She Was Captivating

She Was Captivating


Two years.  That’s how long I’ve liked her. Her name was Manel, and she would come into the dance studio I worked at every other day and would greet me with a smile as she walked up to the desk to sign in. “Hi Chanyeol!” She would greet every time. The way my name left her lips sounded like sweet music. Then, just like that, she would flash me one last smile before she went to the dance room where she would dance for hours. I liked to watch her sometimes. Her movements were so fluid and graceful at times, and at others they were fierce and in your face.  But that’s what made her dancing so captivating. She was captivating.

Every time I heard the door open I would look up eagerly, but still no Manel.  She was usually here by now. Maybe she was running late. Chanyeol was anxiously inputting names and room numbers into the computer system of the list of people that had already signed in. The sound of the door being opened was heard once again and Chanyeol’s head shot up. There she was, walking in as the cool night air blew her hair about her face.  She was laughing as she spoke to someone who followed her into the building. My smile slowly began to fade when I saw it was another male. 


 He was definitely shorter than I was and he had a cuter aura about him than I did. He was a bit taller than Manel and wore black blue and yellow cap and a blue and white letterman jacket with a white hoodie underneath paired with a pair of simple blue jeans and sneakers. Was he her boyfriend? Please don’t be her boyfriend. He pleaded to himself. 

“Hi Chanyeol!” Her sweet voice rang in my ears and brought me out of my state of confusion. 

“Oh..Hi Manel.” I put a smile on my face and watched as she signed her name in and added a “+1” beside her name. Once she was done, she lifted her head and pushed the sign in sheet towards me and smiled. She pulled the boy over and stood him before the counter.

“Chanyeol, I want you to meet Minwoo. We go to school together. Isn’t he just cute!?” She cooed and pinched his cheek. My heart dropped as I watched the affectionate exchange between the two. Minwoo pushed her hand away and a blush appeared on his cheeks. I was seething inside. How can he just take my Manel away from me?! 

“Sup man? I’m Minwoo.” He held his hand out to me and I simply stared at it for a couple of seconds before putting on a fake smile and shaking his hand.


“Well then. We’re just gonna get going, come on Minwoo. See you later Chanyeol!” She waved eagerly at me and pulled Minwoo away with her as they both walked to one of the dance rooms. I still haven’t figured out if they were dating or not. But I’m assuming they are with the way she touches and looks at him. 

It was like this for a couple of weeks after. She would walk into the dance studio with that beautiful smile on her face, and unfortunately with that Minwoo in tow.  I would occasionally pass by the dance room they were in and watched as they danced together. A part of me died inside every time I saw them dance together, touching and caressing each others bodies.  I don’t know why I continued to torture myself by watching them.  Perhaps its because part of me still longed to watch her movements and didn’t want me to give up on her.

Another week passed and I felt myself grow a bit distant from Manel.  Not that we were ever that close to begin with.  But she had stopped coming into the dance studio as often as she used to, and when she did come in, she came in later than usual and with Minwoo in tow. It always seemed as though she was in a hurry and the stress must have been under was present on her features. She rarely said a word to me anymore.  

Another week and she stopped showing up all together. I blame that Minwoo guy.  He seemed nice enough, but he’s evil! He made Manel stop coming to the dance studio….I think. Oh who am I kidding. He must be a much better boyfriend than I ever would be.  I sighed as I slowly pressed the computer keys and input the names on the sign-in sheet.  I heard the door open and by the way it was just pulled, I knew who it was walking in.

“Ayo wuddup kriiis?!” I called out without looking up from the screen and held my hand up.

“Ayo wussuuuuup?!” Kris, my co-worker, high fived my out stretched hand before taking a seat beside me. He leaned back on his seat, slightly rocking it as he stared at me.

“Your girl still hasn’t showed up?”

“She’s not my girl. I already told you she has a boyfriend.” I replied in a bored tone followed by an exasperated sigh.

“Whatever. I would steal her from that Minky guy.”

“Its Minwoo.”

“Like you care.” I looked over at Kris who had a grin on his face and I couldn’t help but laugh. He always managed to cheer me up no matter what the situation was. Once both our laughter died down, Kris became serious.

“You know you really shouldn’t let this affect you so much. I mean if you are going to let it bother you, at least do something about it and steal her away.”

“Its not that easy Kris. She’s so…amazing, and I’m well, not. Plus her boyfriend can dance with her and I would probably just step on her feet constantly.”

“What does dancing have to do with anything? And you’re a real catch man. You might be a little awkward when you dance, but with your voice and rapping skills, you can sweep any girl off her feet. I mean have you ever noticed the other girls that come in here to dance? Most of them, when they’re not looking at me of course, are swooning over you man.”

At some point I began to drown Kris’ voice out and my head was filled with Manel.  I didn’t want any other girl. No one could compare to her. As I sat there somewhat listening to Kris rant on and on, the sound of the door opening was suddenly heard. I didn’t bother looking up and I just placed the sign in sheet on the counter. Kris had stopped his ranting all together and he kicked my leg.

“Ow, what was that for?!” I growled and turned to face him. Kris looked away from the person who had walked in to look at me and he nodded his head to the side. 

