Spending Time With My Girlfriend ♥

One Look To Fall In Love

Third Person POV

"Bye Sica!" Taeyeon and Tiffany said together as they walked toward the exit hand in hand.
"Wait!" Sica yelled. "Hmm?" Tiffany said turning her head. Jessica then went to Tiffany's ear and whispered, "Did you give her the ring?" Tiffany nodded and smiled.
"It's already 10pm.." Tiffany said looking down. "Where do you live? I'll walk you home." Taeyeon said with a smile. "My house is far from here. I'll go home by myself, Tae. You should go too, it's getting late." "No! Your house is far, if you go by yourself you might get hurt Pani ah." Taeyeon said looking serious. "But if you walk me home, then you will have to walk back by yourself and I don't want you getting hurt either." Tiffany said looking into Taeyeon's big brown eyes. 
"Then... How about we both go to my place?" Taeyeon said with a wide smile. 
"I don't think your parents will like that very much Tae..." Tiffany said with a straight face. "I live alone, Tiffany. So, what do you say? Want to come?" "Sure, I just need to call my dad and tell him." Tiffany said with a eye smile. Tiffany stepped aside and called her father.
The two lovers walked, Tiffany was hugging Taeyeon's arm. "Taeyeon ah, what school do you go to?" Tiffany asked. "I go to the school on Dakota Road and Maisto Avenue." "Which school is that?" Tiffany asked confused.
"The Tiffany-is-cute school." Taeyeon said with a chuckle.
Tiffany gave Taeyeon a light push while looking down and blushing. "Seriously Tae Tae." Tiffany said with a light laugh. "I go to SM High. It's an all girls school." Tiffany nodded. "What school do you go to Pani?" "I go to JYP High, but I'm probably going to transfer soon." Tiffany said. "Where are you thinking of transferring to?" Taeyeon asked curiously. "I'll tell you another time...." Tiffany said with a small smile. 
"Ahh, here we are!" Taeyeon said opening the door for Tiffany. "Woah, this is a big apartment for such a tiny girl!" Tiffany said, looking around the apartment with nice furnishing and decor. "Yah!" Taeyeon yelled as she grabbed Tiffany from behind. "Jugulae?" Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany as she gave her girlfriend's ear a small kiss. Tiffany turned her head around to see Taeyeon's face, their faces just centimetres apart.
They stared at eachother for about a minute. Tiffany started to lean in. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany's lips, just about a centimetre away from her lips. 
As much as Taeyeon wanted to kiss her, she held herself back, not wanting to go against what she said earlier that night. She pushed Tiffany away.
"Y-yah, not yet! Remember what I said!" Tiffany frowned and let out a heavy sigh.
Tiffany plopped herself onto the couch, still with a disappointed look on her face. Taeyeon went to sit beside her and she put her arm around Tiffany's waist. "Just a little longer Pani ah, hehe." Taeyeon said laughing at how much Tiffany wanted to kiss her. 'Just how much longer?' Tiffany inwardly thought. Taeyeon leaned in and rubbed their noses together.
"You are the epitome of perfect. Pani." 
"Hmm... What should I make for Fany?" Taeyeon said as she was thinking of something to make for her girlfriend to eat when she comes out of the shower. "Something to show her how much I love her.." Taeyeon said to herself. She looked in the cupboard for something to make, when she spotted her heart cookie cutter. "Oh! I'll use this to cut out heart shapes in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.." Taeyeon smiled. 
She made a sandwich and cut it in half. "One side for Tiffany... and one side for me!" Taeyeon said as she put the sandwich on a heart shaped plate. "Because me and Pani share a heart now.." "Really?" A husky voice said into Taeyeon's ear as two arms slid around her waist. Taeng turned her head and saw a eye smiling Tiffany. Taeyeon nodded and smiled widely. 
The two made their way to the couch. Taeyeon set the plate on the table and Tiffany sat down. "What drink do you want Pani ah?" Taeyeon asked with a sweet smile. "What do you have?" "Umm.. Milk, apple juice, soda, and fruit punch." Taeyeon said as she stuck out one finger for each thing she listed. "I'll take milk." Tiffany said with a smile. "Sorry I don't have Hot Chocolate Pani.." Taeyeon said with a apologetic smile. "It's alright Tae Tae." Tiffany smiled.
