dating lee taemin.

Exquisite One Shots.


requested by ; Erika Kwon :)
story title ; dating lee taemin.
oneshot writer ; iamaninjadude.
"Don't tell me you're giving up!" Amber talking in English, she started slapping Erika's face softly. "You have to fight, Erika!"
Erika shook her off and rested her head on the table. She blew a raspberry and turned to Amber who was waiting for her to speak. She was too tired to speak, too tired to move, and too scared to think. Whenever she thinks, there's something wrong that's bound to happen, either to herself or to Taemin. She didn't want Taemin to get hurt. She loved him, with all her heart. She didn't want to give up, but she's too tired of everything.
The hate mails. The death threats. Who knew dating Lee Taemin would be this tiring?
"I don't know what to do unnie," she whined. "I love Taemin and I know his fans will never accept our relationship." She sat up and ruffled her hair. "Aish, it's all my fault! If I didn't tell him to reveal us, this wouldn't be happening. Aigoo, I'm so tired of everything."
Amber rubbed her back. "Don't worry, you'll get through this. You and Taemin. You just need to trust him and be with him."
Erika nodded. Her good-looking friend was right. This will end soon. She just have to resist the pain.
' a few months ago ... '
"Leave me alone, Eunice!" Eunice kept pulling her younger cousin away from her own bed, the same bed she hid on since Erika arrived from the Philippines two weeks ago. She knew what she felt. She didn't want the attention she'll be getting at her new school at a new country. Eunice successfully pulled the blanket off her cousin's grasp and sat on top of her. "Get of me!" Erika's voice echoed around the room.
"You're going to a korean school with korean students and you can't not go!"
Erika pouted and showed her cousin her trademark puppy dog eyes. "But unnie, I'm scared... what if they make fun of me?"
Eunice shook her head, getting off her. "They won't. They're nice people. Just make sure your korean's understandable and you'll survive your first day, okay?"
"Fine." Erika gave up as she stood up from her bed. "But if I don't get out alive, tell my family I love them!"
"Araso, araso," Eunice replied, nodding with a grin.
After washing and wearing her school uniform, she made her way to the school building which was only a couple of blocks away from her house. When she got to the gate, she noticed an expensive-looking car on its way to the entrance. She blinked her eyes when she saw who came out of the passenger seat. It was the guy who was posted on her cousin's wall inside her room. She heard he's some kind of famous guy, but she never really listened to Eunice and all her obsessions.
Erika continued walking to the office and asked for the her homeroom and schedule. 
"Annyeonghaseyo," she greeted politely as she arrived to her homeroom. "I'm Erika Kwon, I hope you all treat me well."
The teacher nodded and assigned her to sit beside the same guy she saw earlier, that famous dude from Eunice's wall. She made her way to her seat while the girls inside the classroom started whining loudly to their teacher. "Seonsaengnim, why can she sit with Taemin oppa and we can't?" But Mr. Choi just ignored them and moved on to their lesson.
Erika looked at what they called Taemin. Now she remembers! It was Lee Taemin, from the boyband SHINee! Yeah, she remembered going with her friends to a free K-pop concert around year 2009. She couldn't remember how he looked before though. 'Hhm, stealing a glance wouldn't hurt...' Erika slowly turned her head and got a glimpse of - how Eunice would call him - Maknae Taeminnie, the dancing machine. 'Ooh, he doesn't look bad at all.' Erika continued glancing at his face when he noticed what she was doing. He turned to her with a plain expression. Erika widened her eyes and quickly avoided him.
After homeroom, they made their way to their own second periods. For Erika, it was Algebra. She hated Algebra. It's always the single subject that bored her to death or sent her dreaming about yummy-looking guys running around her on the beach. She wanted to be a housewife happily married to a hardworking and nice man, not an Algebra teacher (which is the only career that needs to learn Algebra, for your information.)
She took the seat nearest to the window, at the far corner, only to realize the person sitting beside her is the famous Lee Taemin. 'Same first and second periods? You've got to be kidding me!' It's not that she disliked this shiny creature, it just freaked her out a little. And she's still a little embarass from what happened back in homeroom.
"Do you have a spare pen?" he suddenly asked her. 
She nodded and handed him the pen she was holding. "Gomawo," he uttered. Instead of writing down notes, he doodled on his own palm.
"You're gonna get in trouble," she whispered to him as she jotted the notes down. 
"I'm too tired," he muttered and looked at her. "When did you move here to Seoul?" And there they started a conversation. Then they became lovers. 
No, wait. They become friends first.
"Taemin, this is Eunice, you're biggest fan--" "OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S REALLY LEE TAEMIN!!" 
Taemin shyly smiled. "It's nice meeting you too, Eunice-sshi."
"OMO! TAEMIN KNOWS MY NAME!" Eunice ran up the stairs. "You heard that appa?! Taemin oppa knows my name!!" 
