Oh really Hyukjae?

Why is it like that?

Yeah..after this text message! I took you back...it's like nothing ever happened..

But then again..I still remember this fight and you leaving me just like that cause YOU HAD ENOUGH.

And every time I try talking about our problems like we agreed..it's always the same...''you are everything in my life'' , ''I love you..I never said that to anyone else.'' Okay I am very happy it is like that! I love you too..if you don't know this ..I never told anyone I love you too..of course my parents, but that is other thing. It's just..I don't feel like I am someone in the relationship we have, cause even if I say that you start to say something and then..you go on another subject..yeah you do it cause your brain automatically goes to something release, but it's again the same and we chew the same things all over again and I hate it. And this thing when we are in a fight and we don't talk to each other..they say ''What have you done?'' , ''He is alone and hurt. Go say sorry.' ..yeah he is hurt, yeah he is sad, but he made the by himself! And you never stop doing the same again and again! It's like you are doing it on purpose so you can annoy me and then I will be the bad boyfriend! No one never asked if I feel bad or if I feel hurt. Your friend Jack..he even said it once..when there was this big between us..''be good to him'' I am not good to you Hyukjae? Just cause I am jealous over someone that touches you and watches you with eyes saying '' I wanna you.'' That Lin guy!  And we have a fight ...cause I said I think he is totally gross and ugly! And I hate him..yeah I will sing nonsense songs about how fat he is for like 6 hours and you will shut it! After all you bring him to our house. And last night when I told you about how much I hate when we have a fight and we always talk how bad YOU FELT! And my feelings are left behind, maybe I am in fault that I wasn't a big selfish when we started the relationship, but I am just saying I don't feel like it's working again, not only cause of these little fights we had...just the whole thing I don't feel like it's working again! And I must confess I FEEL MISERABLE! You don't show me how much you love me anymore, no hugs, no kisses, NOTHING! And look my very idiotic brain thinks you are cheating on me! Is it true? Are you cheating on me!

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Dodonghae #1
Gah! Dont you dare to lie babo monkey!
peptoo #2
oh gooooooood!so cheesy:)))))))))
peptoo #3
that sounds interesting.
poor baby hae.why?