▊Chapter F O U R

▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S → {Progress - Character Teasers!}

The head chief of the police department called down his police crew that resided in the small part of town known as the “West Side” of Seoul, South Korea. There were about twenty police officers that worked in the small force on the west while the other one-hundred-and –some police officers resided in the “brighter” and “richer” part of Seoul.

He made an announcement that head chief of the police department up in northern Seoul wanted to make a deal and help the police down in west with safety.

“Although our duty is here to protect the west, the general and FBI squads along with SWAT teams are becoming skeptical of even coming down to the west side to help with gang’s, murders, and investigations. They are all worried about their own lives as well as they should be. Just as I am worried about my crew member’s safety as well…”

The twenty police officers all chatted and questioned what the head chief would say next.

“Therefore, the police departments have decided to stop supporting us because it’s far too dangerous down here and it’s only getting worse.”

“What?! That is an outrage!”

“This is injustice!”

“How will we survive out here on our own? We only have twenty men to take care of these gangs and criminals!”

“Calm down!” The head chief shouted, his face red and fury and a bit of annoyance.

“Now listen… They agreed to back down if we would help them up in north. It seems gangs have been slowly formulating there and they want to put a stop to it before anything turns out bad, like over here in the west.”

The police officers slowly began to agree, nodding their heads.

“I already took up on the offer. Two police officers of ours were already shot dead these past five months for going and trying to help people who called in and I can’t risk any more lives. Within the following week we will be taking calls only desperate for help in the west and doing most of our investigating up in north. It’s a hard town and if these people don’t like living around gangs they can move. Do I hear any objections?”

It grew silent, then a soft voice from the back and a hand raised up, shouted an objection.

“Although I agree our lives are at stake here, but when aren’t they?” The voice shouted, the officers moving out of the way to let the younger officer step forward.

“Officer Lee…” The head pointed out, raising an eyebrow, inquiring him to go on.

Kikwang looked around nervously before clearing his throat. “We joined the force to help people, to bring justice. But leaving behind these innocent people who need help isn’t bringing justice, sir. They are just as much people as the people in the north are-“

The head chief cut him off, shaking his head. “Office Lee, we’ve already thought this over. You can either help us with the north or turn over your badge and leave if you think this is injustice.”

Kikwang his lips, looking down in thought before clicking his tongue, clenching his fists, shaking his head. He wanted to keep his job and he knew well the head chief wasn’t going to change his mind. He lowered his head and headed back to the back.

If they weren’t going to help, he’d just find officers that would.


Hello! So this is my second teaser. Hope you all live. You have 6 days left to send in an application but if you think you won't make it on the 20th, PM me and let me know so I can make a special offer for you.

Anyways, have a good day! ^^

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently. Been sick for like two weeks and trying my best D:


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xoxobaozi #1
Chapter 22: Its okay:) I understand the school work so no rush! :)
nodyn08 #2
Chapter 22: I hope your grandma will get well soon. :) Good luck with your stories and school works! :)
Chapter 22: Awww, I hope your grandma is okay ;_______;
& I'm still around
I totally understand about school
It's week 2 and so I've been so busy I couldn't apply in time for your other 2 fanfics *sulks*
Looking forward to your updates & glad you're still here at least
Chapter 22: Omo, hope your grandma is okay!
Chapter 22: awwww okay :)
can I apply ?
xoxobaozi #7
Chapter 21: Congrats congrats!
nodyn08 #8
Chapter 21: I love Sungyeon's teaser! ;~~~; Thank you for an awesome chapter. :D
Chapter 21: I'm sorry as well for not commenting, just got from holiday ^^ The teasers so far are really awesome and leave you on a cliff hanger. I'm anticipating what's going to happen next. Sungyeon seems really interesting and I can't wait to find out who the stalkers are.
Chapter 1: O__________O Just to let you know, your character chapter has duplicate information...