be out of high school’.
“I know, I’m coming!” Julie yelled back to her brother, frantically scraping up her stockings while adjusting the hem of her school uniform. Her love for sleep always backfired in the worst of times -- as a result, she was still fresh out of bed with ruffled hair and horrible breath. The clock furiously shouted the obvious fact that she was fifteen minutes late and counting; Julie decided to abandon the stockings today and grabbed her bag in a hurry. Though she almost killed herself when she furiously ran down the spiral staircase, Julie halted to a stop just a few inches in front of a furious Hyuna.
“Julie, get in the car. Now.” Hyuna bellowed, dangling a chain of keys in front of Julie’s face. “You’re late, again! I’m supposed to be meeting my boyfriend soon and you’re dragging me down.”
“I want to catch a ride with Jiyong though,” Julie pouted and brought out her famous puppy eyes, but only gained an eye roll from her sister. “Fine,” Hyuna smirked,”but you’ll have to wait outside, alone. Junsu and I are hanging out with a couple of our friends and we both know that you lost our house keys.”
Julie got up to protest, but even she knew that fact was true. She huffed in disappointment and grabbed her breakfast, a simple bagel and a fruit cup. With her head down, she unhappily marched down to the driveway, taking a seat on the sidewalk. The garage entrance rose and Junsu backed up the car; Hyuna smugly waved before getting in. Julie, stubborn as always, turned her head and only waved back to Junsu. It wouldn’t be long until Jiyong took the ratty car’s place with his shiny new convertible anyways.
Just as she was lifting her head, Jiyong’s car pulled over in front of her. She laughed when he rolled down the window, his naturally small face masked with a massive pair of aviators. “Impeccable timing, Jiyong-ah,” Julie mocked, and propped herself up so that the two were face to face with each other; Jin Kyong lifted his aviators and stuck out his tongue in return.
Her smile faltered, however, when she noticed an unknown girl occupying the passenger seat. “Who’s this?” Julie asked, her smile becoming less enthusiastic. “Oh, this is Dara, my new girlfriend,” Jiyong answered, turning to Dara to give her a smile, “Dara, this is Julie, my best friend.” Though she was stunningly beautiful, Dara was cold and unresponsive; with every second, Julie’s impression of her became worse. Just for fun, Julie gave Jiyong a peck on the cheek to see Dara’s reaction. Jiyong seemed unfazed; he had grown to Julie’s kissing habits a few years back. Dara, however, was furious, and her anger was aimed more towards Jiyong’s reaction rather than Julie’s original intentions.
“Get in,” Jiyong tiredly commanded, focusing his attention back on the wheel. Julie, satisfied with her work, happily obeyed. She took a seat just between the feuding couple and crossed her legs. Julie then began to apply make up to her face, starting off with the foundation; she then went on to her lip gloss so her obvious smile would be hidden. This was too much fun.
"So, Jiyong-ah," she started, "what are we doing Saturday?" Dara quickly turned her head in suspicion, expectantly waiting for Jiyong's answer. Jiyong tilted his head back and laughed. "You know it's our usual. Hold on, I need to pull over for some gas."
Dara's anger flared, and Julie was thoroughly amused in return. "The usual?! Jiyong, you never told me about this. Wait--" 
It was too late; Jiyong had already left the car and went to pay inside the convenience store. Dara turned around and sent death glares to Julie. "Just remember who's going with him to the dance next week," she hissed. 
Julie only gave her an angelic smile.
First the movies, then the beach, and now the mall?! Julie paced around the city square in irritation, the blinding streetlights reminding her that she was the only one there. This was the third time Jiyong left her this week for Dara without an apology gift or even a call. Her patience was quickly running out, but she would be willing to forgive him if he just merely sent a text. Right at that moment, she felt a vibration in her left pocket. She sighed and opened her phone. Finally.

To: Julie
From: Jiyong
Hey! Having fun, without you.
Thought you could steal him from me, didn't you? Looking like that, you won't.

