Chapter 15

How Great Is Your Love

Yoona and Seohyun arrived at the spa and walked in hand-in-hand.

"Annyeonghaseyo." said the lady at the front desk.
"Annyeonghaseyo." bowed the couple.
"Can we have a room for two?" asked Yoona.
"Yes ma'am. Here are your clothes to change into. The changing rooms are to the right. Please enjoy your stay!" said the clerk.
Yoona and Seohyun changed into the comfortable clothes, bought hard boiled eggs, and went into one of the steamed rooms.
"Are you having fun?" asked Yoona, cracking an egg for her to eat.
"We haven't done anything yet but changed our clothes and bought eggs..." said Seohyun.
"But you will have fun, right? Because I'm paying for all of this." said Yoona, taking a bite out of the egg.
"Of course I will have fun because I'm with you." smiled Seohyun.
Out of nowhere, Seohyun felt a sharp pain on her head as Yoona cracked on egg on top of her head.
"Ow! Why'd you do that?" asked Seohyun, rubbing her head.
"It tastes better if you crack an egg on top of your lover's head." said Yoona, peeling the rest of the egg and giving it to Seohyun.
After Seohyun ate the egg Yoona gave her, Seohyun also cracked an egg on Yoona's head, but even harder.
"OW! What was that for?" said Yoona, rubbing her head furiously.
"It tastes better if you crack an egg on top of your lover's head." said Seohyun, imitating her girlfriend and passed the egg to Yoona.
"But you didn't have to hit it that hard..." said Yoona quietly, still rubbing her head.
"I'm sorry Yoona." said Seohyun and pouted, knowing Yoona can't resist her pouts.
"That's okay baby. You did it because you love me." said Yoona and winked at her.
"Ew don't do that. It's gross." joked Seohyun.
Yoona knew Seohyun was only joking so she played along with Seohyun.
"If you think it's gross then I'll continue to wink more." said Yoona and winked non-stop.
Seohyun began laughing out loud. "Unnie! You know who you look like when you wink like that?" asked Seohyun.
"Who? Tiffany unnie?" said Yoona and continued to wink like Tiffany.
Seohyun fell over laughing and even snorted that made Yoona fall over laughing.
"Omg. That was hilarious." said Seohyun after they had stopped laughing.
[1 hour later]
"Unnie, let's go get massages." said Seohyun to Yoona who was resting her head on Seohyun's lap.
"Okay. Since we need to relieve our stress from all the busy schedules." said Yoona.
"Yay! Let's go!" said Seohyun and got up, leaving Yoona lying on the ground.
"Help me up!" whined Yoona, and waved her arms and legs in the air like a giant baby.
Seohyun laughed at her girlfriend's choding-ness and pulled her Yoona's arms so she could get up.
"Thank you ^^" smiled Yoona and kissed Seohyun's cheek. The two entwined their fingers together and went to the massage room.
On the way to the massage room, the two saw a very familiar couple walking into the spa. A very short girl with short blonde hair hopping around her taller brunette girlfriend.
"It's Sunny and Hyomin unnie!" said Seohyun.
"Let's surprise attack them." said Yoona and got a thumbs up from Seohyun.
The two sneaked behind the other couple and after the count of three, Yoona jumped on Sunny's back while Seohyun wrapped her arms around Hyomin's waist.
"SURPRISE!" screamed the two younger girls.
"OMO." said Sunny, as she was the most surprised from Yoona's jumping on her.
"Annyoung unnie!" Seohyun said politely and bowed. Hyomin greeted her back with the same gesture.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the building, Sunny was buried underneath Yoona on the floor.
"GET. OFF. OF. ME." said Sunny, losing her breath under the weight of Yoona.
Hyomin and Seohyun saw the situation and went over to them to help their girlfriends up to their feet.
"Don't you ever do that again!" screamed Sunny.
"Sorry unnie. We just suddenly saw you two and wanted to surprise you!" said Yoona, hiding behind Seohyun.
"Well, you did a very great job at surprising me. TO DEATH." said Sunny, which made Hyomin laugh out loud.
"Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" asked Yoona.
