Appeal To Your Kind Heart

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Hello everyone! Sorry, but this is not an update. As most of yu guys may know, my friend presstoplay and I are from the Philippines. Fortunetaly, we were not affected by the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), but it's not the same for uor fellow friends in the Visayas region. As a way to contribute some kind of help for them, presstoplay and I are planning to write/commission an artwork for those who can give proof of their donation. The one shot would be a minimum of 1000 words for any prompt/character you like. The artwork will be a sketch/charcoal painting of any person (preferably kpop, but you may request for a personal portrait or an artwork of another person.


More details will be posted soon, as well as instructions/link of how to donate. Rest assured that donations will not be used for personal reasons and will solely be given to charity (If possible, we can donate it to a charitable insitution and have a proof that all donations were given there). Responses will be highly appreciated. We hope you can help us in helping our fellow people recover frm this tragedy.


thankyou very kamsa!

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teukilicious2010 #1
Chapter 3: Love are a good writer.I'm now a fan.I hope you do a chanyeol-dara fanfic.:-)tnx.
She keep the paper cup from sehun...i keep the mcdonald paper bag that my crush give to me...kekeke
This is so cute! XD
Ohh riight, I forgot this wasn't going to connect to Bias wrecker xD Its cuuute tho!
Hoards of fangirls! Kehehehe
And Ooh~ Aoi rolls with a Japanese crew? ^^
I like~ <3