
I Live In Wonderland


chapter six ; riddles


After talking to Lay, Tao couldn't help but observe how every single male acted around you. He hated to admit it but...he was jealous. Jealous of Lay because you talked to him so openly. Jealous of any guy that got your attention, really.

Today you were spending with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, D.O., and Tao. Right now you were telling and answering riddles.

"Hm..." muttered Baekhyun as he thought. Then he snapped his fingers. "Ah! What always runs and never walks, often murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?"

Everyone thought for a moment. "I don't know," D.O. gave up, eyes getting heavy as he grew sleepy once more.

"I'm not sure either," you admitted.

"Oh!" Tao snapped his fingers. "A river!"

Baekhyun beamed. "Correct!"

Chanyeol blinked, then suddenly cracked up in the way that only he could, clapping his hands and rocking back and forth. "I get it! I get it!" he declared. He calmed down enough to take a long drink of tea. "Ari~ you tell one!"

"Okay. Uh...let's see. The more you have of it, the less you can see. What is it?"

"Darkness," D.O. answered sleepily. "That one was too easy, Ari."

"I know," you sighed. "You tell one, oppa!"

"Okay," said D.O. "I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are the three things?"

Everyone thought for a moment. Then you got it. "Ah! Stove, fire, and smoke! Right?"

He smiled cutely and nodded. "You're right. Good job Ari. Tell another riddle."

"Okay. If you've got one, you want to share it. If you share it you haven't got it. What is it?"

"I don't know," everyone gave up eventually.

You put a finger to your lips with a wink. "It's a secret."

Chanyeol pouted. "Please tell me!"

"No, you dont' understand Chanyeol oppa. It's a secret," you said.

He tilted his head, going into aegyo mood. "Ari~ Tell oppa the answer!" He started shaking his shoulders cutely.

Tao's eye twitched. He knew you were a er for aegyo, that you tended to pinch people's cheeks when they did it. He knew because it was the reason he did it to you all the time. He cleared his throat. "Hyung. The answer is 'a secret'. Not a secret like she can't tell you. Literally, it's the answer. Chanyeol hyung, you tell a riddle next."

He blinked. "Ohh!" Then he started laughing again. He looked so cute you couldn't help but pat his cheeks lightly.

"The riddle," Tao reminded impatiently."

Chanyeol looked you right in the eyes as he said the riddle. "If you break me, I do not stop working. If you touch me, I may be snared. If you lose me, nothing will matter. What am I?"

Everyone thought for a long moment.

"A person?" you tried.

"Anyone else have an answer?" asked Chanyeol, looking at everyone with a huge grin. Everyone else shook their heads. He looked at you again, grabbing one of your hands and putting it on his chest. Tao saw red for a moment, especially as Chanyeol leaned his head down to you to murmur in your ear, "It's my heart."

Tao's eyes widened. You just blinked and smiled, nodding. "I get it!" you declared. "Makes sense!"

Tao sighed in frustration. *Lay ge was right. You really are dense, Ari. How can you not tell he likes you?! How can you not tell Kai likes you?! How can you not tell I like you?* He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Whose ball are you going to?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

You shrugged. "Not sure. At this point, Kai's. I take it you're going to Kai's like always?"

He nodded. Chanyeol brightened. "Ari! If you go to Kai's...want to go with me?"

Tao stared at the other boy, waiting for your answer. You looked at him with wide eyes. Then you smiled. "Of course I'd go with you guys! I went with you all last year, didn't I?"

Chanyeol kept his smile on as he nodded, but felt disappointed. *Not like that Ari.*

Tao felt relieved. *She didn't even realize he was asking her to the ball as his date. Sometimes I guess her density is nice. What would she have answered if she knew he was asking her out? Probably yes. She's too nice to turn anyone down.* He shuddered.

"What's wrong?" you asked worridly. "Are you cold, gege?"

Tao plastered a smile on his face, though it wasn't nearly as big as it usually was. "No. I'm fine. It was just a breeze."

"Oh, really? But I didn't feel anything..." You narrowed your eyes at him. "Huang ZiTao, if you're lying to me, I swear to god I'll hurt you."

"I'm not lying. Promise."

"Better not be. Besides, the Red King sent me a summoning earlier. Wouldn't want to miss your chance to piss him off, would you?" You shared a mischevious grin with him.

Tao brightened. "I really haven't seen our good 'ole Red King lately, have I? I think he's in need of a good scare."

You chuckled. "Only you." You gave him an affectionate look and breathtaking smile that made his heart pick up speed.



AUTHOR'S NOTES; Whoo! More Channie, Baekkie, and Kyungsoo~~

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angrynyarnyar #1
bobjo1913 #2
Chapter 12: I love this so so so so sos os so sk so much!!!! Haha my "so"'s became weird. I dont ever want this to end!!!
Chapter 12: Omg I miss this so much :(
WYF_EXOforever #4
Chapter 12: Please update author-nim !! you story is really nice !!
normalgirl #5
Chapter 12: Author nim where have h disappeared for 2 years for this story especially when its started to get so excited:(
Chapter 12: Oh my god! She has a though choice ahead of her >.< I wouldn't mind all the skinship she gets~ ;D oh, well.. Life isn't a fairy tale with kings chasing you or other fantasy creatures.. I'm a new reader, but I love your story! ^^ update soon, hwaiting!
Chapter 12: i hope Airi choses either Kai or Tao ._.
Bit still I love it