Erika turned to him, rubbing the back of her head. "I, apologize for her, fangirl behavior. She just adore you so much." She made him sit on the couch while she prepared their snack. "You know, you're her favorite member in SHINee. You should be thankful. One time, she told me she's been dreaming of kissing Minho, but she said not to tell you because you might think she's cheating on you." The two of them chuckled.
"I'm used to it," he said once she sat down with bottles of banana milk and some pocky. "You know when Jonghyun hyung revealed to the public about him dating Sekyung noona, crazed fans stayed in front of our dorm for three nights straight. It was pretty scary but funny, especially when Onew hyung went out and they started harassing him." They laughed together again. 
"Yeah, I heard you lost a third of your fans because of that," she said, opening a pack of pocky. "How did you handle that?"
"It wasn't really that dramatic. We gained back the numbers when we had our first concert," he replied. "We're actually allowed to date. It's just that, I don't want to, because I'm scared it might happen again. Onew hyung and Minho hyung worked hard just to be seen in several variety shows, and I can't even help because I have to attend school."
Erika raised a brow at him. "Oh, so now you're blaming school for everything?"
"Aniyo," he shook his head, smiling. "I love school, I just hate the bullies, and the tons of homework I get, and the way they treat me..." He watched her drink her banana milk. "Of course, I wouldn't get to meet you if I didn't go to school." Erika smiled at him. He smiled back.
NOW they become lovers. Or slowly become a couple. By going to secret dates. And wearing disguises.
"You know we could just rent a movie and watch it at my place. Eunice is back in the Philippines anyway, we don't have to worry about her fangirling."
But Taemin retorted. "This is our first date as a couple. I want it to be special," he held her hand and fixed the wig on top of his head using his other hand. He pushed the tinted glasses resting on his nose before the two entered the restaurant where they reserved a table for two under her name. Taemin pulled a chair for her, acting all gentleman around her, when a group of girls entered the restaurant searching for something. 'Oh shoot.' Or someone.
"There he is!" One girl pointed at Taemin. "Taemin oppa, saranghae!!"
The restaurant's security helped him hide quickly. Erika remained on her seat acting she didn't go with him, the famous maknae of SHINee. She gazed at nothing as the fans chased after Taemin to the back door. She was dating a popular superstar for crying out loud! This must be something, right? When you love someone, you can't hide what you feel. The whole world will end up knowing anyway, so why not tell them now? Even Taemin said it himself; he was used to everything.
"Are you sure?" They met at her locker. Taemin rested his back against her locker. "I mean, there would be fans trying to attack you wherever you go." She raised a brow at him. He innocently nodded. "Yeah I'm that famous in Korea. Look, I just don't want you to get hurt."
"But they'll know it someday anyway, let's just tell them now." She hugged him. "I'm tired of hiding. And if they're your fans, they'll accept it. They'll try to. They should."
Taemin hugged back, rubbing her back. "Araso. I'll call manager hyung and ask him to hold a press conference."
"Oh, Taemin-ah! You're here, thank goodness!" Amber walked to the younger one. "Erika's at the dressing room. You have to talk to her."
Taemin nodded and thanked her. He ran in and found Erika hiding her face with her hands. She looked tired. He was too, he knew both of them were very tired of everything. He was more tired than when they filmed the music video for Lucifer. He approached her quietly, pulled a chair and sat next to her. Without saying a word, he pulled her towards him and made her rest on her chest. 'Everything's going to be fine. I promise you that."
"I'm sorry, Taemin." Erika continued crying. "It's all my fault. I mean, I shouldn't have told you to reveal it."
Taemin slowly pulled her away a bit and wiped her tears. "It isn't your fault. What I told you, everything will be fine. I'll try to make that happen, now stop thinking it's your fault." He kissed her forehead. She nodded and hugged his waist, resting her head again on his chest. "Onew hyung bought a bucket of chicken. Are you hungry?"
"Aniyo, I'd rather stay here with you," she smiled and tightened the hug. 
' epilogue ... '
"Baby, just one more push okay then everything's going to be fine."
"You've already said that years ago!"
"Mrs. Lee, push as hard as you can!!"
Taemin turned to the doctor as he held their first-born baby. "She's so pretty, baby." He felt like tearing up.
Erika panted heavily, still holding Taemin's hand. The doctor handed the baby to the nurse to get her washed. Taemin looked at Erika and fixed her hair, wiped the sweat off her forehead and pecked her lips. Erika smiled softly and pecked his lips. "That's the first and last, Lee Taemin."
"Not fair!" Taemin pouted. "Dating Lee Taemin was the best decision you've done, Mrs. Lee."
author's note ; we do not do (r) stories -___-
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byunqrins_ #1
naturopath #2
requested a one shot~
I applied as Yang Sora~ :)<br />
Hwaiting!! hehe :3
gelixing #4
love it!!! :D
these oneshots are rlly cute! evn if sum of them aree kinda sad-sihh T^T<br />
like the epilogue to dating lee taemin. So cute :)
This is really amazing! I really enjoyed the storyline and the dialogue, very well written ^_^ Will check out the website as well. Thanks!
Wow guys! All your authors are so good that I am at lost :)<br />
All the shots was great!!