“Hi Chanyeol.” I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard that familiar tinkling voice. I looked away from Kris and there she was. She stood there before the counter with a shy smile on her face. I instantly stood up from my chair and I struggled to say something. 

“Uh..h..hi Manel.” I stuttered and mentally scolded myself for making myself look like a fool. She simply let out a soft and airy laugh and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks and ears.

“Umm…listen.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, “I wanted to invite you to this.”

She handed me a flyer and my eyes scanned over it. A dance competition? I looked up at her with questioning eyes.

“It’s a dance competition Minwoo and I are dancing in. I would really love it if you could come and support me…umm us.” She nervously laughed. All I could do was stare at how cute she was and nod.

“Great! Its tomorrow night at 7. I’ll see you there! Oh and Kris, you’re welcome to come also.” She said as she shifted her gaze to Kris. She looked back at me and waved one last time before she left the building. I watched her leave before looking back at Kris. He simply wiggled his brows and nudged my leg.

I dressed as I normally do. Yes, I wanted to impress her, but still I wanted to stay true to myself. So I threw on a long loose shirt and wore a white wife beater underneath with a pair of dark jeans and a black cap.


I was sitting next to Kris watching the competition. There were a lot of good solo dancers, but none were as amazing as my Manel. Once the solo dancing was done, the paired dancing begun. I watched 3 pairs dance and I was starting to get impatient. I wanted to see her already. It was as though she heard me, because just as the couple finished dancing, she entered the stage with Minwoo. 

“That’s him?” Kris questioned as he lazily pointed at Manel’s boyfriend. I nodded in response to his question.

“Hm…he’s not that great.” Kris mumbled and crossed his arms over her chest.  We both sat in silence as we watched them move across the dance floor, but my eyes were only on Manel.  All too soon her dance ended and I was brought out of my trance by the sound of clapping. I shook my head slightly to shake myself out of my stupor and clapped. I saw Manel scanning the audience and stopped in the direction where Kris and I were sitting. A bright smile graced her face and she lifted her arm above her head and waved. My heart skipped a beat and I nodded at her and waved after. She and Minwoo bowed once more before they left the stage. 

After watching a couple of more dances, the judges announced the winners. Manel and Minwoo managed to snag 2nd place in the competition. After the awards were given out Kris and I stood off to the side and waited to congratulate Manel. When we saw her and Minwoo emerging from the back, my heart both accelerated and stopped at the same time…if that was even possible. I heard Kris snort in discontent at the thought of having to be introduced to Minwoo. Fortunately for him, Minwoo hugged Manel goodbye and walked off with 5 other guys. They must be his friends. How can he just leave his girlfriend like that. . I shook the malicious thoughts from my mind and watched as Manel walked towards us. She was suddenly intercepted by a tall man in a suit. I watched the exchange with furrowed brows. Manel’s face went from surprised to shocked to excited in less than a minute. The suited man handed her a card and she bowed. She watched him leave before she did a cute small dance. I let out an airy chuckle and watched as she ran up towards Kris and I. 

“Chanyeol!” She cried out and threw her arms around my neck. My eyes widened in shock, but I didn’t hesitate to wrap my arms around her waist. I shifted my eyes towards Kris and he gave me a thumbs up before he slipped away and mouthed that he’d be at the car. Manel pulled away from the hug and I smiled.

“You were amazing Manel. It’s a shame you only got 2nd place though.”

“I’m not disappointed at all.” She said as she waved off the fact she didn’t get 1st place. “In fact, I’m really excited! That man that came up to me, he offered me a full scholar ship to go to SM Academy to study dance!” She was beaming.

“That’s amazing Manel! I’m so happy for you.” My heart raced at the interaction I was having with her.

“Chanyeol…” Her voice.

“Yeah?” I was going crazy.

“Thank you.” I can’t let her go.

“For what?” She has this hold on me.

“For coming.” She was breathtaking. 

My heart began to beat at an alarmingly fast pace as she moved closer to me. I looked down at her and watched as she stretched up to reach me. I couldn’t move and before I knew it, her lips were pressed against mine. A warm sensation spread through my entire being and time stopped. Then I remembered…she had a boyfriend. I hesitantly pulled away from the kiss and looked away.

“We can’t. You have a boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? Who?” I looked at her and she genuinely looked puzzled.

“Isn’t Minwoo your boyfriend.?” I asked and a smile spread on her lips before she laughed.

“No Chanyeol. Minwoo and I were paired to dance together in school. They thought if both of us were paired together we would have a good chance at winning.” I was speechless. Minwoo wasn’t her boyfriend. I looked up and Manel stepped closer to me once again and caressed my cheek gently. 

“I like you Channie.”

“You do?!” I asked surprised, but inside I was jumping for joy. She was finally mine. I couldn’t control my actions after that. I wrapped her up in my arms and lifted her up and spun her. She giggled in my ear and as I put her down, she kissed me once again. It was a captivating kiss. She…was captivating.

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Such a cute story! <3
~ I really like your stories and reading them one after the other!^^
pierce #2
This story was so cute :D I definitely enjoyed it