From Admiration to Love

From Admiration to Love

“(f/n), you have the rest of the day off,” A smile crept against your face as you nodded. “Don’t get into any trouble now,” your manager instructed before disappearing. It took nearly all your mental strength to stop yourself from jumping up and down in joy. It’s been forever since you’ve last had some free time after debuting for a year. Three extra years of training just to debut. Now that you’ve debuted, you had to act professional as there could be any chance of you being filmed at any time.

Your head peeped through a dance studio before slipping silently through. You sat in the darkest corner while watching your best friend dance. ‘Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History.’ The music slowly died out and they ended it with a move that went well. Clapping resonated from your corner as you stepped out. The clapping bounced off the wall that it made the group whip their head around in surprise. “Great work as always, everyone,” you smiled cheerfully. A grin broke out on their faces once they realised how it was.
“(f/n)! You surprised us!” the leader scolded playfully. “Don’t do that again.” You stuck your tongue out in response before smiling cheekily.
“I’m sorry, Suho-oppa,” you grinned. Before you knew it, you were tackled onto the ground by your best friend.
“(f/n), are you here to specially see me?” he grinned cheekily. You slapped his arm gasping for air.
“Chanyeol-oppa! I-I c-can’t breathe!” you gasped. At your statement, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun pulled him off you in an instant. You sat up and took in big gulps of air, satisfied that oxygen was filling your lungs. You sent Chanyeol a glare which earned you an instant apology from the quivering boy. “Well, I have some free time and I’m assuming that you guys now have some as well.” Their eyes widened in surprise because indeed they did.
“Noona, h-how did you know?” Sehun asked nervously. A mischievous laugh left your lips before smirking.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out,” you waved you finger, teasing them. They all pouted like you had expected making you stifle a chuckle. You stood up and dusted your faded jeans before walking up to Chanyeol and hooking your arm with his. “C’mon, let’s go,” you sing-sang. You dragged him out of the room before there were any protest about why you chose him and not them. Kai’s voice could be heard from behind the door as they ran away. A grin broke out on Chanyeol’s face before he started dragging you somewhere, he always did when you when you hung out with him.

It had been two years ago when you met them while you were in your trainee phase, they all befriended you but you got along with Chanyeol better than any of the members. You had several problems like that you were too stiff while dancing and that you didn’t show many emotions when you sung. Chanyeol made some time to help you practise your dancing skills by practising them with you and telling you to relax. He also gave you advice by making you think on how what mood was the song about and express it.

You stepped out on the beach with a grin. It was one of your favourite places on the earth. You took extra precaution so that your disguise equipment wouldn’t fall away. Chanyeol skipped beside you holding two ice-cream cones. He gave you the chocolate one before taking a of his own vanilla flavoured ice-cream. You fixed your hat carefully before walking on the pathway beside the beach and your ice-cream. Small conversations would pop up now and then before you felt come cold and sticky running down your fingertips. “Ah!” you quickly the melting cream off your fingers.

Too busy the cream, you bumped into someone causing the cone to fall onto your white shirt. You looked up to see someone with an easily recognisable red hair. You opened your mouth wide and gaped as if you were a fish.
“I-Isn’t that (l/n) (f/n)?!” a female cried. You looked around to see that your disguise equipment was on the ground. Before you knew it there was a rampage of fans running at your direction. You gulped nervously before looking at Chanyeol who had already ran away at the mention of your name. The red hair quickly grasped your arm and dragged you away from the rampaging group that he barely gave you enough time to grab your hat. He stopped at a shop and hid behind the clothes rack where fans ran straight pass in search. When they disappeared around the corner, you popped out from behind and gasped in relief. You weren’t enjoying the fact that you were hiding behind the undergarments section of the shop. ‘We fail, we lose, to win. Dulyeowohaji mal-a.’ Your phone went off at the worst possible moment. You pinked before embarrassing answered it only to receive a long string of apology from the other end.
“I’m sorry, (f/n)! I’m so sorry! I thought you would’ve known once someone calls out your name while you’re disguised, you’re supposed to run,” Chanyeol hastily apologised. The apology went on and on before you interrupted him.
“Chanyeol-oppa, I know that you’re going to mess up your schedule if you don’t hurry up and get going instead of apologising to me,” you scolded him sternly. He muttered another apology and good bye before hanging up. You sighed deeply when you felt a strong stare on your back. You turned around only to see the red hair man looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Your friends with Chanyeol?” he asked. Behind his shades you knew his eyes were twinkling with curiosity. You nodded your head hesitantly, not trusting your voice to talk to your crush in front of you. He nodded his head in understanding before looking at you up and down.
“Yesung-sshi, what are you looking at?” you asked softly, slightly self-conscious. A soft smile appeared on his face for a split second before it was replaced with a smirk.
“I’m surprised you could recognise it was me,” he stated, obviously amused. You rolled your eyes before putting your hands in your hips.
“Your hair is a dead giveaway,” you remarked matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes in the process while shaking your head. A soft chuckle was heard from him as he nodded in his head in agreement.
“C’mon, I’ll pay for your new shirt.” Without giving you enough time to deny, Yesung dragged you to a nearby shop and brought you a brand new shirt that went well with your jeans.

