Just a Number

Unexpectedly Queen

chapter 1 A NUMBER

"SHIN JJANGGU!"I teased my seatmate, Howon as I poked him with my pen. Ever since Sungyeol told me how Howon resembled to the cartoon character 'Shin Jjanggu', Sungyeol and I had been calling Howon that oh so special nickname. Howon did not really like it though but that is the fun part, right? Seeing Howon irritated and telling us to stop calling him that. Good thing Howon is kind enough to not call us names too.

I poked Howon more as he remained calm and quiet. "Will you please tell me the ans—" "No." Wow, such a straightforward answer. I gave up trying to force him to tell me the answer so I looked at my question paper and frowned but decided to just solve the Math question since I really did not have a choice. It took me a while to finish it. But not only me, okay? Also the whole class! Well, I was actually good at Mathematics! It's just that I was lazy. Yup, that's right, lazy.

"Is the answer 69?" I asked aloud to whoever finished trying out the question.

"Pfft, 69," I heard Sungyeol say from the back of the room. "Of all numbers!" Even though Sungyeol was seated at the back, his voice could be heard across the classroom. A few giggled at the answer. I turned to Sungyeol and asked him what was so special about the number '69'. "Aish, Saera! Don't act as if you don't know it! I knew you since middle school and you're just as erted as me!" Sungyeol shouted as he pointed his pen at me. Thank goodness that the teacher went to the office or my image would be totally ruined.

I did not deny the fact that Sungyeol and I had been pals since middle school but I was certainly not as dirty minded as Sungyeol! Blame the internet. Trust me, I knew all of these things from the internet. I glared at Sungyeol. "Nobody can be more erted than you, Mr. Lee Sungyeol!" Getting used to me and Sungyeol bickering almost everyday, some of our classmates just laughed at us.

I playfully stuck out my tongue at him before turning to the front again. "Jung Saera! You stupid woman!" Sungyeol yelled. I raised my right hand and waved him off. "Me? Stupid?" I glanced Sungyeol once again, "I wonder who pulled the door when the word 'push' was obviously pasted at the door? And then that person got so so so frustrated?"

Sungyeol, got anything more to say?!

"You guys are so immature," a voice called out. I eyed Myungsoo and saw him looking at me with an irritated expression. I gave him a peace sign and sheepishly laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and went back to doing what he was doing previously. "This Myungsoo," Howon suddenly mumbled disapprovingly. "Always so serious and all." I nodded at what Howon said as the two of us continued to observe Myungsoo. "He should you know.. loosen up?"

Define Kim Myungsoo. Most people would think of him as the 'handsome' and  'quiet' guy from class 1A which was somehow true. Kim Myungsoo was indeed good looking but I had a feeling that behind those mysterious eyes was someone much different and unpredictable. Being his classmate for 7 months, I learned that he was actually different between males and females. With Sungyeol or most guys, he was always laughing and being the normal school boy but when he was around us, girls, he would be back to being the cold and unreachable guy.

I really tried being close to him and but I failed. But you know what they say; "Try and try until you succeed."

It's not that Sungyeol and Myungsoo knew each other before high school. As I said, Sungyeol and I knew each other since middle school and during my three years in my middle school, I had never encountered someone named, 'Kim Myungsoo'. It's also definitely not the fact that Myungsoo is gay. That would unlikely be the answer why he was quiet around girls. Heck, I even know who he likes! And the person who Myungsoo likes is not gay nor a guy. 



I was taking out my things for the next lesson when I heard Myungsoo call out Woohyun.

"Woohyun!" Myungsoo said as he walked to Woohyun's seat, "I have to tell you something." It was just the third day of my high school life and I already memorised most of my classmates' names. Is that a speciality?

Myungsoo and Woohyun were like one of the most handsome guys in this class or even the entire cohort! Girls were already eyeing those two and it's only the third day of school. Believe it or not, I am one of Myungsoo's victims. It was just like love at first sight but I don't think I would be serious with him because if we ever go out, the girls who like him will kill me. Or not. But you get the point, right?

I just observed the two of them curiously, trying to listen to what was up. Myungsoo was not the type of guy to talk much and seeing him excited over something just makes me somehow.. interested on what he was going to say. "You see that girl over there?" Myungsoo asked Woohyun as he secretly pointed at someone behind the classroom. I checked to see who it was and honestly, I was not shocked at all. So I kept my cool and continued listening to them. 

After looking at 'the girl over there', Woohyun turned to Myungsoo. "Are you interested in her?" Thank goodness Woohyun was seated in front of my seatmate so I can hear what they were talking about! 

Myungsoo lightly punched Woohyun on his right arm but still answered a yes. Woohyun at Myungsoo before asking him why he was interested at that girl. I wanted to just tell Woohyun in front of his face, "Duh, she's like drop dead gorgeous." No joke.

Myungsoo chuckled and scratched his nape. Wow, we have a shy boy over here! "Just look at her Woohyun," Myungsoo mumbled, "she has long and wavy hair. Plus, she's innocent. What more can I ask?" The moment I heard that I started to have lots of regrets.

Why did I cut my hair?! Why did I even be friends with Sungyeol who corrupted my mind?!

Okay, I regret saying the second one. Excuse me but being friends with Sungyeol was awesome. He was one of the few people who have the sense of humor and he was the type of person who did not get offended easily. And I liked that.

But really, I was not really surprised when I heard who Myungsoo was interested in or why he is interested in her. Ever since middle school my best friend, Sumin has always been the eye candy and guys would love to be with her. No surprise that even in high school, more guys will even like her.

Sometimes, I just could not help being a little.. jealous?

I should seriously stop that.


The teacher arrived the classroom after a while but when she came, there was only about five minutes until recess starts. Bravo!

Five minutes passed but it felt like five hours! The teacher's lectures were so boring and the whole class was fighting the urge to sleep. As the bell rang, I shuffled to Sumin's seat. I grinned at her and she returned a small smile. As you can see, Sumin and I were almost the complete opposite of each other. She was serene, reserved and ladylike while I was the hyper and loud. Basically, I was the kind of girl who acted like a guy at times. That's why some guys, especially Sungyeol, talked to me in a way that they talked to their other guy friends! There was no way Myungsoo would be interested in a girl like me. But you know what, I had no plan on changing myself to someone with long and wavy hair who's so innocent and . Never.



As we walked to the canteen, Sumin asked me a question that made me burst into laughter.

"What's so special about 69?"

"It's just the number before 70!"




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[2/9/12] YAY FIRST CHAPTER! :D It's September already! I'm so happy that we have no school for 1 week! But aish.. I still have to go to school for some practice. , right? Do you like the first chapter? Comment! :>


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UQ ♚ ch 6 is up! Hope you like it! Finally, it's time to sleep.. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ


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exoelf29 #1
Chapter 6: Updaaate pretty please? The story is great! It would be much appreciated if you'll update it like right now XD Jk. Anw, thumbs up authornim! More power ^^
P.S Don't ever dare to delete this story coz I might die :))
EunmiLee #2
Chapter 6: I like the parts when Myungsoo and Saera are together! Update soon ~
Chapter 6: Yay youre actually continuing it !!
Chapter 6: Now i remember how this story goes. Its a good thing that you continue writing this story authornim.
Its still great!! Looking forward on this story's progress.
-natsukim #5
Chapter 5: So cute. I wonder what will happen next
Mustard #6
Chapter 5: Your story ish sooo good!! Udate soon!
Chapter 5: Love your story <33
AreiysOlet #8
Chapter 5: i like your writing style + your story too..
glad that i found your story! love it so much <3 saera is sooo adorable xD