Out of impulse, Julie glanced at her outfit. She didn't see anything wrong with it; an oversized hoodie, skinny jeans, and sneakers. She usually wore minimal make up and didn't like jewelry, so she may be a little bit on the plain side. It was definitely not the most feminine or flattering outfit, but Jiyong never seemed to mind her taste in clothes. Julie pondered this for a while, wondering if that was the reason why she didn't capture the guys' attention so quickly. 
Eventually, Julie deleted the text but kept the phone open; she dialed some numbers and waited. The call was picked up on the first ring.
"Soo Hee? Yeah, it's me. What are you doing right now?" By this time, Julie had already taken a seat in one of the benches. As she waited for her best friend's response, she glanced at the scenery around her. The once busy streets were quiet, and the dim glow of fireflies started to brighten the night. Crickets began to sing their lullabies, and the slow gust of wind combed over Julie's hair. It could have been such a perfect day, if only Jiyong came.
"Me?" Soo Hee answered, "I'm just hanging out with Nichkhun at home. Do you want to come over?" 
Julie sighed and nodded, wanting to take up the opportunity for a relaxing break. With Dara pushing her buttons, it seemed that avoiding Jiyong and hanging out with her other friends was the better option. Besides, revenge is a great pastime. 
"Sure," Julie confirmed, "but can you do me a favor?"
"Yeah, anything. What do you need?" 
"A makeover, please."
"Whoa, you look hot!" Nichkhun exclaimed, inspecting Julie from head to toe; Julie herself rolled her eyes and playfully punched him. Soo Hee looked over at her finished product for a final check-up and smiled -- she had coordinated Julie's new look perfectly. With the help of Hyuna and the feedback from Junsu and Nichkhun, Julie's look was guaranteed to be the object of the men's lust and the women's envy.
"Are you ready?" Nichkhun asked the two ladies, his hand placed on the school's main hallway doors. The two girls linked arms, smiled, and nodded; they were sure to make a big impression on the first day back to school -- more importantly, the Homecoming dance that was taking place the same night.
As soon as the doors were opened, all eyes were on them. From the other side of the room, Jiyong stood with his mouth hanging open. Girls quickly spread whispers to comfort themselves, and guys (surprisingly) were throwing themselves at Julie. Things got extreme when loyal boyfriends began to snatch back their welcoming gifts to offer her, and from then the constant pouring of tears started to take place.
Usually Julie would keep her long hair tied back, but today she let her rich brown locks fall in place with her body. Her minidress was y yet not too revealing, and her moon-shaped necklace reflected the sparkles in her eyes. Her make up was perfect; the bronze tone of her skin made her look like an exotic goddess, and specks of gold lay peacefully near her eyes. Her lips were coated with a daring shade of deep red, accenting the devilish smirk she wore proudly on her face. Every step she took was confident and alluring, and she soon fell in step with her best friend Soo Hee. 
Soo Hee herself was attractive in a different way. Her light make-up made her eyes seem larger and it brought out her innocent side; she wore pale lavender and light blue, colors that were fresh but easy to the eyes. Her naturally wavy hair was pinned up in cute pigtails, and she wore a charm bracelet that cheerfully rang across the room. Together with Julie, the two made dangerous competition for the other girls; former leaders were stripped off of their titles from a charming eye smile from Soo Hee or a captivating stare from Julie. The two girls swept the charts as the school's most wanted girls and crushed any other girls who attempted at their title; even a natural beauty like Dara couldn't match up to them.
The boys couldn't contain themselves when two gorgeous girls stood in front of them; soon enough, the hallways' internal volume skyrocketed to the point where it almost became deafening. Julie, amused, tried to distinguish all the voices from their owners.
"Julie, I love you!"
"Soo Hee, you look gorgeous!"
"Julie, go out with me!"
"Soo Hee, oppa has candy!"
"Julie, please bear my babies!"
The room suddenly went quiet when a certain male stepped up right in front of them. Julie recognized him as the most popular boy in school, Dong Young Bae. He sneakily brushed a stray hair from her forehead and flashed his famous thousand-watt smile. Julie turned from Soo Hee for support, but she was busy wrestling guys of her own.
"Julie," he started, "are you going with anyone to the dance tonight?"
Julie took a deep breath and exhaled. "No," she breathed, and the guys wildly cheered.
"Would you mind if I took you?" Young Bae asked, while taking Julie's hand and kissing it. This time, however, the guys stood from their chairs in uproar. They eventually stopped when they realized that it was Young Bae, King of the school.
Julie smiled, taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Her eyes met Jiyong's, who stood disapprovingly with Dara by his side.
"Me?" She smiled, her eyes never wavering from Jiyong's, "I'd love to."
"Jiyong, hurry up! We're going to be late to the dance," Dara whined, her feet stomping in frustration. She rolled her eyes and poured herself juice from Jiyong's refrigerator, knowing that it might take a while.
"I'm coming," Jiyong sighed, while inside the bathroom. With a flip off his hair, some gel, and cologne, he looked himself over before coming out. Dara was seated in the living room couch, dressed in an elegant black dress. She looked back at him with an annoyed expression.
"Okay, I'm done," Jiyong stated, and took her hand. "Shall we go?"
Dara nodded, and the couple headed out to the garage.

"Where's your car?" Dara asked, a little nervously, searching around for the familiar tinted windows and glistening paint.
"What are you talking about? It's right there," Jiyong shrugged, pointing in the direction of.... emptiness. His brand new red convertible was gone, and in its place was a lone, hot pink sticky note. Jiyong quickly snatched up the note and read it over in shock, his eyes widening with every word he read.

To: Jiyong 
Thanks for the car keys, babe!