Your face turned into a heavy hue of pink while you wore his shirt. His charms and gentle personality were starting to turn you into another one his fangirls. You had already admired him from afar when you first entered the music industry. Your admiration soon became to a one-sided crush when they were passing out food to the trainees. In the container you got, there was an omelette with some side dishes. It had seemed that you got lucky and received the only box with the omelette because it was cooked by the one and only, Yesung himself. When you were young, you had made a silly vow that you would fall in love with any guy that could cook the delicious omelette and so far, it was only Yesung he could do it. The only witness was your pet budgie which you named after Jaejoong. You knew that no one else was going to surpass his cooking so your crush gradually grew and grew to the point that your face would pink just being near him.

Yesung looked around the area before smiling and turning around towards you. “Okay, since we’re already together, let’s hang out,” he suggested. Your face darkened to a rosy hue before stiffly nodding. Another faint smile appeared on his face before he led you to an arcade called Laserforce. You’ve only been here once before you became a trainee but from what you remembered, it was wear you lurk in the shadows before shooting your opponents with these fake lasers. You and Yesung got geared up with the necessary equipment before heading into the zone where the laser war had already begun.

Time passed quickly and because Yesung was on your team, you beat every other team. Your abilities to protect each other backs were extraordinary that you thought it was just natural to be helping each other. You both stepped out after losing the final on purpose and took off the gear. You quickly put on your beach hat and turned around to see him putting on his shades. You gulped nervously before you gathered up your courage. “Y-Yesung-sshi,” you began nervously. You could feel your palm starting to sweat which you wiped it off on your jeans. You felt as though you were your back in school getting ready for a presentation. “I-I’vealwaysadmiredyoufromafarbutIthinkIlikeyounowsowouldyoupleasegooutwithme?” you asked all in one breath. You breathed deeply and looked down, not daring to meet his eyes. Because you were facing the ground you didn’t see the smirk appearing on his face. You raised your face when you heard a loud forced cough coming from him.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t catch what you said,” he stated slowly. “Can you repeat it again but this time, slower?” Your face immediately darkened at his request that you looked away from his face. His eyes were twinkling with mischief behind his shades that you couldn’t see them. You hesitantly opened your mouth to repeat your question only to be pulled into a bone crushing hug. “I was only joking, (f/n),” he chuckled deeply beside your ear. Shivers ran down your spine since his breath was tickling you. He whispered two words into your ear that drove your mind in frenzy. Before he could do anything to you, his phone went off with an embarrassing ring tone. ‘Boy boy baby boy boy maswimellou.’ Your face pinked at your voice being his ring tone with your solo album. But your blush was light compared to the heavy hue on Yesung’s face. He grumbled something about putting his phone on silent before answering the call. A quick word was all it took for him to hang up. “Sorry (f/n), it’s time for my fan meeting,” he apologised sincerely. You nodded your head in agreement. It had seemed the caller was his manager and the one word ‘schedule’. You smiled lightly before hooking your arm with his to which he led you to the SM Entertainment building. “Oh and, you can call me oppa from now,” he smiled. You face beamed since you had always wanted to call him oppa.
“Yesung-oppa,” you said softly, but loud enough for Yesung to hear. To you it felt as though it just rolled off your tongue. You decided that it was your second favourite word, saving first place for another that you had always wanted to say to Yesung. His face also beamed when you said his name that he couldn’t help but look away with a huge grin on his face.

You both stopped in front of his dorm to which he looked around left and right. Yesung was making sure that no one was around before placing a swift kiss on your cheek. He muttered a goodbye before slipping into his dorm. You swore you saw a bit of red dusted on his cheeks before disappearing. It would seem you were correct because from behind the door you could hear loud ‘Oooohs’ and laughter. Your head was still jumbled after the kiss that you stumbled into your door of your own personal dorm. You collapsed onto your bed and buried your face into it. You squealed like a fan girl with a tomato-coloured face. The word that he whispered into your head kept on repeating non-stop.

Of course.

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jongwoontrash #1
Chapter 1: This story makes we want to become a trainee of SM Ent so baaad
puppyrawr #2
ahhhh i love this story! so cute ^^ yesung is my bias :)