Just a Stupid Thing to Say!

Unexpectedly Queen

chapter 3:  A STUPID THING TO SAY!

MONDAY WAS USUALLY any student's dreaded days. Saying goodbye to the weekends was never fun, right? But after the exams, I did not even care if it was Monday or any other weekday because for two weeks before our vacation starts, there would be no classes!  Two weeks of fun or boredom.

During these two weeks, all classes were expected to prepare a stall for the festival which will be held on the last day of school. So in a way, the festival was a celebration of no more school and studying!

Anyway, to be honest, I thought that two weeks is too long to prepare a stall by 30 students. Did the school think we were that slow? Why not make it one week and end school fast? I guess some days or at most times, my classmates and I can just slack at class or chat with our homeroom teacher, Ms Kang. But the thing is, we still did not know which kind stall we would set up.

And that was why Ms Kang was in front of the class asking for stall ideas. "Any ideas?" Ms Kang questioned every student. I actually had no idea which stall we could have. At my middle school, we did not have these kind of things so I was pretty much a newbie at this. And so is Sumin and Sungyeol, my friends since middle school.

Some of my classmates raised their hands but still shouted out their ideas. I heard things like, "how about a hunted house?" or "why not try a game station?" They were so determined to have their suggestions picked. Are these classmates of mine fighting in a war? It seems like it.

Ms Kang did not even told my eager classmaes to keep quiet. Instead, she just started writing out all of the student's ideas on the board. Ms Kang is also pumped for the festival, huh?

"Shin Jjanggu, do you have any ideas?" I softly elbowed Howon who was staring at something— Woohyun's chair. He seemed to have snap out of it. "Huh? What?" I repeated my question to him. Howon looked at me with a dull expression and answered, "I don't have any ideas actually. I'll  just go with the flow."  My mouth formed an 'o' shape as I nodded. "Same here."

I rested both my arms on my table and looked at the board. Ms Kang wrote:

hunted house, mini bakery, games, sweets shop, friendship bracelets shop, western food shop, bubble tea shop, cafe, dukbokki stand

And under the word 'games' were games played in carnivals or arcades like mini basketball and shooting games. If the 'games' stall was chosen and I was not a part of this class, I would never visit the stall. It seemed boring and which prize would we get? Candies? Chocolate? Some cheap stuffed toy? I did not like the idea at all.

Ms Kang finally managed quieten down the students. She asked us if there were anymore ideas. From the right side of the front of the class, Jimin raised her right hand. Jimin and I were kinda close being we were in the same group for our History project for the first semester.

"Yes, Jimin?" Ms Kang gestured for Jimin to say her ideas out loud so that everyone could hear.

"How about a photo booth or something like that?" Jimin started. "My family actually owns a photo shop and I could ask my dad to lend us some cameras and our mini photo printer!" Oh, I forgot to say. This girl was rich. I doubt that her family only owns a photo shop. "Plus," she explained her idea further, "We could have some props for the customers to use!"

Ms Kang quizzically eyed Jimin. "Are you sure about the lending part though?" "Yep!"

She turned to the other students again and asked if we wanted Jimin's idea. Well, I really liked the idea. I raised my hand and said loudly, "I like the idea." which followed with Howon raising his hand too then a multiple hands being raised along with mine until majority of the students were raising their hands.

"So our stall will be the mini photo shop?"


Some of my classmates who really wanted their ideas to be picked just kept quiet and look dejected. I could only chuckle at them. Pfft.

"How about the name of the stall?"

Ms Kang gave us time to think of a name for the stall until a loud 'ah!' was heard from the back of the class. I knew who it was. Everyone knew who it was. You know who it was. Lee Sungyeol. "We can name it 'Say Kimchi!'" Sungyeol exclaimed and smiled widely after saying 'kimchi'. I admit, it was a catchy name for a photo booth. Ms Kang, my classmates and I agreed to it so in the end, we would set up a mini photo booth named, 'Say Kimchi!'.

Some of my classmates actually volunteered to design a shirt and print it for us. Well well well, okay then but be sure it would be super nice or I wouldn't hesitate to not wear it.

Unlike other classes, we were not in groups that would be doing different jobs. All of us had to give at least one props and we all had to help prepare the stall like designing it and find the furniture needed. From the looks of it, we only had to do a few things to get our stall prepared for the festival. So that means, more slacking time!



"Oh, and please bring the props tomorrow if you can!" the class president, Jieun ended. Ms Kang was in a meeting so the students from all the classes had to either just stay in the class to do whatever they want or get started with the stall.

Although we still had a lot of time to do the work, we started early because we were proactive enough. That's right, our motto is "work before play". But since we did not have the materials to start, I guess the class will have to forget about the motto just for today.

Sumin called me earlier that morning and told me that she had fever so she was going to be absent for today or maybe the next day too. It was surely boring with her! If she was here, we would be talking endlessly about the most nonsensical stuff!

Sighing, I walked to Jimin and asked her if she wants to play some games. Being as bored as me, she agreed and walked with me to the center of the class. We decided on playing hangman on the chalkboard and that Jimin would guess what was the word first.

The very first word that was in my mind was: fried chicken. Simply because I loved it. Loved it so much. I wrote the blanks per letter and asked Jimin to guess. "So the category is food!" I added. And guess what? She found the answer in less than a minute.

When it was my time to guess, some of my classmates decided to join in. Slowly, more people started to join us. From two people playing to three-quarter of the class playing. I played the game with the others for quite some time but as time passed by, I got bored. They say the more the merrier but not for this game.

