Just an Accident!

Unexpectedly Queen

chapter 5:  AN ACCIDENT!

DAYS PASSED AND I  can assure you two things; Firstly, our dance performance for the upcoming festival has been going well. And secondly, Howon and I haven't been helping out our classmates on setting up our stall. No regrets though! I'm enjoying my time dancing while the others work. But the bad thing is, I could not see my crush and my best friend that much for four freakin' days! Wonder what's happening in the classroom right now?


I called Howon's name out from the corner of the dance studio. Even in the middle of dancing, he instantly turned to me and I told him to sit down with me. "Ew," I made a disgusted face at the sweaty Howon, "you're so sweaty and smelly!" Howon simply shrugged as he wiped away his sweat with his towel. "You should take even just a couple of minutes of break," I suggested as I gave him a bottle of water. Howon gave me a small smile. "I need to perfect every dance choreo that I learn." I shook my head at his response, even I want to perfect it too!

"So anyway, what do you think our class is doing right now?" I asked him as I hugged my legs. Howon lied down on the smooth wooden floor and he grunted, "I don't know! They must be preparing our stall, right?" I nodded at him even though he could not really see me because he was closing his eyes. "But not everyone! I don't think Sungyeol is actually helping out," I laughed.

After hearing Sungyeol's name, Howon opened his eyes and eyed me. He smirked at me, obviously hinting something. "Hey Saera, Do you like" "What?! No. I don't like Sungyeol!" Howon rolled his eyes at me and sat down in front of me. "Oh wait! I forgot. You like Myungsoo." he teased. Before I could say anything, he continued teasing me. "Taking pictures of him like a stalker. Who knows that maybe you actually follow him home?"

A punch. That is what Howon got. A hard punch on his arm. "I hate you! I don't stalk him, okay! I just have a simple crush at him! I don't even stand a chance with him since he likes someone else!" I shouted at him. Thank goodness most of the dancers went to the canteen! Howon laughed out loud and ignored the pain on his arm and continued.

"Eh?" Howon stopped laughing and stared at me. "How did you know? So you actually stalk him!"

My jaw dropped to the ground and I think my mouth was agape for a couple of seconds. I felt like pulling out my hair because I was actually mistakaned to be a stalker. I was a little crazy over Myungsoo but not that crazy to actually stallk him!

"I am not a stalker!" I screamed, stressing every single word.

Howon laughed even louder than before and motioned me to move closer but of course I did not. I am annoyed at this guy. He rolled his eyes and decided to be the one to move closer. Then he whispered, "What if Myungsoo is making a move on that girl, right now?" I immediately got up and ran out of the dance studio.

"Where are you going?"

"To the toilet!"

"Sure you are!"

Howon, is this payback for calling you 'Shin Jjanggu'?!



So here I am, outside my classroom. For today, my classroom could also mean toilet. Okay, that did not make any sense at all! What was I even saying?!  From outside, I can hear laughs and chatterings from the classroom. If I was not in the dance performance, maybe the class would be noisier.

Anyway, all the classroom doors are closed because the thing is, all stalls will be a surprise. Isn't that fun? Up to you to think if I was being sarcastic or not.

Without even knocking, I stepped in the classroom to see some of the guys playing around, some were doing decorations and all, and some were just doing whatever they want as if this was a free period. I can say that our stall looks pretty ready right now.

Most of them did not even notice me because it was really noisy here but a certain someone shouted out my name. "Saera!" 

I muttered without any excitement at all, "Sungyeol."

He was running to me and I tried my best to avoid him by brisk walking to Sumin's seat. Sumin was drawing random doodles on her notebook because that was actually her hobby. "Hey Sumin! Miss me? Of course you do!" Sumin looked up from her notebook and chuckled. "Come sit beside me!" she offered.

"But I have to go real soon. Our break is ending soon!" I pouted as I examined her drawing. Out of the blue, someone poked my sides but of course I didn't move an inch since I am not even ticklish. I looked behind me to know who tried to tickle or surprise me and of course, it is no other than ... Lee Sungyeol!

"Nice try, Sungyeol but you failed! So, too bad!" I laughed and stuck my tongue out. "Whatever, stupid woman! You're so fat you can't even feel if someone is touching you!" he mocked. One thing, Sungyeol, you do not tell a woman that she is fat, you stupid little retard. "That doesn't even make sense!" I retorded, getting ready to punch that guy on his face or kick his beloved . "Hey, relax there, Saera!" I heard Sumin say, "the guy just misses you!"

Sungyeol nodded and said, "Yeah! I miss you, stupid Saera!" I shook my head and faced Sumin. "Hey Sumin, I gotta go! Bye! I miss you and not Sungyeol!"

Before I exit the classroom, I looked around to see if Myungsoo was there. But sadly, he wasn't. Should I be happy or sad?