"Isn't it obvious? We're at a spa so we're obviously here for a spa and massage." said Sunny, still angry at Yoona.
"Well then, I guess we'll be seeing each other at the massaging room..." said Yoona and ran off with Seohyun to the massage room.
"WE'LL SEE YOU SOON." yelled Seohyun as Yoona drag her away.
"How pleasant to see them here when we're on a date." said Sunny, rolling her tongue around inside her cheek.
Hyomin sensed the sarcasm in Sunny's words and feels like Sunny is angry with seeing her members here when she just wants to have alone time together.
"Hey, if you don't want to see them here while we're together then we can go to another spa..." suggested Hyomin.
"But this is my favorite spa!" whined Sunny. She crossed her arms and pouted.
"Fine, then we'll just have to avoid running into Yoona and Seohyun. How about we get changed and go into the steam rooms or hang out in the pool first since Yoona and Seohyun are in the massaging room. By the time we're finished in the steam rooms, they will be out of the massage room and we can go in." said Hyomin, trying her best to make her bunny happy.
Sunny smiled and hugged Hyomin.
"Yay! Let's do that!" said Sunny and dragged Hyomin into the changing room.
"What do you want to do first? The steam rooms or the pool?" asked Hyomin.
"The pool!" jumped Sunny and ran first without Hyomin to the outdoor pool.
Hyomin smiled while watching Sunny jump into the pool and ran after her when she didn't see her girlfriend's head return to the surface.
"SUNNY!" screamed Hyomin as she dived into the pool to save her girlfriend.
She swam to the deep end of the pool and found Sunny floating head down. Hyomin grabbed her shirt and dragged her out of the pool.
She lay Sunny on the cement and began freaking out since she didn't know how to do CPR.
While Hyomin wasn't looking, Sunny peaked at her panicking girlfriend and giggled softly and went back to playing dead.
"Sunny! Wake up!" screamed Hyomin who is now in tears, afraid that Sunny is already dead.
From watching TV dramas, she remembered how to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. She pinched Sunny's nose and tilted her chin up and slowly closed the gap between hers and Sunny's lips.
She breathed in and out into Sunny's mouth several times until she realized that Sunny's tongue has been trying to fight with her tongue.
"SUNNY! YOU'RE ALIVE!" screamed Hyomin and threw her arms around Sunny.
"I was never dead." laughed Sunny and winked. Hyomin was confused for a moment as to why Sunny was laughing when she was drowning a few minutes ago. She then realized that Sunny was faking just to get her attention.
"Yah! You were faking weren't you!" scolded Hyomin.
"Yeah, it's so funny and cute how you were panicking and freaking out." laughed Sunny.
"Don't ever do that again! I was so worried that you might have died..." said Hyomin.
"I promise I won't do it again." said Sunny. "But at least I know how much you love me to try and save me."
"Did you expect that I would leave you drowning in the pool? Of course I would save you because I don't know how I would live without you." said Hyomin, holding tightly onto Sunny's hands.
"I don't ever want to lose you a second time." said Hyomin and wrapped her arms around Sunny.
a bit of yoonhyun and sunbyung for all them shippers >~<
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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 20: Hahahahaha I was dying of laughter when Tiff said
"Bras and ? Really? " that was so funny XD
Love this fic ^^
YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 16: I swear that I love Sooyoung in this story ^^
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 11: Omg!! I also volunteer as tribute XD
YulSicSLTTR #4
Chapter 10: Hahahaha what's wrong with Yul & Soo ? XD
YulSicSLTTR #5
Chapter 7: Hahahahahaha poor Hyomin XD
So cute *-*
YulSicSLTTR #6
Chapter 2: Looks like Tae is blind..(?)
SunByung is together <3
hhhhhhhhh #7
Chapter 10: Ewww!!!!!Yuri n Sooyoung...
Daebak story!!!! I love sunbyung!!!! Cute cute cute~~~

Just daebak daebak!!!
*two thumbs up* :D