The White Rabbit

I Live In Wonderland


chapter four ; the white rabbit


"You are two minutes and forty-eight seconds late," Suho informed you as you came into the office of his house. He glanced up from his pocketwatch, snapping it shut and tucking it back into his coat. "Any explaination, Ari?"

"I was at the White Palace."

He blinked, the nodded. "You've heard the news on the kings needing queens I take it?"

You nodded. "I was also at the Red Palace this morning."

"Well you'll be going back," he murmured. He handed you four envelopes. "Deliver these to the Lord of the Red Kingdom. These two belong to the Lord of the White Kingdom."

"You mean Chen ge and Xiumin ge?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Suho straightened up. "I'm a courtier of the Red Kingdom, Ari. I must keep formal." He nodded to himself. "Now, shoo! You're three minutes and eight point five seconds behind schedule! You'll be late!"

You made a face at your odd boss, but headed out, picking up your bag and putting the four parcels in it. "Come on Tao ge~" you sang as you turned.

"You're too obsessed with being on time," Tao advised. "Loosen up hyung."

Suho gave a half-smile. "It's just habit I guess. Now go with her! Or she'll be another thirty-three seconds behind!"

Tao rolled his eyes, running after you. "Is there a name for an obsession with time?"

"Maybe a form of OCD?"

Tao chuckled. "Maybe." He slipped his hand into yours again, making you tense slightly. Tao noticed. *What's wrong Ari? Do you not like it when I hold your hands?* He frowned a little bit.

You noticed his frown. Tilting your head slightly in confusion, you gave his hand a squeeze. "You alright?"

He blinked. "Yeah. Why?"

"You looked lost in your thoughts."

"Maybe I am."

You bumped him slightly with your hip, smiling. Tao relaxed, feeling better now.


Chen's house was large, but not incredibly grand like the Palaces. It was red and black, set in the middle of the woods with a long drive leading up to it. He had a stable to the side that held his two horses, a stable boy out feeding them.

You simply strode up to the door and opened it, coming inside. The butler said nothing--he knew you, and Chen had told him you could come in whenever you wanted. You bad been here so many times it was like a second home anyway.

"He's in the courtyard sparring with Lord Xiumin," the butler said when he noticed you looking around.

You beamed. "Perfect! I have something for both of them. Thank you!" you called over your shoulder as you grabbed Tao's wrist, dragging him to the courtyard.

As the butler had told you, you found the two lords facing each other, swords clanging against each other as they fought. Chen had changed out of his leather uniform, now in a casual black shirt, the first few buttons undone, black pants, and black boots. Xiumin was just the opposite, dressed totally in white.

It was amusing, watching black and white battle it out, sweat glistening off of them. And you had to admit, it was quite attractive. Especially since you may or may not have had a crush on Chen a few years ago...

Tao, who knew of your past crush, watched you. Your eyes were glued to the scene as Chen whirled around, pulling up his sleeves to reveal his toned forearms. Despite how Chen looked, he had a lot of muscle. Tao grew irked. *I have a nice body too, Ari.* He cleared his throat, and the two boys stopped, looking up at them.

"Hello again," Chen greeted, flashing a crooked grin.

"Hi mei-mei," Xiumin greeted, waving. "How long have you been there?"

"Not long."

"I looked cool, right?" Xiumin gave you his cute smile.

You nodded, giving him the thumbs-up. "Very cool."

"But I looked cooler," Chen declared, grabbing a glass of water of a nearby butler's tray, handing one to Xiumin as well. He wiped his lips with the back of his hands. "So what brings you here?"

You shook your head, snapping out of your trance. Tao resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You reached back into your bag, handing them their respectful letters. "I had to bring these to you."

"Invitations to the balls," Xiumin muttered, pulling both of the letters out. One was printed on red paper, the other on white, same as always. Xiumin sighed. "I don't know why the Red King even bothers sending me an invitation. He knows I have to attend Kai's."

"Same with Kai," said Chen. "Even though I wish I could go to his instead of Kris's. I don't know if His Majesty has ever made it through one of his balls without yelling 'OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!' at someone."

"And then they come back the next year for the same thing to happen," you pointed out. The boys all laughed, nodding.

"Well that's all I had to do," you said. "Suho oppa will be pleased. I'll be early." You rolled your eyes.

"Come on," said Tao. "I want you to finish so I can sleep soon."

"You've been sleeping all day," you pointed out as the both of you headed back through the house and down the path. "Plus you don't have to be with me. You can leave if you like."

*Babo. Why would I leave? I can't leave a girl out here by herself.* Tao sighed. "It's fine."

You gave him a curious look, but let it go. You held your hand out for him to take, which he did.


"You're ten minutes and thirteen seconds early," Suho noted when you came back in. "How did you manage that?"

"Xiumin ge was at Chen ge's," you explained, sitting down at one of the tables beside Tao. "Anything else I have to deliver?"

"No. But...these came for you." Suho held out two envelopes.

Your invitations to the balls. You curiously opened them. They were the same as always, except on the bottom of the invitation from Kai, a note was scribbled.

I won't tell Kris hyung if you come to my ball this year instead of his. -Kai

You smiled to yourself, holding back a chuckle.

"And Tao, for you." Suho handed him one envelope.

Since Tao liked to get Kris mad, Kris refused to invite him to his ball. But Kai always invited Tao, even though Tao would attend whichever ball you were going to.

Tao leaned over your shoulder to see what you were smiling about. He rolled his eyes. *Cheesy. Ari's so dense. Can't she see he likes her?* He cast a glance at you. *Which means he'll probably name you his queen...Ari, what are you going to do?*



AUTHOR'S NOTES; How do you guys like Suho? Yep, I made him obsessed with time. I also introduced Xiuminnie! Yay! I think all that's left to introduce is Lay, right? I'll get to that next chapter~

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angrynyarnyar #1
bobjo1913 #2
Chapter 12: I love this so so so so sos os so sk so much!!!! Haha my "so"'s became weird. I dont ever want this to end!!!
Chapter 12: Omg I miss this so much :(
WYF_EXOforever #4
Chapter 12: Please update author-nim !! you story is really nice !!
normalgirl #5
Chapter 12: Author nim where have h disappeared for 2 years for this story especially when its started to get so excited:(
Chapter 12: Oh my god! She has a though choice ahead of her >.< I wouldn't mind all the skinship she gets~ ;D oh, well.. Life isn't a fairy tale with kings chasing you or other fantasy creatures.. I'm a new reader, but I love your story! ^^ update soon, hwaiting!
Chapter 12: i hope Airi choses either Kai or Tao ._.
Bit still I love it