I walked back to my seat and silently observed my classmates. Almost everyone was crowding in front of the classroom, all thanks to me. Only seven of us were on our seats— four were chatting among themselves, one was quietly reading his book, one was absentmindedly staring at the students in front of the room, and then there's the gorgeous and awesome lady (me).

Oh, and did I tell you that the person who was "absentmindedly staring" was Kim Myungsoo. As expected, he was not really the type of guy who was interested in these kind of things. Oh well that's actually a good thing! God has given me a chance to talk to Myungsoo!

With a sneaky grin,  I crept behind Myungsoo and after choosing the right time, I decided to surpise Myungsoo. I quickly placed my both of my hands on his shoulders. "Boo!" 

A surprised Myungsoo. That was what I expected but what I got was the usual Myungsoo who did not even move a tad bit. "Do you honestly think I would fall for it?" 

I nodded as I took the seat beside him, "Honestly, yes!" Finally! If I could not take the seat beside Myungsoo when we were studying at the library a few weeks ago, today is the perfect time to sit beside him. 

My whole body was facing him while his was facing the front of the room. "You obviously failed, Saera. Now please go away." he tried to shoo me with his hands. "Ouch," I mumbled as I wiped an imaginary tear. I rested my left elbow on the table and by habit, I also rested my head on my palm. I complained to him, "I'm bored." He faced me and yawned. "Join the others," he pointed at our noisy classmates, "You started the game anyway."

How did he know? Was he oserving me a while ago? He actually noticed me. I'll spazz about this later. Keep your cool, Jung Saera! Keep your cool!

"But it's too noisy there!"

"Hm? You don't like noisy places?"

"Don't like them."

"Well, I think you're the kind of person who likes being in noisy places."

"But I like peaceful places more."

"Actually, you're one of the noise makers."

I glared at Myungsoo and lightly punched his left arm,  "What's that supposed to mean?" He only replied with a small smile on his face.

Oh my God, I actually made this guy smile! He only smiled at his friends (who were all guys). He barely smiled at girls. I only saw him smiling at my best friend who was also his crush, Sumin. I decided to play along with this guy since I wanted to stay with him more.

There is a problem though, I did not know what to say.

Before things get awkward, I blurted out something that I never once wanted to say out loud. "I know a secret of yours!" Myungsoo looked unaffected with what I said and a small smirk formed on his lips. "Oh really?" he scoffed as he folded his arms and waited for me to continue. Was I talking to the real Myungsoo? Because this was so unlikely of him!

"I heard your conversation with Woohyun a few months ago," I winked at him. I mimicked what he told Woohyun, "She has long and wavy hair. What more-" Suddenly, I was cut off by a hand on my lips. Obviously, the hand belonged to Kim Myungsoo.

He had a panicked face and now I got what I wanted a few moments ago; a suprised Myungsoo. "Where the heck did you heard that?!" How can I answer you, Myungsoo if you're covering my mouth? But please continue, I like it. Okay, I'm being too creepy.

I yanked off his hand from my lips to speak and also to breathe more easily. "As I said, I heard your convo with Woohyun!" I stood up, getting ready to leave the room but before I opened the door, I turned to Myungsoo once again and gave him a thumbs up, "Worry not! I haven't told her about it ... yet!" 



As soon as I was outside the room, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I went to the toilet which was near my classroom. I looked at the pretty girl on the mirror, also known as Jung Saera. I'm kidding. I'm just really conceited, that's all. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt really stupid.

Why did I even bring Myungsoo's secret up? He would surely hate me! But I'll be optimistic and think of the good side. He actually touched my lips and part of my cheeks! I touched my lips and imagined what happened a few moments ago. The whole thing seemed surreal. In dramas, this is what the girls would do when the guy kisses them, right? I feel even more stupid doing this.

"Ah! I can't believe it! I also made him smile! Oh and he also showed me that smirk of his!" I cried out loud as I jumped for joy in the toilet. Luckily, I was the only one in the toilet or I would be doomed for life.

I was skipping my way back to the classroom when someone called me.





[22/9/12] OH YES! SOME MYUNGRA MOMENT FOR YOU ALL! Hope you guys liked chapter three! As you can see, I edited some parts of chapter 2 because at first, it was supposed to be vacation time. Chapter three was supposed to be some vacation special but in Korea, the second semester ends in mid-February (from wiki) which is winter! So I decided that there would be a mini festival! Don't forget to sub if haven't and comment! :3 (Damn, Myungsoo is just too y. Photo credit: x)


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UQ ♚ ch 6 is up! Hope you like it! Finally, it's time to sleep.. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ


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exoelf29 #1
Chapter 6: Updaaate pretty please? The story is great! It would be much appreciated if you'll update it like right now XD Jk. Anw, thumbs up authornim! More power ^^
P.S Don't ever dare to delete this story coz I might die :))
EunmiLee #2
Chapter 6: I like the parts when Myungsoo and Saera are together! Update soon ~
Chapter 6: Yay youre actually continuing it !!
Chapter 6: Now i remember how this story goes. Its a good thing that you continue writing this story authornim.
Its still great!! Looking forward on this story's progress.
-natsukim #5
Chapter 5: So cute. I wonder what will happen next
Mustard #6
Chapter 5: Your story ish sooo good!! Udate soon!
Chapter 5: Love your story <33
AreiysOlet #8
Chapter 5: i like your writing style + your story too..
glad that i found your story! love it so much <3 saera is sooo adorable xD