I told you I was telling the truth, pabo.

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)

"Why at you all yelling at me?!" sungjong pouted. It seems like I was the one that was shocked the most. You know why? BECAUSE I WAS JEALOUS FOR NO REASON! I wasted my time thinking about it! It's just his sister!! Arrrggggg!!

"We didn't know you had a sister bro!" Hoya shook sungjongs shoulders.
"Yeah! I thought dongwoo was the only one that had a younger sister." L didn't show any expression on his perfectly toned face.
"Ah. Hyungs she not younger than me. She's actually 3 years older than me." sungjong started to eat his ramens. 
"Mwo?!?" we all chorused again. 
"heyyy stop yelling at me!!" sungjong flaps his arms up and down.
"well you didn't tell us that you had an older sister!!" Sungyeol's eyes grew big.
"No one asked?" sungjong pulled off a small smile. 
"But what's the big idea?! Dongwoo hyung never told us about Min Ah!" sungjong backfired. 
Everyone then became silent. I tried to process the information into my brain. *Okay so she's 3 years older than him? Must be 21 years old then. Haha but she acts like a 5 year old. Wait...sungjong acts like a five year too. Must run in their blood.*
"He just burned you guys....that's just sad.." I shook my head. I got off from my seat and walked over to the sink to put my plate in. 
I walked upstairs to take a shower. After taking a shower, I went to my balcony and watched the stars. Everyone was probably downstairs still. I felt bad for leaving Yoo Jin downstairs with people she didn't know. But actually, she knows everything about Infinite, so it's not that bad.
Ever since I answered Sungjong's phone and found out that it was a girl that called him, I was jealous. He doesn't even have my cell phone number. Even when I found out that it was his sister, I admit I was still jealous. I don't know why I was, but I felt sad. I tried not to show it but I'm pretty sure the others found out. 
"Do you wanna talk?" a familiar voice came from inside my room. I thought it was Dongwoo, but it wasn't. I didnt bother to turn back.
"Sure." I responded. L was already standing next to me. "What do you want to talk about." I asked
"Don't get jealous." he said seriously.
"I'm not jealous." I tried denying it. I looked up into the sky to prevent any tears from coming.
"Don't lie. I saw you face expression when you gave him the phone. Even after you found out it was his sister, you still looked sad." he patted my back. 
"Your point?" I asked mono toned
"You can deny it. But I know you have feelings for him. You've changed. He told me that you don't yell at him anymore, in fact you don't yell at anyone. You even dress different now." 
A single tear fell from my eyes. I wiped it really quickly so he wouldn't see, but he noticed it. 
"L...why are you even talking to me? You've never talked to me before." I wiped a few more tears away from my face.
"I don't know either, but I just want to." he smiled. "Why are you crying?" he asked sincerely. 
"I don't know, I really don't know!" i started bawling my eyes out now. I couldn't wipe them away fast enough so I just lowered my head. My hair was covering my face so I don't think L saw me. 
"Hey..it's alright." his voice was calm and sincere. He grabbed onto my shoulders and moved the hair out of my face. 
No One's POV:
L put a finger on Min Ah'a chin and lifted her head up. He slowly wiped away the tears and moved stranded hairs out of her eyes. "You don't need to cry. I didn't mean to say anything mean." L assured her.
"No..it wasn't your fault." she sniffed. "I..I...I don't like Sungjong..but I feel different around him. Like he's my pro..pro..protector..or something." she coughed and lowered her head again. "He...He makes me blush all the time..he...makes me...s..s.smile when I'm sad...he even said that he loved me..." she coughed again and started to cry even louder. 
"See..? You even feel different around him. You can't deny these feelings for him. It's just going to hurt you even more." L felt bad because she was crying so hard.
"Im already..hurt...I hate..hate..him for making..me..me feel that way. No one made me feel...like..that..ever before.." she rubbed her nose. "How can Sungjong fall in love me..?" she cried
Min Ah's POV:
I didn't know what I was saying..words just poured out I my mouth. But those words came from my heart. I lowered my head again because I was too embarrassed to cry in front of one of my brother's friends. His hands left my shoulder, and I felt abandoned. *he left me..alone...he probably thinks I'm a cowards.* I wiped my tears outta my face
A couple of seconds later, a pair of feet were in front of me. I was still looking down, so I didn't know who it was. "Min Ah..?" the voice called out. The voice was sweet and kind...like an angels.
My face was lifted up by his hands. "Why are you crying?" when I looked him in the eyes...it made me cry even harder.
Sungjong's POV:
L left the room a while ago, and he didn't tell us where he was going. I was starting to get worried so I excused myself from the living room and went to look for L hyung. 
I headed up stairs and looked in the rooms. I past Min Ah's room, thinking that he wouldn't be in there. But when I pasted, I heard a faint cry in the distances. *min ah?* I thought. 
I entered her room, but I didn't see anyone in it. Her balcony door was opened though, and I peeked outside. On the balcony, L was standing in front on Min Ah and he was holding her chin. But Min ah was crying. *L hyung what did you do now?* I cursed in my head. 
"Why is she crying?" I mumbled under my breath.
"Im already..hurt...I hate..hate..him for making..me..me feel that way. No one made me feel...like..that..ever before.." she rubbed her nose. "How can Sungjong fall in love me..?" she cried
*Ahh..so she's talking about me..* I thought in my head. Was I the reason why she was crying? I saw her lower her head and cry even louder. 
L spotted me in her room. He motioned me to come comfort her. I walked quietly to him and he whispered something in my ear, "take good care of her. She's a keeper." and with that he left me and Min Ah alone on her balcony. 
I kept staring at her, because I was afraid she would start screaming at me. I've never saw her cry before, even back then, she was always giddy and cheerful. 
I attempted to walk closer to her, but I stepped back. *sungjong pabo! She's your girlfriend! Go talk to her!* I yelled at myself in my head. I inched closer to her, and her head was still down.
"Min Ah..?" I quietly said. She didn't look up or respond, so I gently took her chin and raised it up. The moment our eyes met, she stared to cry even more.
"Shhh..sshh..I'm here alright? Every things gonna be fine." I assured her. Her crying quiet downed and she raised her head to look at me. She was about to speak, but before she did, I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.
"Don't cry!" i squeezed her tight in the hug. She started to cough a little, but it didn't make me let go. I felt her arms wrap around my torso, and I could tell she wanted my assistance. 
She layed her head on my chest and i rested my chin on her head. "Pabo..why do you keep underestimating me?" I giggled to make her laugh. 
"What do you mean?" she mumbled. 
"When I say I love you, I mean I love you. You can't deny it." I poured my cheeks. I slowly her cheeks. "You make me go crazy. You always make fun of me and yell at me for doing something wrong. But I love you for that. My heart races whenever I see you, and I get nervous around you." I confessed. "Believe me now?" I asked. She just cried silently. 
We stayed in the position for awhile, none of us pulling away. "The stars are beautiful right?" she suddenly asked. I think she stopped crying now. 
"Yeah they are. But the true definition of beautiful, is you." I hugged her tighter.
"Oh stop it. You're becoming like Woohyun now. All greasy." she gently smacked my chest. I giggled.
"Why we're you crying anyways? Was L hyung too scary to look at?" I joked.
"No...I cried because...I couldn't accept the truth. You make me feel so warm inside. And I hate you for that. How can someone love a cold person like me? I acted this way so that people could leave me alone and not like me. But you said you fell in love with me even though I'm a monster. That's just hard to believe." I laughed at her response. 
"Do you believe me when I say I love you? Because Im not lying." 
"Yeah...I believe you. I cried because there was actually someone else who loved me besides Dongwoo Oppa and Yoo Jin. But can love really happen in a week?" she asked me.
*Oh trust me....I've loved you longer than a week.*
"Hmm...I guess." I hugged her even tighter and she started to squeal.
"Eekkk!! Stop I can't breath!!" she screamed into my chest. "Sungjong-ah...I can't breath!" 
"Not unless you call me Oppa!" i teased
"Oppa Oppa i can't breath!!" she said in defeat.
I let her go. "That's better." I smiled. She lowered her head again and looked down to the floor. "Yah? Are you crying again? I told you not to cry!" I bent down to see her face, and she was smiling. 
*I know you love me too Min Ah, you always have. I just cant wait till they day you confess to me. But I can wait.*
I added L in this chapter! But it wasn't that long :// sorry. I'll add more of infinite in the next future chapters!! But I'm happy that I updated 2 times today!! YAY!!! 
**Im so happy that today is Infinite's 800 day since debut. I'm sorry Infinite, I wasn't there to support you guys when you debuted, but I'm just thankful that God created you guys and were able to make an amazing group. I'm sorry that I wasn't an Inspirit to start with, but now I am a True Inspirit. I will continue loving infinite from now on, I will support them and cheer for them, because they never seem to disappoint me. Thank you!! 사랑해요!!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!