Just Spin the Bottle!

Unexpectedly Queen

chapter 6:  SPIN THE BOTTLE!

THE STUDENTS HAD three days left to prepare for the upcoming festival but the thing is, our class was all ready! Our classroom looked attractive with all the orange to red banners saying "Say Kimchi!", we had all the props and we ended up having too much of them (but isn't that a good thing?), Jimin managed to get the equipment needed for the photo printing, and also for extra income, two of my classmates, Seulmi and Jieun volunteered for their Polaroid cameras to be used in our booth.  That was a great idea. I always loved Polaroid pictures; it made things more memorable. In my opinion though.

Since our class had nothing to do anymore to prepare our booth, we just relaxed and did random things in the classroom. Some of my classmates even decided to bring boardgames to kill time and boredom. You see, our teacher still took our attendance although there was nothing to do anymore. But for those who did not care about attendance, they just didn't bother to go to school until the day of the festival.

As for the dance club, we were finished with the whole choreography since last week! The performance was already perfect and I felt confident that the audience will enjoy our performance.  So, the club prez decided to let us help out on our own classes even though we really did not want to. Luckily, when Howon and I got back, there was really nothing much to do anymore since my classmates were almost finished decorating the classroom.

But this morning, just when I thought that Howon and I were too lucky, Jieun, the class president, approached us. She told us that we had to at least help out in something since we were mostly away when they were so busy preparing and decorating the classroom. So here I was with Howon, arranging the props and accessories.

Humming to a certain song and swaying my hips to the beat, I arranged the props according to type. I was in charge of the printed and handwritten props while Howon was in charge of the accessories which were a variety of different kinds of eyewear and headwear that our classrooms had brought. 

The props I was arranging were actually quite lovely. They were printed and cut in the designs of mustaches, hats, lips, and glasses then they were pasted on a stick. There were also speech bubbles with handwritten words saying "say kimchi!", "I'm single!", and other witty phrases. It wasn't really that difficult to arrange these props even though there were quite a lot.

"Shin Jjanggu," I called out as I took a random prop which was a mustache. Howon paused on what he was doing and turned to me. "What do you want?"

I placed the prop under my nose and spoke in a formal tone, "would you like to have photograph with a sir like me?" He shook his head sideways and went back to arranging the props. Why won't no one want to take a picture with me?

I took selfies with some of the props in the process of arranging. Call me vain but I just couldn't help myself! The props were kinda cool and on the day of the festival, we will be too busy doing our assigned jobs so no time for time for selfies! In the midst of taking selfies, I heard Howon say, "vain little pig." I looked at him with a shocked expression. "Hey you!" I pointed at him, "you're so—" "Maybe if you put your phone aside and focus on what you're supposed to do, you're gonna finish that in no time." And then he walked away and sat on a circle where Sumin, Jimin, Myungsoo, Woohyun, and Sungyeol  were. They seemed to be playing Truth or Dare. I really wanted to join them but I wasn't done yet! to be me.

I placed my phone on my pocket and focused on arranging the speech bubbles, laughing now and then on some of the phrases written. Then I thought to myself, on the day of the festival, these props will be a mess so why arrange it so neatly like this? Whatever.

I suddenly felt a presence in front of me. Looking up from the box of speech bubbles, I was definitely surprised to see who the person was. It was no other than Kim Myungsoo!

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I was really trying my best to keep calm although inside, I was going crazy. Why in the world was Kim Myungsoo, that oh-so-cold guy, standing right in front of me? Did he want to help me or what? Because I didn't really need any help at all. And I was really gonna finish my work soon.

Myungsoo, as expected, did not say anything. Instead, he took one of the props which turned out to be one of the printed lips and then kissed it. Yes, that's right. He kissed a freaking cut-out paper! I couldn't believe that a prop is luckier than me! I always thought that Myungsoo had a weird side but I didn't know he was that weird. I was going all like "what the hell?" in my head.

And then, he did the most peculiar thing that even I would never think of. He placed the printed lips on my lips. ON MY VERY OWN LIPS!

I was surprised. Very surprised. I was at a loss for words so all I did was just stare at him with an expression that I think was just ...priceless. He stared back at me expressionlessly.

My mind was blank for a moment and then I thought of something. "Is this an in—" before I could even say it in my head, I heard laughter from across the room, one familiar kind of laugh the loudest among them. I instantly knew where the laughter came from. I faced the the people who were laughing.

Sumin, Jimin, Howon, Woohyun, and that brat who had the loudest and most annoying laugh, Sungyeol. I scowled at them which made them laugh even louder. It was that kind of that laugh that automatically made me tick off.