Taeyeon set a big glass of milk down. The two smiled at eachother. Both of them grabbed a side of the heart shaped sandwich. They took a bite together. "Is it good?" Taeyeon asked. "It tastes good because my Tae Tae made it." Taeyeon blushed at Tiffany's words. 
"Ahh, that was good." Tiffany said as she finished her snack and took a gulp of milk. Taeyeon kissed Tiffany on the cheek and hugged her around her neck. "Baby, do you want to watch a movie?" Taeyeon said as she nuzzled her face into Tiffany's neck. "Sure, which movie Tae?" "Your choice." Taeyeon said, still with her face in Tiffany's neck. "Let's watch.. My Neighbor Totoro!" Tiffany said cheerfully. "Okay!" Taeyeon gave Tiffany's neck a small kiss before pulling away to find the movie on her laptop.
Tiffany smiled when the movie ended. With her arm still around Taeyeon's shoulder, she looked over to her right, and her girlfriend has fallen asleep on her shoulder.
"Kyaa~ Keoptaaa..." Tiffany said quietly not wanting to wake her sleeping angel.
Tiffany carried Taeyeon up bridal style. "Aish, you're heavier than I thought Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany said quietly as she walked down the hallway carrying Taeyeon. Suddenly she heard a perky whisper, "Really?" said the voice.
Tiffany turned her head to see her girlfriend staring at her with wide eyes. "Yah! You scared me!" "Sorry baby." Taeyeon said as she kissed Tiffany's cheek. 
Tiffany put Taeyeon on the bed. "Thank you for carrying me Pani ah." Taeyeon said as she pulled Tiffany on the bed to hug her. "Was I really heavy?" Taeyeon asked with a small giggle. "Kind of." Tiffany said as she hugged Taeyeon back. 
After a a few minutes of hugging and cuddling, Taeyeon broke the silence. "Give me your phone Pani ah. I need to put my number in."
Tiffany pulled away from the hug, handing Taeyeon her phone. Tiffany watched as Taeyeon typed her number in. "What name do you want to put me as?" Taeyeon looked up at Fany.
"My beautiful, cute, dorky girlfriend that I want to be with forever and ever!" Tiffany said, with a tone filled with love. "That doesn't fit in the box Pani ah." Taeyeon giggled. Tiffany pouted.
"Then just put in... My Hubby."
Taeyeon smiled as she put in the name. 'I am Fany's Hubby!' Taeyeon happily thought. Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon's phone and put in her number. "What name do you want to put me in as Tae Tae?"
"Of course put in My Wifey." The two smiled at eachother. Tiffany put in the name with a heart on the end. 
"Are we gonna be sleeping in the same bed tonight?" Tiffany asked awkwardly as they returned to their hugging position.
"If you don't want to, I can sleep on the couch." Taeyeon said with a slightly saddened expression.
"No, it's okay! I want to." They smiled at eachother. Taeyeon laughed. "I'll close the light then." Taeyeon got up and closed the light. She layed back on the bed and could see Tiffany's figure in the dark. "You're so beautiful." Taeyeon said as she hugged Tiffany from behind. "Tae, you kind of sound like a creeper.." Tiffany said as she snuggled closer into Taeyeon.
"Shut up." Taeyeon said playfully. They both giggled and fell asleep in eachothers arms.
Tiffany woke up to the sound of broken up music. She turned around and was disappointed to see that Taeyeon wasn't there. 
'Elec-lec-tric-lectric Shock-tric-shock'
"What is going on?" Tiffany said to herself. She walked out of the room and saw her girlfriend on her laptop. "What are you doing Tae?" Tiffany asked as she walked over to Taeyeon. "Well you see. I'm playing the music on my iPod, and I'm playing the video on mute on my computer. I'm trying to match the music playing on my iPod to the video playing on my computer. Get it?" Tiffany laughed at how childish Taeyeon was. "You're so cute.." She said to her. 
Tiffany looked at the time on Taeyeon's computer screen and yawned. "Why do you get up so early Tae Tae?" She asked with her eyes half closed. "What do you mean early? It's 12:30!" "That's early!" Taeyeon got up and hugged Tiffany, grabbing her by the waist. "Go brush your teeth, I'll make us lunch." Taeyeon moved her hands to Tiffany's and gave it a small squeeze. "Yah! Byuntae!" Tiffany tried to pull away from Taeyeon, but Taeyeon grabbed her tightly.
"Only for you." Taeyeon said as she kissed Tiffany's neck a few times.
