Assassin Makes Me Hungry

One Look To Fall In Love


"So the game is called Assassin. Rules are, each player gets one neck strap with a metal clamp clip and one 'Life Card' which is a photo of you. Your photo is your life. You must clip the 'Life Card' on the metal clip. The object of the game is to kill others by taking their photos off of their neck strap clips. Once someone captures your card, you are out, and you must give that person all the photos of the people you have captured and return to the house for the party. The game lasts until the only one person is alive. You can go to stores, restaurants, boutiques, anywhere- but you have to stay on this block. Your photo must be hanging on the outside of your body at all times. Kill or be killed. You have 5 safe minutes to leave the building, starting now!"

Today is such a nice day, and it's Sica's birthday too. I loved games, especially ones like these. I was really competitive today, and did not want to lose this game. But I don't think I'm going to win, afterall, there's almost 30 people are playing. But I have to stay confident! "Fighting!" I said with a happy tone, but quietly, not wanting to attract the other assasins. I walked around a while and saw no signs of the other players. We were all dressed in black and looked like real ninjas. I walked though the thin passage way that lead to the other side of the street with more stores. I was about to enter a toy store but suddenly I saw someone dressed in black enter the passage way I just went through. I ran across the street and back to the passage, bumping into a few people, enough people to slow me down. When I got there, the person was gone. I puffed a small amount of air out of my lungs and shook my head. I turned around and ran across the street to the toy store again. When I got inside, I smiled. I looked on the 5 shelves full of different sized Totoro plushies, pillows, and more. Beside the shelves of Totoro, there were 5 full shelves of different sized Pea Toys. Hm.. I've seen that somewhere before but I don't remember. OH YEAH, the Toy Story Movie! Awww, they're so cute. I pulled out ten dollar bill from my pocket. I sighed, I only have enough money to buy one of the two. I have a bunch of Totoro toys at home already, so I decided to buy the Peas. Hehe.