"I was just doing my job here quietly and you guys are disturbing me! Once I join, I swear, you're all gonna pay!" I shouted at them as they commented on how funny my reaction was and how Myungsoo did a good job on the dare.

Stupid. Just stupid. That dare surely took me by surprise. Sure, I had an indirect kiss with my crush and it was a moment that most of you would cherish if you were in my shoes but believe me, it was just embarrassing. The fact that I acted like one of those girls in dramas was surely priceless! No wonder my friends were all going hysterical. I really wanted to disappear that very moment. I was dying from humiliation. 

Myungsoo clicked his tongue and waved them away, gesturing for them to carry on with the game.  "You guys spin the bottle for me. I'll be there in a bit."

"Whoever gave that dare is gonna get it", I thought to myself. I gave those laughing hyenas one last glare and eyed the red-faced Myungsoo. "Why do I always embarrass myself in front of you?" I asked him.

"Believe me," he said as he returned the prop back in the box, "I'm twice as embarrassed as you are right now." He scratched his nape as he laughed sheepishly.

I chuckled and nodded at him. I guess if I were him, I would be in that kind of state too. As I arranged the last set of speech bubbles, I asked, "and who gave you that dare?" 

Myungsoo sighed and answered, "Howon." Oh, of course Lee Howon. It was nice seeing me being like this in front of my crush, huh? Was my reaction amusing enough for you? Did it reach your expectations of how you thought I'd react? Judging from the way he was laughing a while ago, my reaction probably surpassed his expectations.

I almost forgot, only Howon knew about my secret crush on Myungsoo. Sumin didn't have any clue about my feelings towards Myungsoo! She always thought that I liked Minhyuk senior since I always complimented his dancing and good looks but nah, he wasn't my type. I feel really guilty but what if Sumin developed any feelings for Myungsoo too? And they will live happily ever after. While me, I will— stop thinking about that Saera. Stop.

"Hey," Myungsoo said in a voice barely audible as he inched forward. "Wanna get back at Howon?"

I smirked. "Sure."



Myungsoo and I joined in the circle a few minutes later. I sat in between Howon and Sumin. I was furthest from Sungyeol. Even though he wasn't the one who thought of the plan, I was annoyed at him the most because he was the one laughing the hardest and loudest. I really wanted to smack him hard in the head but I managed not to.

They were still playing the game and right at that moment, the bottle pointed at Sumin. "I bet this girl is gonna pick truth," I thought as I examine Sumin.

Indeed, she picked truth.

Woohyun, who was seated just beside her decided to be the one asking the question.

"If you were given a chance to have a date with a guy in this circle, who would it be?" He was crossing his arms while pointing at different guys seated in the circle. "Howon, the y dancer? Myungsoo, the quiet but super handsome guy? Sungyeol, the prankster that no one wants—" "Yah!" Sungyeol shouted, looking a little startled. Woohyun ignored him and continued.

He then pointed at himself and gave Sumin a coy smile. "Or me? The y, handsome, smart, perfect guy?"

I could hear Sungyeol and Jimin doing some fake vomit sounds while I giggled at Woohyun. Sumin was in deep thought, her face looked so focused on thinking what her answer would be. Even I was thinking. I glanced at Myungsoo, he was staring intently at Sumin. So Myungsoo was thinking too. I put my focus back on Woohyun. He looked like he was thinking too. Jimin, Sungyeol and Howon couldn't care less.

I was anticipating Sumin's answer. "If she picks Myungsoo, he will be the happiest guy in the world ..." I said in my head while taking peeks at Myungsoo every now and then. Was he expecting that Sumin will pick him? Of course he did!

"Woohyun," Sumin finally answered. Woohyun mouth went agape. "Me? Really?"

Sungyeol laughed while shaking his head. "Woohyun, don't get all too happy or something it was only an 'what if' question," he said, stressing on the words "what if".

I checked on Myungsoo. I couldn't really read his expression; he had an unreadable expression. Was he sad or disappointed that Sumin did not pick him? Or did he not care since after all, like Sungyeol said, it was just a "what if" type of question. I felt like I needed to talk to him after the game ...

Sumin spun the bottle and it pointed at Howon. Perfect.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.


I eyed Myungsoo who was on the other side of Howon while Myungsoo gave me that knowing smile.

I held Howon's shoulder and told him the dare that Myungsoo and I talked about earlier. "You know Park Dayoon, right?"  I could notice Howon starting to get paler each second. "Go up to her and give her a candy. Then tell her, "Let this candy be a sign of my feelings towards you.""