"You know, it's going to be hard trying not to kiss you if you keep teasing me like that." Taeyeon giggled. "What teasing? You mean this?" Taeyeon placed kissses on Tiffany's neck again, then her jawline, she stoped near Tiffany's chin. They were now looking eachother in the eyes. Tiffany pulled away, "I'm going to brush my teeth now." Tiffany said as she skipped toward the bathroom. 
Taeyeon POV
I love teasing my girlfriend. "Hahaha." Hm.. What should I make? I looked in the fridge. Bacon! I looked in the cupboard. Hmm.. Mac and cheese... Cool, I'll make Bacon Mac and Cheese. 
"That was delicious Tae." Tiffany said as she sat herself on the white sofa. "Are you just saying that because I'm you girlfriend? Or do you mean it?" I said to her as I laid my head on her lap. She looked down at me and I looked up at her. "Both." We smiled at eachother. Pani's smile was so sweet, I could look at her smile all day. 
"Where do you want to go today baby?" Tiffany asked me. "Well, I was hoping that we could go to the supermarket today and get some hot chocolate for the next time you come over.. And we can also go shopping, or whatever you want to do.." I smiled at her. "I want to kiss you." We rubbed our noses together. Maybe today...
At the Supermarket
Me and Tiffany pushed the cart together, with her backhugging me. "Oh!" I said loudly when I saw the hot chocolate mix. I got out of Tiffany's backhug and I went to put some in the cart. "Taeyeon, we don't need that much!" Tiffany said to me when she saw me put 5 tins into the cart. She stepped over and put 3 tins back. "But Pani ah, don't you want alot?" She laughed. "Yeah, but not that much. Silly Tae Tae.." She kissed my cheek. I love her sweet kisses..
"I'm going to run back home and put the stuff we bought there. I'll be back in about 10 minutes. Wait here." I said. "Tae, I want to go with you." Tiffany said pouting to me. "If you go with me you'll be tired. Just stay here." I said to her with a smile. "If I stay here by myself, I will be lonely and sad." She said to me with the cutest pout I have ever seen. "Fine, but when your tired don't complain to me." "I won't" She said with a teethy smile.
"Where do you want to go now Pani baby?" I asked her as we walked out of the building together.
"Hmm... Can we go on a date tonight?" She asked. "Sure! But where do you want to go for our date?" I looked at her.
"Surprise me Tae."
Where should I take her? To a restaurant? No.. too plain... We could go on a movie date, but I want to save that for a lunch date. I know! We could go to the park and have a nice picnic! I've always wanted to do that. I hope she'll like my idea. "So, our plans for tonight are set." I looked at my phone, 4:30pm. "Pani, we have 2 hours until 6:30. Where do you want to go?" She looked at me with her eye smile. "Tae, I'm gonna go home and get ready for our date. I need lots of time to get ready for my first date.. with my first girlfriend."
Wow, I'm her first girlfriend? I can't believe a beautiful girl like Pani never had a girlfriend before. 
"I'm gonna go then. Bye Tae!" Tiffany said with a nod as she started to walk off, but before she could walk any further, I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her into a hug.
"Do you need me to walk you home?" I took in her scent with a sniff, she smelled like the perfume that I used. No surprise since she slept with me and we have been hugging eachother all day.
"Aniyo. You just go Tae." I hugged her tighter. "Be safe. Ara?" Tiffany pulled away from our hug but still held my hand. "Araseo." She eye smiled at me and started to walk down the street.
Kyaaa, her eye smile was so cute! I watched her turn the corner and I smiled. "Tiffany.." I whispered to myself. I turned around and bumped into someone. "Joesonghabnida." I said and bowed. I looked up to see Jessica. "Do you love her?"
"Have you been stalking us?" I asked without answering her question.
"I just saw you guys a few minutes ago when I was walking down the street so I decided to follow you guys, and see how your relationship is going." "Oh.. Well, I have to go get some stuff ready. I'm taking Fany on our first date tonight. Wish me luck!" I turned around and was going to walk but Jessica turned me around, grabbing my shoulders. "Kim Taeyeon, you still haven't answered my question!" "Huh?" I said confused.
"Do you love Tiffany Hwang?" Jessica asked. 
Tiffany POV
I ran home as fast as I could. Ahh! I can't believe me and Tae are going on a date! I love her sooooo much! Cute Tae Tae. I could feel my heart beat faster just thinking of that dork, my dork. 