Dara, furious as ever, crumpled up the note and angrily stomped on it with her stiletto heels. 
"How are we supposed to get to school?!" She shrieked, taking Jiyong by the arms and furiously shaking him.
"Um... we walk?"
By the time the Jiyong and Dara arrived, the dance was already on full blast. The music overwhelmingly loud, but the deep sounds of the upbeat bass sent a fresh wave of energy to all the dancers. The dance floor was over crowded, and couples were making out in the more private areas. Jiyong spotted Julie in the middle of the dancing circle, her hands all over Young Bae. His eyes twitched in frustration.
Julie took notice of him and waved. Jiyong motioned for her to come over, which she did. She looked gorgeous in her emerald green dress, which brought out her dark eyes and flowing dark brown hair.
"Did you forget that you lent the keys to me yesterday, Jiyong-ah?" Julie asked, her puppy-dog eyes already starting to widen and her lower lip was forming a pout. "I'm so sorry." Though Julie's puppy eyes never worked on Hyuna, Jiyong willingly fell for it every time. He patted her hair and forgave her; she smiled and went back to the dance floor. 
Jiyong realized that Dara was still nagging, and her endless commands couldn't be escaped just by drowning her out. She was constantly a pain in the neck, not to mention very high-maintenance. She was fussy and overreacted all the time; Jiyong was fed up and decided that he wouldn't take any more of her whining.
Jiyong quickly spun on his heels to meet Dara. "Look," he firmly stated, not caring at all about their current situation, "Dara, I think it's best if we break up."
Dara's eyes widened in shock. "What?!" She shrieked, "why now, of all times? Can't you break up with me afterwards or something?" The argument soon captured everyone else's' attention; not wanting to cause a racket, Jiyong aimed to just end their troubling relationship quickly. He seemed to contemplate her idea, however, and looked back at her.
"Nah, it's over. Bye."
Jiyong hurriedly went up to catch up with Julie, leaving Dara shocked and in tears.
Jiyong eventually caught up to Julie moments later while she was getting some punch for herself. Thoughts seemed to be occupying her head, since shr esd intently focused on not spilling her drink. She was unresponsive for a few seconds before noticing Jiyong, but even then she seemed indifferent. 
Jiyong repeatedly called out her name, but again he was answered with silence. His hopes went up, however, when Julie turned around and their eyes met. That hope didn't last long, though, when she ignored him and started to walk towards Young Bae.
Frustrated, Jiyong took the drink from Julie and placed in on the refreshments table. Julie looked at him in confusion, but still she refused to listen to his words for some unknown reason. Jiyong decided to take action and pinned her to the wall; he soon regretted it, however, when he spotted fear in her eyes. He still needed a reason, though. Why was she acting like this?
"Julie," he stated, turning all his attention to her and waiting until she does the same. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Doing what?" She shrugged, trying to keep her cool. Jiyong knew he caught her, though -- she still averted his eyes from him. 
The grip he had on her harms grew tighter, as if he wanted to squeeze out the truth from Julie. Jiyong couldn't help it -- she just won't cooperate!
"The teasing," he found himself saying, "the laughter, the sudden transformation, and now you won't even talk to me. Was this just some big plan to separate Dara and I?" Still more silence, but now Julie willingly looked at Jiyong. Her usually predictable eyes were shrouded with a cloud of mystery, and Jiyong didn't know whether to stop or keep pursuing. He finally decided on the latter; what else was there to lose?
"Fine, you win," he confessed, bringing his face closer to Julie's. "We broke up, and now I'm head over heels for you. Now please tell me why you're making my life suffer? You're kind of ruining my love live here."
Jiyong brought his face even closer so that he can feel her breath in his face; he smiled when he noticed that her breaths were becoming ragged. Julie whispered something audible, but it definitely caught his ear; now he was determined to hear what she said just then.
"Why, Julie? Perhaps, it's because you have feelings for me?" Jiyong stealthily took her by the waist and brought her close until their noses were touching. Keep looking at me, his eyes challenged, don't let your eyes stray away. 
Julie couldn't handle it and pushed him away, but that only encouraged Jiyong more. "Fine!" She screamed, her hands stopping Jiyong from coming closer. "I love you, okay? I was jealous since you looked at every girl except me. I only want you to look at me."
"As you wish," Jiyong laughed, and gave her a peck on the cheek -- their standard ritual when they make up. Julie smiled, but that alone wouldn't satisfy her.
"Is that your way of teasing?" Julie asked, raising her eyebrow. "Kiss me, for real."
So he did.

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byunqrins_ #1
naturopath #2
requested a one shot~
I applied as Yang Sora~ :)<br />
Hwaiting!! hehe :3
gelixing #4
love it!!! :D
these oneshots are rlly cute! evn if sum of them aree kinda sad-sihh T^T<br />
like the epilogue to dating lee taemin. So cute :)
This is really amazing! I really enjoyed the storyline and the dialogue, very well written ^_^ Will check out the website as well. Thanks!
Wow guys! All your authors are so good that I am at lost :)<br />
All the shots was great!!