Scouted By A Star (Jerry Yan)

Love's In The Air (One-shot collection)


Title: Scouted By A Star

Main cast: Reader (22) and Jerry Yan (24)

Minors: Julia Cheng (Fictional) (30), Mrs. Zhou (Fictional) (29)



“Contestant #12 please come on stage!” The MC said into the microphone. 12 were your number. You took a deep breath before going onto the stage.

“Hi, my name is ____, I want to sing ‘At KTV Saying I Love You’ by Jerry Yan” You said. The judges of the competition gave you the green light to start singing. “Peng You Si Hu You Yi Bu Ti Qi Yuan Lai Ni Zai Zhe Li~ ♬” You started singing. Everyone was quiet and listened to your voice.

~After your finished singing~

“Wow! Very beautiful!” The MC said and the people watching cheered. You smiled. “Now let’s see if the judges have anything to say?” Both you and the MC looked at the three judges.

“I really like your voice!” The female judge said and the two other judges nodded in agreement.

“It’s really beautiful and it matches the song you’ve chosen to sing very well.” Another of the judges said.

“I don’t think any of us have anything bad to say…” The last one added and the others nodded. You smiled. The MC turned to you.

“The judges only praise you! How do you feel standing here?” He asked.

“I was a bit nervous to start with, but I really love to sing and as soon as I began singing all the nervousness disappeared and I’m really happy to have performed here!” You said and bowed to the audience. “Thanks!” The MC smiled.

“Now, ___, you were the last contestant for today, so we’ll let the judges talk for a moment and then they’ll let us know who the winner is!” You went off the stage and over to the other 11 contestants. After waiting for about 5 minutes all the contestants got called onto the stage again.

“Okay, we have made our decisions and have decided that the third place goes to…” You closed your eyes, a bit nervous. The third place didn’t go to you. “And second place goes to…” You were holding your breath. Second place wasn’t you either. Maybe you weren’t even good enough to win? “And the first place goes to…” There was a moment of silence. “____!” You opened your eyes in shock and couldn’t believe you actually won.

“Congratulation ____! Here’s your prize and we hope this has been a good experience for you!” The MC said. You smiled and nodded.

~Two days later~

Your phone rang. Who could be calling now? It was only 8am…

“Hello?” You said once you picked up the phone.

“Hello, my name is Julia Cheng, and I’m from Sony Music Entertainment. Are you Miss ____?” You were a little surprised. Why would they call you?

“Ehm… Yeah that’s me…” You slowly said.

“Good! We would like you to come to the company since we have something to talk to you about… Is it possible for you to come today?” You were a little taken aback. Could this be a joke? Someone making a prank call?

“S-sure…” You decided to take the chance, even if it were a prank call. If it weren’t it would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so why say no?

“Very good. Can you be here at 13pm?” Julia asked.


“Then see you later!”

“Yeah, bye.” You said as you both hung up. Wow you were going to Sony Music Entertainment Company later!

~13 pm~

You had almost just stepped inside the company before a woman came over to you.

“____?” You nodded. She then smiled.

“I’m Julia, the one you talked with over the phone,” She said. “Please follow me.” You followed her into a room where two other people were sitting. When they noticed you they smiled.

“Hello ____, I’m the CEO in this company and this is one of our managers, Mrs. Zhou. Please sit down.” The man said. You nodded and sat down, both nervous and curious about what it was they wanted to talk to you about? “I guess you’re wondering why we have called you here right?” The CEO asked. You nodded.

“Yeah, a little…”

“Well, the reason is we heard from one of our artists that you sang really good at the talent competition yesterday, and he suggested that we should try listen to you sing, because he thought you had great talent!” You couldn’t believe it.

“Artist?” The CEO smiled.

“Jerry Yan.” He said. Wow! One of your favourite idols had recommended you to the company he was under! “So, you want to be a singer?”

“Of course!” You said and smiled.

“Then, can you sing something for us?” You nodded and stood up. You breathed in before you started singing. Once you finished you looked at the others, waiting to get to know what they where thinking. They all stood up and clapped. “Bravo! Really splendid!” The CEO said. You blushed by the praises.

“So you like it?” You asked.

“If we like it? We love it!” Your eyes widened in surprise. “If you want, we would like to sign a contract with you!”

“Really?” They nodded.

“So you want to sign?” He handed you a contract, which you read through.

“Yeah, since I’ve always dreamt about this, I just hadn’t expected it to turn real!” You then signed the contract. The director smiled.

“Welcome to the company! We’ll start discussing about your debut album tomorrow!” You nodded excited.


“Be here at 10 am tomorrow. So if you don’t have anything more to add you are free to go home now.” The director smiled. You nodded and bowed before you bid goodbye and walked out of the room to get out of the building. As you walked out Jerry Yan walked past you. He smiled to you before he walked into the CEO’s office. You blushed. You actually met Jerry Yan!

