Chapter 8 - Water Gun War

The Search

Sungmin POV - Water Park

My guess was right on.  Kyuhyun was grinning at me, holding a water gun.  Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Yesung were all hiding behind him.

"What are you guys doing here?" I glared at our four friends.

"Wookie, invited us," he answered.

I turned around at my lover.

"Why Wookie?!" I whined cutely.  "I'm all wet now!"

He bought my act and wrapped his arms around me.  "I am sorry Minnie.  We haven't seen them for so long though."

"But I'm cold!" I complained.

Ryeowook started to panic and his motherly instinct started to kick in.  "You might get sick!  Should I buy you something to wear?!  Should I buy you something hot to eat?!"

"I know what you should do," I whispered.

"What can I do to help you?!"

"My lips are cold, can you warm them?"  I tried to hold back a laugh as I heard Donghae gagging behind us.

"B-but, our friends are here!"

I pouted.  He sighed.  His lips only brushed against mine when another wave of water hit us.

"YAH!" I shouted as they continued to shoot us.

"You guys are so cheesy!" Yesung giggled.

I grabbed two water guns from a nearby bucket and started shooting back.  Ryeowook and I ganged up against Yesung.  After awhile, noticing that he was struggling, Kyu jumped in front of him trying to protecting him.

"Don't hurt my turtle!" he yelled.

After an intense battle of turtles and bunnies, the KyuSung couple collapsed; Kyuhyun on top of Yesung.  When I ran passed them toward the EunHae couple, I saw the both of them passionately kissing.  I could here Yesung mumbling something about guardian angels.  I rolled my eyes.  And they call us cheesy.

The EunHae were harder to knock down. 

"You can never beat fish with water!" Donghae boasted.

"Well they can't do anything without water!" Ryeowook shot back.  I immediately understood what he said.  I quickly shot Donghae in the face.

It was too late when Donghae understood what he meant.  Ryeowook quickly ran up to him and grabbed his gun.  Wookie threw it to me.  We both shot an ocean onto him.

"Hyukkie, save me with your monkey powers!" he screamed.

Eunhyuk rushed to his side.  Kind of.  He slipped on the wet floor and plunged into the pool.

"No!" Donghae cried out.  "Fish!  Lend me your power!" With that said, he dived into the water.  After a couple seconds, Donghae dragged Eunhyuk's body up to land.

He tried to CPR.  TRIED.  He started it correctly, but after awhile his lips lasted on Eunhyuk's a little longer each time.  Soon they were just plain kissing.

I looked at Ryeowook.  "I guess we won this war."

"We're number one!" Wookie laughed.

"Do I get a prize?" I winked.

"Yup!" He leaned close to face.  I was about to connect our lips when he poured a bucket of water over my head.  "I'm the last one standing!" 

I stared at him in shock.  I gave him an evil smirk.  His eyes widened and he turned around and started running. 

"Get back here!" I commanded.  I couldn't help smiling.  The six of us had a lot of fun today.



I know!  This is such a short chapter.  I can't help it.  School is such a burden.  -_-"  It's the first week of school and homework is already piling.  The worst thing about school: HOMEWORK.  The last chapter is next.  :(  I hope you enjoyed the story because it is coming to an end.  I might make a new story, I'm not sure though.  Please give you opinion on if I should or not.  :D


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 9: Very sweeeett and my fav couple is minwool
Chapter 9: Love this so much....
Im fall in love with minwook again..n again....
Thanks 4 great story^__^•
Chapter 9: Aw what it ended?! Even though the relationships were a bit fast, i really really enjoyed reading this ^^ its so sweet and everything is like perfect ^^ plus there were some super funny parts. Ithink my family probs thought i was getting some ssort of attack xP
Chapter 9: I this was certainly entertaining! I laughed a lot actually.~ thank you for writing this^^
hmwlove #5
Chapter 9: Lolol! Yeah that's true, it's very rare (have I even seen?) to go past kissing for minwook actually :p the pure souls <3
iKonata #6
omg This has to be the cutest funniest fic I've ever read aaa <3
Ryeowook_wookie #7
Chapter 5: Kekeke I like Minwook moments^^ :3
Goemas12 #8
Chapter 9: luv this especially the kyusung couple
Chapter 3: Haha im laughing too much at Kyusung. :p
siana-chan #10
Chapter 9: Awww it was soo good :D Uber happy ending ^^

Kyuhyun and Yesung is the naughty couple haha, why am I not surprised~ xd

Thanks a lot :D