Just behind You

Unexpectedly Queen

chapter 4:  BEHIND YOU

"OH THERE'S SAERA!" I heard a familiar voice. The school's dance club's president and my senior Do Minhyuk. He was near the entrance of my classroom along with Shin Jjanggu. I sauntered to their direction because this was a way to irritate my senior. He was an impatient guy who wanted things to be done fast but other than that, his dancing skills were amazing. He was a responsible senior and one of the best dancers in the school. That's why he was the president. I admit, he was good looking! His face is like a half foreigner's and a half Korean's. Let's just say that he was not the Korean guy that you may see every day.

But the thing is, he was not my type. Kim Myungsoo is. I'm faithful to my crush.

I saw Minhyuk senior shake his head sideways and his face clearly stated that he was irritated. I stifled a laugh but failed when I heard him shout, "Jung Saera, don't be a little pig. Get your here!" I hurriedly walked to their direction because if I continued walking the way I walked earlier, I might have been scolded. And in front of Howon? No thanks.

"What is it?" I questioned, acting like I was not interested at what he was going to say. Minhyuk senior lightly pushed me inside. "Nevermind! Go inside first. I'll just talk to Howon." I laughed and got back where I was a while ago. "Oppa, I was kidding," I laughed, "So what is it?"

Minhyuk senior cleared his throat and looked at either me and Howon. "So you know about the festival, yeah?" he started. I glanced at Howon and muttered a 'duh' which made him chuckle. Minhyuk senior then continued, "Since throughout the two semesters we only had two performances, I requested to the event organizer to let the dance club dance on the day itself. But it's not necessary to dance with us. Only if you want to. So what do ya say?"

Minhyuk senior knew that Howon and I really loved dancing so why wait for our answer? Whenever there was some new choreography, Howon and I would always be the nearest to the dance teacher and we would just dance what the dance teacher teaches.

"Sure," Howon answered. While, I tapped my chin, pretending to be thinking even though my answer was obviously a yes. I glanced at Minhyuk senior who looked at me with eyes like daggers. I bet inside he was like, 'tell me your answer now or I'm gonna kill you and—' and other nasty things!

After what seemed forever, I finally exclaimed, "Yes!" Both Howon and Minhyuk senior sighed in relief— because I finally answered and what I assumed is that because I was going to dance with them. How conceited of me.

"Okay then! Practice starts tomorrow. Be sure to be in the dance studio by 9 am," he reminded us before hurrying off to ask the other members.

Howon and I went back to the classroom and went to our respective seats, which was just beside each other. Is Howon sticked to me or something? Maybe. But please change Howon to Myungsoo then I would be the happiest girl in the world!

Speaking of Myungsoo, when I was on my way to my seat, I completely ignored Myungsoo. I did not dare to look at him or make him see me. For the first time in history, dude. But of course I wanted to see his perfect face but somehow, I feel judged. Because I did something really embarrassing! Stupid Saera! Stupid!

You see, there are pros and cons on why the dance practices are during school hours.
Pros: I can skip all the preparation of the stall and I won't face Myungsoo.
Cons: When Sumin is already well, Myungsoo might make a move on her and I won't see Myungsoo.
I sighed, feeling bored again. There was nothing to do. There were still a few of my classmates who were playing hangman but not as much as a while ago. Guess they know the feeling of not having the letters in your mind picked because there were too many people playing!
Leaning on my chair, completely relaxed, I took out my handphone from my pocket. I unlocked it and pressed the camera icon on the home screen. I'll just take countless selfies in my phone because I'm just so darn adorable. Just kidding. Because I like my face. Okay, I was also kidding at that.

I did a lot of poses and expressions in front of the camera and most of them looked stupid. Doing duck faces that mostly everyone hated, puffing my cheeks and pretending to be all cute and , doing some fail pout and big eyes, and putting on a lot of ugly faces. Howon eyed me from time to time, probably wondering when I was going to stop. And I also asked him if he wanted to join me but he only said 'no'. Ouch.

I looking at the camera with a 'shocked' face when in the corner of my eye, I saw Myungsoo who was a few seats in front of us glancing at me with an unreadable expression. It was a mix of amused and weirded out. Taking the last shot, I turned my attention to Myungsoo and raised an eyebrow at him. It may seem that I was calm and collected but inside, I was not.

When he realized that I caught him staring or just glancing at me, he quickly turned his head back to the front. How adorable of him. Wait! Isn't that the typical scenes in dramas? One stares at the person who he or she likes then his or her crush catches him or her then they will blush and— Jung Saera! You are being delusional! Stop!

Suddenly, I thought of an idea. A creepy idea to be honest. I focused my camera on him and took several photos of him. Paparazzi Saera at your service!

As I secretly took photos of him (I'm pretty sure Howon found out but remained quiet), I admired his back and broad shoulders and his head adorably resting on his right palm. Kim Myungsoo, how can you ever be mine? Does hoping that you would possibly fall for me impossible?

I called Howon's full name out, still facing Myungsoo though. "Do you know what I'm doing right now?" I asked him. "You're being creepy by taking many photos of Myungsoo," he answered, stressing on the last five words a little louder than his usual voice.

After he said that, things seemed to happen in a flash. Myungsoo looked back at us with a shocked expression, I smacked Howon's head (but not that hard) and my dear handphone fell on the ground. Thank you Lee Howon! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?