~Next day: 10 am~

“Okay so we need to have the songs for your debut and to start promote you!” The CEO said as you arrived in the morning. “But first I’m going to introduce your manager to you, even though you met her yesterday!” Mrs. Zhou came over to you. You smiled.

“I’m looking forward to be your manager!” She said.

“I’m looking forward to it as well!”

“Maybe you’d tell more about the debut to ____, Mrs. Zhou?” The CEO asked Mrs. Zhou.

“Sure!” She turned to you. “Your album will consist of 5 songs, and Jerry suggested something to promote you…” You looked curiously at her. “He wanted to sing a duet with you, if you wanted?” Your eyes widened. Wow he wanted to sing with you!?


“Jerry will be glad to know that!” Someone then knocked on the door. “Oh Jerry you come just at the right time!” Mrs. Zhou said and smiled. You looked surprised at him as he came into the room. “____ has agreed to sing a duet with you!” Jerry smiled to you.

“Really?” You nodded.

“I’m looking forward to it!” You blushed. He wasn’t only handsome but also sweet and friendly! He sat down and you all discussed about the songs for your debut.

~A month later~

You and Jerry were going to perform your duet on stage. He had a fan meeting and at the same time your debut mini album could be promoted a bit. You and Jerry had been a lot together the last month to write and record the song and Jerry had learned you a lot about the entertainment industry.

“I would like to invite ____ onto stage!” Jerry said and you walked up on the stage in front of all his fans attending.

“Hi Jerry and everyone!” You said and smiled.

“____ is going to debut next month and I have a surprise for all of you!” Jerry said and smiled. “Me and ____ is singing a duet, which will be on the album!” The fans cheered. “And you will be the first ones to hear the song!” The cheers were getting louder. You started to get a little nervous. Jerry noticed and reached out and took your hand. You blushed. He gave you a comforting squeeze. You smiled. “You ready to hear it?” The fans screamed and cheered.

~After the song~

“I hope you’ll support ____!?” Jerry said. You smiled. Happy that he was there supporting you.

“Are you and ___ together?” A fan shouted. You looked shocked at the fan.

“Yeah, you two have been seen on a restaurant!” The fan just beside shouted. The fans began whispering to each other.

“We don’t want you to be together with her!”

“Yeah, we want you to ourselves!”

“STOP!” Jerry shouted, which made everyone shut up. He looked a bit angry. “I know it’s hard to see ones idol with another one. But I can’t understand why I can’t have a girlfriend just because I’m an idol!? I’m human too! What if I like _____? I’m sure no one of you like to be alone!? And I like ____’s company!” What Jerry just said made your heart beat faster and you were blushing.

“I will always support you! And ____ too!” A fan shouted and more of them agreed. Jerry smiled.

~After the fan meeting~

“It’s my fault the fans said those things to you…” You said to Jerry after the fan meeting when you two were alone. Jerry smiled.

“No it wasn’t your fault! I actually feel quite happy to have said what I said!” You looked questioning at him. “I meant what I said ____... I really like to be around you!” You blushed.

“I like to be around you too!” Jerry hugged you. You were a little shocked.

“One thing more… ____ I really like you! Will you go out with me?”

“H-huh?” You weren’t sure you heard the right thing or if it was wishful thinking.

“I like you, will you go out with me?” Jerry asked again. You smiled and nodded.





Here's a picture of Jerry :)

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amparoellerium #1
Chapter 1: hi amaliya i don't know if you still remember me but we were friends in plurk :) reach me sometime miss you!
kpopoppa #2
Chapter 3: lol I only just started liking Show luo so I dont really know anyones else you wrote about. Im a big fan of kpop and only know Hengeng and Show luo:(
killthemall #3

i think love is in the air already!! :DD
CharleneSa #4
is there one on chen zhi kai? cos he's hot :)
LeeTeuk14Assyla - Thanks :D
KCpopfangirl - Wow I'm very honoured *hugs* ^.^
This is probably the best fanfic that I have found on this website about Cpop. I'm really happy! :D
LeeTeuk14Assyla #7
NIce. :))
mushiemonster - Hey Kat :D yeah I also wrote it in the forewords ^-^ I don't think it's so bad :) And of course practice usually helps hehe :D
Hi! Remember me? I actually changed my site to! haha! my graphics are so crappy before! *facepalm*
BluxYue - yeah there's really not many of them here :( But since mandopop is what I listen to it's them I write about :D hehe <br />
Though I have one other one-shot collection where most have requested with korean guys >.< which I don't know a thing about... haha <br />
Yeah Hu Ge is nice :D