
Why is it like that?


*beep beep*

I looked at my phone screen. A new text massage. 

Hyukjae: Really, Donghae? After being together almost two years? After being married for what seven months now? You just decided to throw the divorce papers in my face out of no where? That is so you-ish. Always coming up with something and surprising me. "Sign it." you said. "I will make you sign it." Hahahaha and you looked at me confused, wondering why I was so angry. You really think that when my loved one surprisingly says "Let's break up." I will react calmy.. heh, babo. Why do you want divorce, yeobo? Do I treat you that bad? Have you found someone else? Are you sick of me? Are you sick of my bipolarity? Or is it because I am fat? Yes, I don't show my feelings a lot. You wanna know why I love you? It's the little thing that you do that make my heart flutter. I love how clingy you can get. I love it when you are jealous, it makes me understand who I belong to. I love how you try to different from everybody else. I love it how when you disagree you would shout your lungs out. Oh god, how much I miss your laugh. I love your crazy fashion. There are so many things that I adore about you Lee Donghae but I never said it. Just so you know when I look at you with my eyes open wide with that toothless smile of mine... That is my " I love you to death face". But shhhh, that is supposed to be a secret.

Lee Donghae, do not ever ever ever ever think that I do not care about you. I could never hate you. You are probably the best thing that ever happened in my life. Never forget that. I am truly sorry that I cannot express my feelings the way you want me to but I will try my best. Baby, let's never break up, I really do love you.

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Dodonghae #1
Gah! Dont you dare to lie babo monkey!
peptoo #2
oh gooooooood!so cheesy:)))))))))
peptoo #3
that sounds interesting.
poor baby hae.why?