"Daddy, I'm home!" I said as I ran into the house panting. "Did you have fun at your sleepover?" My Dad asked from the living room. "Dae!" I said as I hugged my father.

"You smell different Miyoung." He looked at Me.

"Ah Dae.. I kind of smell like Taeyeon..." I said, realizing that I got her smell after sleeping with her and hugging her. "Who's Taeyeon? A new friend?" My dad asked as he looked back to his book. "Um.. Well.. Kind of." Hmm... I inwardly sighed. I'll tell him someday, but not today.

"Daddy, I'm going upstairs now!" I walked up the first few steps of stairs when Daddy said something,

"Miyoung ah, let's eat dinner together tonight!"

"Uhh.. Daddy, sorry, I can't tonight. I need to go somewhere tonight. Can we eat together tomorrow night?" I said to him, feeling kind of bad.

"Oh, it's alright. Sure, let's go tomorrow. Where are you going tonight?" Should I tell him that I am going on a date? If I do he's going to ask me with who.. "Um.. I am going to do a school project with Sica."

"Oh okay." He said and started reading again. "Speaking of school.." He looked up from his book again.

"Can I transfer to another high school Daddy?" I asked with a small bit a aegyo. He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, I thought you were going to say that you wanted to drop out or something. What school do you want to go to?" "SM High School." "Oh, the all girls school? Well, if you really want to then sure. I'll call your school and set it up so you can go there tommorow." I smiled at him, "Thank you Daddy!" He nodded and I headed up stairs.

Kyaaaa~ I can't wait to surprise Taeyeon tomorrow when she sees me at her school. I went to sit on my bed and my phone beeped. 


From: My Hubby

Tiffany Hwang! I am excited for our date<3 Wear something casual, okay? Text back quick, bogoshipo! 


To: My Hubby

Kim Taeyeon! I'm excited too :) How casual? Will jeans and t-shirt do? Nado bogoshipo :3


From: My Hubby

Yes, that will do. I can just imagine how beautiful you will look! I can't wait to see my beautiful wife ^^ <3


To: My Hubby

And I can't wait to see my cute dork<3 I'm gonna go shower now. See you later Tae Tae!


From: My Hubby

I wish I could shower with you ;) Haha, see you later baby.


That byuntae! Tsk, tsk, tsk. I shook my head and went to shower.





A/N: Hiiiii! I was gonna make this chapter even longer but I decided to end it :P Kyaa~ can't wait for Taeny's date. I'm sorry that when I write, I spread 1 day into like 3 chapters, after the next chapter, I'm going to stop doing that. Please comment and I will update again soon ^^  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) Annyeong~ 

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Chapter 5:
Chapter 5: Why is Jessica stalking TaeNy? I hope she won't cause troubles! Waiting for their romantic date :)
azlinamatsapar #3
Chapter 4: Finally! You are come back... wow!!! Please update often.. actually I always thinking where was this author going? Why still not update yet? Was something bad happened to her??? Hmmm.....
yeonyoung27 #4
Chapter 4: KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! AUTHOR SSI!!!! YOU MAKE ME GO CRAZY SO MUCH TAENY FLUFFY jdfgjerigeisirjhiej'j ... Can't wait for the update && TAENY DATE OF COURSE
Chapter 4: I really like this story, it's so fluffy... I'm waiting for their date and first kiss! :)
Aw so cute! Author, author! Update quick!
fudge609 #7
I really like fluffy story, and this is such a cute story. Looking forward for more to come kekeke
Rose_Atoria #8
TYK309 #9
Love love love~ taeny love~
taeny_0901_Lover #10
Hahahahhaha that was ed up I wonder what Tiffany would say to Nicole after this hahahha pls update again indeed it