▊Chapter E L E V E N

▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S → {Progress - Character Teasers!}


It was a little past midnight where the streets of Seoul grew quiet only because people where either asleep or out partying the night away.

She’s a young girl with many responsibilities so why on earth is she out so late at night? Doing what she has to do. Steal. It’s a Saturday night, how are you going to say no one is out partying? Please. Friday nights and Saturday nights are the nights she hits big because that’s when the richer people come out and when they least expect it she’ll steal their wallets under their nose while they think she’s being a good samaritan and helping them into the car or taxi.

The girl wasn’t watching where she was walking, her hands where in his pockets as the cold air blew in, kicking rocks underneath her feet, sighing heavily, her breath the only thing she has to entertain herself as it fogs up around until suddenly a door pushes open and a loud laugh echoes the sidewalks.

The girl clicked her tongue, scooting back, just barely missing the door that was swung open. The woman who stood in front of her was pushing off a clingy and musky guy, telling him she was too drunk to give a damn who he said he was or what he was but she was not going to sleep with him. The man was persistent and even stole a few kisses.

The girl planned on leaving the two to quarrel, it always ended with the girl going with him anyways, that is, until the woman screamed.

 Before the young girl could react and rush up to knock the man out who was all over the woman, the woman had done so already, kicking him in the nuts before punching him square in the jaw.

The woman laughed once more, stumbling off towards the girl, yawning, leaning against the building to pull off her heels knowing full well she could no longer walk in them.

The woman perked up when she saw the young girl examining her and then the man on the floor; she snorted.

“Some good moves you got there ahjumma.”

“Huh? Ahjumma? I’ll have you know I’m only twenty!” The woman snapped, rubbing her neck as she stumbled towards the girl.

“I’m guessing fake ID to get into that club then, huh? Since, legally, you’re really only nineteen and clearly the law is twenty-one years and older in order to drink any alcoholic beverages.”

“Pish posh!” The woman laughed, leaning against the girl.

The young girl scowled, she reeked of alcohol but figured this would be a good time to steal from this girl. She was wearing a fancy dress and diamond covered pumps, how could she not be loaded with cash. The young girl chuckled to herself at how easy this woman would become as her next victim only issue was how to get her purse from her hands.

“Where do you live?” The girl asked the woman. She pointed somewhere off in the distance. “Oh but don’t go through the alley way...” She slurred, leaning close, poking the girls nose, chuckling. “I have a stalker.”

“Oh yes.. stalker.” The young girl replied, rolling her eyes.

The closer the two walked – or stumbled – towards the apartment, the woman got more paranoid and lowered her voice when speaking, straightening up her stance and scanning every dark corner.

“Yes well, you’ve been much help, thanks for the help to my apartment but I don’t recall you telling me I had to charge for the help so if you would give me back whatever you stole then we can part ways.” The woman said, holding out her hand.

The younger girl was flushed and embarrassed. How did this woman find out she stole from her?!

“No.” The girl said sharply.

“No?” The woman asked raising an eyebrow. “Look I have bills to pay-“

“And I have a mother to take care of and a brother to feed by myself.”

“Don’t you have a job?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

The woman laughed at the girl’s remarks and witty comebacks, nodding as she crossed her arms.

“Even if I do have a job I still have bills to pay as well and I’m still in high school. I do this-” The girl held up the woman’s wallet, “-daily. And it helps me a lot. Gets me just enough food for a week.”

The woman laughed and nodded. “Alright, take what you need and just give me my wallet back.”

“What?” The girl said shocked. “I could be totally lying to you and yet you are giving me that trust and allowing me to take what I want?”

“Look it’s almost two in the morning and a young girl like you is out here roaming these streets. This is the most dangerous time and unless you’re homeless or truly looking for someone to steal from to feed family then you must be a good con-artist or have no life especially if you are still in school and out here this late.”

The girl was dumbfounded, staring at the wallet. She shook her head, shoving the wallet into the woman’s hands, muttering. “I don’t want anything…” She turned around to storm off before the woman grabbed her by the arm, holding her back.

“What’s your name?”

“Shouldn’t you tell me yours first?”

“Oh, right.” The woman laughed and set on a smile. “I’m Bo Lian.”

The girl looked the woman up and down before muttering her name, barely audible, “No Sungyeon…”

“No Sungyeon.” Lian said with a nod. “You are a strange character. Can we meet up again tomorrow?”

Sungyeon gave Lian a weird look, “I don’t know…”

“I’m not going to hurt you.” Lian laughed.

“Right, like that guy you knocked out earlier…”

“Huh? What guy?” Lian asked, obviously confused.

“You’re drunk, yes, I remember.” Sungyeon sighed and shrugged. “Alright fine, let’s meet up.”

The two girls exchanged numbers, Lian said goodbye to the girl and scorned her, telling her to get to her home right away, and night time wasn’t a place for a young girl like her. She was easy pray. Sungyeon promised she would get home and scorned Lian back that drinking could cause cancer and potentially kill her. Lian laughed it off, shooing herself towards her apartment.

She stumbled up the stairs to her apartment, yawning and chuckling to herself. “That girl will defiantly be a part of our group..” she muttered to herself.

“What group?” There. The voice, the Chinese man. Lian stood up straighter again, clearing , glancing over her shoulder at the man. He was dressed different; black slacks and a black button up shirt that was left ed at the top, relieving some of his chest. His face was also much calmer though he bore smirk. He walked towards her, putting a hand on her back, whispering. “You girls think you can you can save the south don’t you? It’s silly to have such dangerous dreams. You started it and you’ll probably kill them all in the end unintentionally. You know… acting like a cop can do you some real jail time…”

Lian elbowed the guy in the gut hard, running up the stairs to her apartment, leaning over the railing, sticking her tongue out at him. “And stalking someone can get you jail time too, ! Don’t touch me!”

She went into her apartment, slamming the door before crashing on her bed. Too exhausted to get worked up about what just happened and freak out tomorrow – that is if she’ll even remember tomorrow.

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently. Been sick for like two weeks and trying my best D:


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xoxobaozi #1
Chapter 22: Its okay:) I understand the school work so no rush! :)
nodyn08 #2
Chapter 22: I hope your grandma will get well soon. :) Good luck with your stories and school works! :)
Chapter 22: Awww, I hope your grandma is okay ;_______;
& I'm still around
I totally understand about school
It's week 2 and so I've been so busy I couldn't apply in time for your other 2 fanfics *sulks*
Looking forward to your updates & glad you're still here at least
Chapter 22: Omo, hope your grandma is okay!
Chapter 22: awwww okay :)
can I apply ?
xoxobaozi #7
Chapter 21: Congrats congrats!
nodyn08 #8
Chapter 21: I love Sungyeon's teaser! ;~~~; Thank you for an awesome chapter. :D
Chapter 21: I'm sorry as well for not commenting, just got from holiday ^^ The teasers so far are really awesome and leave you on a cliff hanger. I'm anticipating what's going to happen next. Sungyeon seems really interesting and I can't wait to find out who the stalkers are.
Chapter 1: O__________O Just to let you know, your character chapter has duplicate information...