So what happened was we followed Howon outside 2D's classroom and hid behind a wall while he did the dare that Myungsoo and I gave. His face was just too amusing! We were trying our bests not to sabotage ourselves from Dayoon. He tried to talk to Dayoon as calmly as he can but his face just screams "I don't want to be in here."

On the way back to the classroom, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Woohyun, and I were laughing our heads off while Howon was just annoyed. Sumin and Jimin were just giggling to themselves.

Sungyeol wiped his eye as we sat back to the circle, "Howon that was priceless! Just priceless!"

After the laughter kind of died down, Jimin asked, "Who's that girl anyway?"

"Ah, Dayoon? She's been having this crush on Howon since middle school!" Woohyun shook his head. "She even ruined his past relationship back then! That's how much she's gaga over Howon!"

Jimin and Sumin gasped. I was shocked too! Why would someone do that? If Myungsoo was in a relationship with another girl, I'd just be happy for them. That Dayoon girl was surely a psycho!

"What a horrible thing to do!" Sumin commented with full of disbelief on her tone.

Howon chuckled. "It wasn't working out anyway."

I leaned nearer to Hoya with a smug face.  "Will it work out with Dayoon then?"

"No!" Howon almost shouted. "I never want to talk to that girl anymore!"

We all bursted into laughter again. Ah, teasing Howon was always fun!

"What candy did you gave her anyway?" Sungyeol asked in between laughs.

"Some very sour candy that Saera magically had." Howon shrugged.

There were always different types of candy at home and I just grab plenty of them now and then and keep them in my bag. The candy that Howon gave Dayoon was really sour. Just thinking of that candy made me shiver! I tried it once and I felt that my energy was drained. It was that sour. I hated it.

I caught Myungsoo looking at me and I just grinned at him. He did the same said, "that was a good revenge wasn't it?" I nodded and we high-fived. Howon glared at the two of us. "So both of you planned this, huh?"

We just told Howon to shut up and spin the bottle.

The bottle pointed at Woohyun.

He picked dare.

Howon gave the dare.

You wanna know what dare Howon gave Woohyun? "Have a date with Sumin."

Damn, what a dare. I peeped at Myungsoo. Suddenly expresionless ... I asked myself, "Is he gonna be alright?"

Sungyeol laughed awkwardly. "Forget what I said earlier!"





[27/5/14] PLEASE READ!!! Were you thinking, "Wow, she actually updated UQ!"? Well, hello! I am back! I decided to continue with this story even though I had some thought of deleting it. I deleted my other story because I was just out of ideas for that story while I was still full of ideas for this story so I didn't dare delete this!! I got really busy and outdated with k-pop during 2013 so I'm sorry! I apologize for this super late update but I promise that I will update more often from now on! As a way of apologizing, I had put major MyungRa moments for this chapter!

And also, I changed the ending of chapter 5! Instead of Saera just walking away from the infirmary, there was a MyungRa moment so hope you check that out. I also did some very minor changes from chapter 1 to 5 regarding grammar and other stuff like putting Howon instead of Hoya. And lastly, I changed all the chapter titles! They all start with Just then bla bla bla bla! Just thought that that idea would be kinda cool. I changed the layout and foreword a bit. The change wasn't that obvious, anyway!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And if you read all of this super long author's note, thank you! Please comment about any moments that made you laugh, smile, or something! I would like to hear a word from you! Suggestions are welcomed. And for new readers to UQ, hello and please subscribe! I hope you are enjoying UQ so far. I am now ready to continue with this story. My mind is fresh with ideas for Myungsoo, Saera, and their friends.

See you on chapter 7!

[OT7 Forever. cr. x]




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UQ ♚ ch 6 is up! Hope you like it! Finally, it's time to sleep.. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ


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exoelf29 #1
Chapter 6: Updaaate pretty please? The story is great! It would be much appreciated if you'll update it like right now XD Jk. Anw, thumbs up authornim! More power ^^
P.S Don't ever dare to delete this story coz I might die :))
EunmiLee #2
Chapter 6: I like the parts when Myungsoo and Saera are together! Update soon ~
Chapter 6: Yay youre actually continuing it !!
Chapter 6: Now i remember how this story goes. Its a good thing that you continue writing this story authornim.
Its still great!! Looking forward on this story's progress.
-natsukim #5
Chapter 5: So cute. I wonder what will happen next
Mustard #6
Chapter 5: Your story ish sooo good!! Udate soon!
Chapter 5: Love your story <33
AreiysOlet #8
Chapter 5: i like your writing style + your story too..
glad that i found your story! love it so much <3 saera is sooo adorable xD