XiuChen Drabble : Baozi

We Are One, Baby Exo!

"Hyungie, don't tire yourself out." Chen Chen said as he watched his Xiumin hyung continue to excerize and jump around.

The older boy has been training himself ever since the town announced that it would be holding a Baozi Contest. Whoever eats the most Baozi wins.

Chen has been helping his hyung train but he feels horrible whenever Xiumin skips a meal and continues training. He knew Xiumin doesn't want to eat anything to win the competition but it was sad to watch his favorite hyung force himself not to eat.

"Hyung....." Chen held onto his huge microphone plushie and watched as Xiumin was jumping with his Disney princess jump rope. "Hyungie, you should take a break."

"Aniyo! I have to win! The prize is a huge Baozi plushie! IT'S MINE!!!!"

Chen Chen nodded silently as he bit his lower lip. "But aren't you hungry?" He asked. Xiumi froze a bit and then nodded. The younger boy smiled and ran off to the kitchen.

He stood on the stool and grabbed a handful of baby carrots and celery. "Here, hyungie! Eat this!"

"Ew, but it's healthy."

"That's why you should eat it! You do want to win, don't you?"

"I guess...but carrots and celery?"

"EAT IT!" Chen shouted, stuffing the vedgetables into Xiumin's mouth. "Chew and swallow or else I'll punch your stomach."

And so the older complied, scrunching his face as he swallowed the food. "Yuck. Taste more horrible than ginger."

"It's okay hyungie! It'll give you energy! You're going to win for sure!"


On the day of the competition...

"Hyungie! You can do it! If you don't win I'm going to draw a dot on your head!!!"

Xiumin nodded and he climbed onto his seat. "On your mark, get set go!" The second the small cannon fired, indicating the start, Xiumin plopped his face into the baozi.

Chen, on the side, screamed as loud as he can, making the people beside him go deaf. "COME ON HYUNG! YOU CAN DO IT!"

The audience watched in awe as Xiumin continue to stuff his cheeks with the baozi one after the one. They couldn't tell which one was Xiumin, and which one was the baozi.


Xiumin nodded and gulped down the one in his cheek. He grabbed the leftover baozi with both his hands and stuffed them in his mouth at once before chewing.

After finally finishing them, Xiumin won the contest. He smiled with his bunny teeth as he received his baozi plushie. "Wow! It's so soft! I wonder if I can eat it!"

"But hyung! You already ate the other baozi! How are you still hungry?!"

"I'm a growing boy! I have to eat!"

"Might as well eat healthy food..."

"Ew, healthy food. It's bad for you."

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Chapter 2: can you update?
Chapter 1: Lmao! JB scaring EXO babies. Who said, "I think I peed myself" because that sounds like xiumin
AisyahPika #3
Chapter 2: LEL! Okay kids! I know a lot of your parents eat carrots and healthy foods but
Rule #1:Healthy food Is bad for you!
That's what Baozi said~
AisyahPika #4
Chapter 1: Oh my gooood!!! It's 1:10 am in the morning and I can't stop laughing!! Help!! Hahaha haha hahaha! Judging Bieber is scaring the baby's!!! I'm.. Pretty sure the last one who insult JB Dance is Kai! I can't staaaahjppppp! HELP
Deflowerhoe #5
Deflowerhoe #6
Hey! I was just wondering if you were going to continue this because I saw you haven't updated it since 2012. I don't want to start a fic, knowing I'll love it, but also knowing it's not going to continue.
ohsammie #8
Chapter 1: i seriously can`t stop laughing. when baekhyun told chanyeol to do all the work while he supervises. sassy diva bacon and poor innocent eggyeol.
Its_Yara #9
Chapter 2: Rule #1 Healthy food is bad
AriaFair #10
Chapter 1: The fact that Justine Bieber is much more scarier than Paranormal 2. . . EPIC!!! Ahahahhaha!!