I hurriedly opened the door and I heard a grunt from the other side of the door. I felt like the door just hit someone hard. I quickly decided to check on the person if he or she was alright and when I found out who the person was, here are some of the things I wanted to do...

- Die.
- Bury myself alive.
- Get inside a cage with a lion and let it eat me.
- Drown myself to death.
I'm kidding. I love myself too much.

But the thing is, I actually accidentally hit the love of— I mean Kim Myungsoo! He was rubbing his forehead while closing his eyes.  Please blame the stupid door for opening outwards when you are in the classroom! "Ah! I'm so so so so so—" "Shh," he grunted, "Don't give me a headache." I wanted to purposely hit my head on the door but I had no guts or more like, I'll be more stupid! Jung Saera, you are in big trouble!

"You should go to the infimary!" I panicked as I looked at him with worry. "No need, just let me get in the class!"

No, Kim Myungsoo. I am not letting you get inside the class! I looked at him seriously and said, "We have to go to the infirmary!" It takes years of practice not to try to kill yourself when you know that you just accidentally hit your crush, you know? "Whatever," he muttered.



While walking to the infirmary, I asked him different questions like, "does it still hurt?", "did I hit that hard?", "is there a bump?" and other questions. I was in panic mode. As you can see, I was always worried when it came to this kind of stuff and the fact that I was overthinker made things worse. While I asked countless questions to Myungsoo, he just nodded or shook his head sideways, depending on my question.

We arrived the infirmary and looked for the school nurse but she was nowhere to be found.

"The school nurse isn't here. I'll just go back," Myungsoo said.

I shook my head and opened the mini freezer, looking for an ice pack. But I could not look for one so I took a ziploc inside one of the cabinets and put some ice inside it. I handed it to him without looking at him in the eyes. He grabbed it and sat on of the beds while I sat on the chair across the nurse's table. I placed my elbow on the table and rested my face on my palm. I hate myself.

"Sorry, Myungsoo." I mumbled while absentmindedly staring at the cabinets which were neatly labeled. I glanced at him to see him with an annoyed expression. One thing that I really did not like was someone being angry at me. I mean, everyone doesn't like that but for me, I just hate the thought of someone hating me. I wanna be in good terms with everyone, y'know?

I whined and faced Myungsoo. "I'm really sorry. It was an accident. Please don't be mad!"

"Oh, I'm angry alright. I am having a headache now because of you."

Ouch. Right in the heart. I could feel the chills on my back and I suddenly felt the urge to cry right in front of him but of course I can never do that! I was just so guilty and embarrassed, really. I could just cry without even realizing it. "Sorry! I feel guilty right now, okay!"

And then this Myungsoo suddenly bursted out laughing. What the heck.

I looked at him with a straight face as he laughed.

"You actually think I'm mad at you?"

I nodded at him with that expression still on my face.

"I knew you'd panic like this!" he said in between laughs. "You were always a worrywart! It's nothing, okay? I'm perfectly okay. The headache lasted for like ... 30 seconds?" He placed the ice pack beside him, while shaking his head.

I glared at Myungsoo and hurriedly walked in front of him. I smacked his arm. "I was worried! Then turns out you were just fooling around?! Don't with me like that ever again!" I don't care if you're Kim Myungsoo but doing that was just plain mean. I snatched the ziploc beside him and I walked to the sink to remove the ice inside it. I then threw the ziploc in the trashcan.

"Sorry." Myungsoo said. I faced him and chuckled. "It's all good."

I don't know if it's the fact that he was my crush that I was able to calm down out of the blue and forgive him. Or if it was because I was on my period and you know, mood swings. But he said something that just made my day. Or maybe my whole school year.

"And hey, thanks for worrying. I appreciate it."




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[24/12/12] 5TH CHAPTER DURING CHRISTMAS EVE! I wanna thank all my readers for supporting my story! *hugs you all* Merry Christmas, lovelies. And I'm sorry if I updated this after a long long long time! I've been busy... xoxo [Oh cutie Myungsoo >.< cr. x]




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UQ ♚ ch 6 is up! Hope you like it! Finally, it's time to sleep.. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ


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exoelf29 #1
Chapter 6: Updaaate pretty please? The story is great! It would be much appreciated if you'll update it like right now XD Jk. Anw, thumbs up authornim! More power ^^
P.S Don't ever dare to delete this story coz I might die :))
EunmiLee #2
Chapter 6: I like the parts when Myungsoo and Saera are together! Update soon ~
Chapter 6: Yay youre actually continuing it !!
Chapter 6: Now i remember how this story goes. Its a good thing that you continue writing this story authornim.
Its still great!! Looking forward on this story's progress.
-natsukim #5
Chapter 5: So cute. I wonder what will happen next
Mustard #6
Chapter 5: Your story ish sooo good!! Udate soon!
Chapter 5: Love your story <33
AreiysOlet #8
Chapter 5: i like your writing style + your story too..
glad that i found your story! love it so much <3 saera is sooo adorable xD