I bought the 10 inch pea toy and exited the shop. I looked at it and smiled. I tucked it into the inside of my black trench coat, between my coat and my T-shirt inside. I was uncomfortable, but I could bear with it. "Okay, let's get back to the Assassin game." Just as I looked up from smiling, I saw Kang Jiyoung with her card hanging in plain sight. She turned the corner and I quickly ran up and poked my head around the corner. She took out her phone and had started typing up a text. This was the perfect setup.
I slipped up behind her carefully and quietly. I whispered in her ear with a low voice, "Kang Jiyoung, You. Are. Dead."
I straddled her with my arms from behind, reaching for her photo. She screamed and tried to get out of my grasp. I had my hand on her photo and was about to pull it. "Jebal Tippani Unnie, don't kill me!" She screamed. I started to laugh. "Too bad Jiyoung!"
I was about to pull when she yelled again. "Please Unnieee~" She said with her cute aegyo voice. Jiyoungie's aegyo always melted my heart, but I wanted one thing today, and that was to win. Still holding her tightly while slightly lifting her off the ground, I giggled. "Sorry Jiyoungie." I pulled her photo off of the metal clip and let go of her.
"Yaaah, Unnie!" She started to fake cry and pout. "Awwww, mianhae." I chuckled a little, patted her head and pinched her cheek. "Kwenchana?" I said in a motherly tone. She sighed and nodded her head. "Kwenchanaaa.." She said dragging the last syllable. She started to walk away.
"YAAH. Kang Jiyoung! Hand me the photos of the people that you killed!" I yelled. She turned around with her hands on either sides of symbolizing yelling. "I haven't killed anyone Unnie! I have no life cards!" I laughed a little. "HEY! Don't laugh!" She yelled at me and pouted. "Hehe, mianhae Jiyoung ah~ Return to the house safely! Annyeong." I said with a smile. "Annyeong!" She replied as she turned around and started to walk. 
I turned around and immediately bumped into someone wearing black. I screamed and took 3 quick steps back and covered my life card with my hand without wasting time to look up. Once I glared up, I saw a tall but cute girl. She smiled at me with a small giggle. "Annnnnnnnyeong!" She said cutely raising her voice at the end of her word. I rubbed the top of her head careful not to get too close.
"Annyeong my cute baby Sulli. I just got your friend Jiyoung, out." I said with a wink and giggle. Just at that moment I had noticed Ssul and I were walking in a continuous circle around a pole, I stoped moving and stood up straight.
"Ahh, jeongmal?" She asked, suddenly attempting to grab my card. I swiftly move away. "Dae." I answered, doing the same thing she did to me a moment ago, sadly, she moved away. We were both standing looking straight in each others eyes when I noticed Yubin and Sooyoung camping in a alley eating some kimbap. "Hey Ssul..." I say lowly, almost in a whisper.
I point at Yubin and Sooyoung. She turns her head back and sees them. "How about we team up and get them and split the cards they give us equally? Hmm?" I ask her while her head is still turned. "Okay, but if I help you kill them, you have to promise not to kill me and I won't kill you." Sulli declared swinging her head back around. I put my hand behind my back, crossing me fingers. "Deal." We shook hands. 
We walked over to where Yubin and Soo were. We didn't turn into the alley yet, we were standing against the wall just a metre or two away from the corner turn. "You know the plan. I got Yubin, you get the Giant." Her eyes changed, I wondered why.
"YAAAH! If you call her a giant, you are calling me a giant! Me and Soo are the same height!!!" She yelled. "Aww.. Mianhae Ssul." I said with just a hint of aegyo, fluttering my eyes at her. Sulli rolled her eyes playfully, hitting my shoulder. "Ah, whatever let's just get them before they leave. 3...2....1... GO!"
We rushed into the alley attacking the two. Ssul easily ripped off Sooyoung's photo because Sooyoung was too busy eating to even notice us, and to fight back. Sulli quickly came to help me with Yubin's photo. Yubin yelled "AHH! JEBAL, JEBAL! TIFFANY, SULLI JEBAL!" I was grabbing Yubin's hands putting them behind her back like a police officer arresting someone. Sulli had her hand on Yubin's card and was looking right in Yubin's eyes. "Mianhae Unnie, but too bad!"
Sulli said with a eye smile and she pulled off Yubin's photo in one quick wrist movement. While Yubin and Sooyoung handed their cards over to Sulli, I quickly grabbed Sulli's card and waved it in her face. "Hand all the cards over, er." I said with a cunning smirk.
"YAAH. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T KILL ME! UNNIEEEE!" She screamed with a hurt expression. "I lied." I said with a nonchalant tone. She sighed heavily and handed all the cards over. I straightened the cards and put them all in my coat pocket. I noticed she was still pouting. "Don't be mad Sulli, mianhae." I said to her in a soothing voice. She nodded.
Her, Soo, and Yubin started walking. "Meet you guys back at the party! Annyeong!" They waved in the air and looked back a bit. 
I took out my cards and counted them. Kekeke, I got 11 cards already and we have only been playing for about 45 minutes! We had  26 players minus me is 25 players, and I got 11 cards. That means that at most there are only 14 other players left! Daebak! I am so going to win this. Oh wait, I just realized! Jessica stayed back at the house so that she could host the party! That means at most, there are only 13 players left, YES! Just then, I got a text. I take out my phone, hmm.. from Jessica? 
From Jessica:
There are only 3 players left. You, Sohee, and Nicole.
"Daebak!" I said out loud causing some people to stare at me. Hmm.. Sohee, the quiet yet clever one. And Nicole, the one that always fell for my pranks. Their not hard. Quite honestly, I don't even understand how Nicole even got so far in the game considering she's so gullible.
I got hungry. It has been one hour since we started the game. I actually really want to go back to the party and have some food but I can't go back unless I am out. I did not go this far just to lose because of my hunger. I had one dollar left from buying the Pea toy. At this moment, I really regretted buying that toy. I looked for the closest place that I could get food. "Hmm.. Café Soshi.. Nice!"
I entered the coffee shop. I went in the line and waited for my turn. Finally, I was at the front of the line after 4 and a half minutes of waiting. I took out my dollar and looked at it in my hand with a sparkle of regret in my eyes. "Hi, how can I help you?" The cashier asked. "What is the cheapest item on the menu?" I said embarassed.
"The $2 Whole Wheat Bagel." She answered.
I frowned. "You don't have anything cheaper?" I asked with a very dissapointed face. "Water." She answered bluntly. "Thanks anyway.." I said half heartedly with a fake smile. I let out a sigh and was about to walk away with my head down when the person behind me spoke up.
"Hey, you. I'll pay for you!" Her voice was perky and cheerful.
I stood there for a second and listened to the sound of her clear, loud voice echo my ear. "Hey, you in the black, did you hear me?" She said with a cute laugh. I loved the sound of her voice and wanted to pretend that I didn't hear her, just so she would call me again, but afraid that she might not call me again, I turned around. "I'll buy you whatever you want, it's on me!" I looked in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes.
"Wow..." I said really quietly to myself.
Wow, just wow. 
TBC :)
A/N: Hi to everyone who is reading this! This is my first chapter of my first fanfic. I hope you liked it! If you have any suggestions for the next few chapters or any opinions on this one, feel free to comment. I will always write to the best of my ability (which is not that great). Gradually, I will add in more couples and stuff, so you can suggests couples that you would like. The blue part at the start is just a Forward Repeat, in case some of you didn't read the forward (because if you didn't read the forward, you would probably be confused through this whole chap) Umm.. after you guys read my little note, please comment because if you don't, it just seems like I'm talking to myself :P Please comment, and if you like my fic than SUBSCRIBE if you didn't already :) Annyeong~
PS: I know it is short, and I am not good at writing long chapters because I like to spend like 1 hour on each paragraph I write. I will try to make them long in the future. For now just bear with me, please :)
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Chapter 5:
Chapter 5: Why is Jessica stalking TaeNy? I hope she won't cause troubles! Waiting for their romantic date :)
azlinamatsapar #3
Chapter 4: Finally! You are come back... wow!!! Please update often.. actually I always thinking where was this author going? Why still not update yet? Was something bad happened to her??? Hmmm.....
yeonyoung27 #4
Chapter 4: KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! AUTHOR SSI!!!! YOU MAKE ME GO CRAZY SO MUCH TAENY FLUFFY jdfgjerigeisirjhiej'j ... Can't wait for the update && TAENY DATE OF COURSE
Chapter 4: I really like this story, it's so fluffy... I'm waiting for their date and first kiss! :)
Aw so cute! Author, author! Update quick!
fudge609 #7
I really like fluffy story, and this is such a cute story. Looking forward for more to come kekeke
Rose_Atoria #8
TYK309 #9
Love love love~ taeny love~
taeny_0901_Lover #10
Hahahahhaha that was ed up I wonder what Tiffany would say to Nicole after this hahahha pls update again indeed it