I took my handphone and checked for any scratches and there was but there was nothing I could do about it. Even smacking Howon one more time would not help because it was entirely my fault. After blowing my fringe, I checked if Myungsoo was still looking, or judging me. And indeed he was.

He was staring at me with this confused face and his mouth was slightly open as if he was going to say something. I sheepishly laughed and scratched my head. "Oh... about what Jjanggu said, he was lying!" I stammered. I elbowed Howon whose attention was already towards us. "Right Howon?" I tried to reassure Myungsoo and also hoping that Howon will save my . But being the usual 'I'm in no one's side' or 'I'll stick to what is true' guy, Howon bluntly replied a 'no'.

Howon faced Myungsoo and told him, "She was taking your photos." Myungsoo glared at me and shouted out, "What?!"

Howon nodded and added, "A bunch of photos actually. Check her phone. You'll find lots." I turned to Howon with a disapproving and betrayed look. "What is this Howon?! You betra—" Before I could even kill Howon, Myungsoo was already on his way to my seat and preparing to take my precious handphone which contained pictures of the back of my future boyfriend. Kidding.

"Ah!" I quickly got up from my seat and sprinted across the classroom, while Myungsoo chased me. Thank God the class is a little spacious so I could run to wherever I want to! Just not the front where mostly everyone was.

"Jung Saera! Come here!"  If it was for a good thing!


"Give me your phone!" If only you want to put your number in my contacts!


"Stop running!" I'm getting tired ...

"Stop chasing me first!"

"You're gonna die once I catch you!" it.

I slowly stopped running because I was tired. Let's just say that I did not have the best stamina. Panting, I slowly looked back and saw him smirking at me (for the second time of the day!). He did not even look tired! What is with this guy? Or most guys?

He slowly walked nearer to me and stopped just a few centimeters in front of me. "Phone... now," he demanded, still glaring at me. I hid my handphone behind my back while trying to walk backwards. Myungsoo grabbed my right arm so I quickly held my phone with my left hand. He instantaneously grabbed my other arm and raised it until I had to tiptoe.

Seeing my handphone, he grinned and easily took it. He was already going through his photos and deleting them while I tried to take it but he just keeps on blocking my phone with his back. Giving up, I trailed behind him and sat beside him when he sat on his own seat. I'm back in this seat again. Yay.

I crossed my arms and pouted as I look at him delete the photos. "Why were you even taking pictures of me?" Myungsoo asked me, shaking his head sideways.  "Because your back is," I thought for a while, "...nice." Feeling like I just answered the most brilliant lie, I nodded. "That's right. You have a nice back! Howon has a nice back too. I would take a picture of his back—" "Don't involve me!" I heard Hoya shout out.

He chuckled and said something really unlikely of him: "You have a nice face though."  What did he say? Is this real life or is this fantasy?  "What the," I mumbled. He turned to me with an amused expression then he showed me my photo of me attempting to do aegyo. I was actually trying to do the 'bbuing bbuing' aegyo while winking but looking at the photo again, I obviously failed.

I gasped and took Myungsoo's left hand— the hand that was holding my phone and tried to pry it off his hands. He let me take his hands as he lightly laughed at me. "Come on! Give it to me already!" I whined as I tried to remove each of his fingers from my phone. Even though I know I was failing, at least I'm holding his hand! But I had to take my phone from him because I did not want him to see my ugly and stupid selfies! Who wants their crush to see your dumb side?

"Give or I'll bite your hand!" I threatened.

"Sure. If you dare," he shrugged.

I dare, Mr. Gorgeous but you will find me creepier. So that means my chances with you will be even lower!

I tried to think of a threat that will make him give my phone back to me. Ah! I know the perfect threat. "Give or I'll," I smirked at him, "tell Sumin that you like her!" Just like that, he let go of my phone, allowing me to take it. One word: SUCCESS.

A few minutes after I got a hold of my phone, our form teacher finally came back to discuss something. Good. Because a lot of good and a little bad things happened and Jung Saera needs some time to just sit down and just relax. I don't know what to do with my feelings. I looked at Myungsoo who was busy listening to Ms Kang. So close but so far away ...





[11/1/12] Because this author feels guilty for not updating after so long, there's some myungra moment for you all! I deserve a hug c: No hug for me? Okay. I'll just hug the adorable Myungsoo! That adorable guy up there. (Photo credit: x) Aw, and don't you just love Hoya? Don't worry though. He won't be ruining the myungra couple.. or will he? You'll have to wait for the upcoming chapters! First Sungyeol and now, Hoya? Hahahaha. But Saera shall stick to Kim (perfect) Myungsoo.


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UQ ♚ ch 6 is up! Hope you like it! Finally, it's time to sleep.. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ


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exoelf29 #1
Chapter 6: Updaaate pretty please? The story is great! It would be much appreciated if you'll update it like right now XD Jk. Anw, thumbs up authornim! More power ^^
P.S Don't ever dare to delete this story coz I might die :))
EunmiLee #2
Chapter 6: I like the parts when Myungsoo and Saera are together! Update soon ~
Chapter 6: Yay youre actually continuing it !!
Chapter 6: Now i remember how this story goes. Its a good thing that you continue writing this story authornim.
Its still great!! Looking forward on this story's progress.
-natsukim #5
Chapter 5: So cute. I wonder what will happen next
Mustard #6
Chapter 5: Your story ish sooo good!! Udate soon!
Chapter 5: Love your story <33
AreiysOlet #8
Chapter 5: i like your writing style + your story too..
glad that i found your story! love it so much <3 saera is sooo adorable xD