Chapter 21

Just a Nobody

Finally another update! It's been soooo long! Thanks for waiting guys. Hopefully I dont disappoint you guys with the next chapters. Will update again doon. Enjoy!! FIGHTING! :3




You threw on an oversize gray t-shirt and walked out your room. You were about to walk out of your room when something on your calendar caught your eye.

“Omo?” You read what was written on tomorrow’s date. “Omo! My first day of college is tomorrow?” You hit yourself on the head, “How could I have forgotten.” You sigh. “Well I need to go buy some supply.” You went back and changed.

You walked around the store looking for school supplies. You filled your shopping basket up and walked up to the cash register.

“Good Morning, How are you today?” The cashier greeted you.

You grinned, “Good and you.”

“Fine, that would be $13.97”

You looked in your purse and wallet.

You groaned. You only had 5 dollars.

You sigh and handed the cashier the money, “Ah sorry I only have 5 dollars on me. Can you hold my supplies while I run back home and get some more money?” You were so embarrassed.

The cashier nod, “Yeah I can.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right back.” You smiled.

You quickly walked out the store and bumped into someone. You looked up, “Ah Dongwoo!”

Dongwoo smiled brightly, “______! It’s nice to see you again today.” Dongwoo scanned your face, “Is something wrong?”

You shook your head, “I forgot school starts tomorrow so I came to buy some supplies, but then I forgot my money so I’m running back home to get it.” You smiled and bowed, “I’ll see you later. Ahnyeong.”

“Yah! Wait. I can help you pay for it.”

You shook your head, “Oh no. I can’t do that.”

Dongwoo laughed, “No worries. Don’t even bother to pay me back.”

You nod, “Thank you so much Dongwoo! I don’t know how I’m going to make it up to you.”

Dongwoo thought, “You can come with me and get some coffee?”

You chuckled, “Okay then, I’ll pay.”

Dongwoo laughed, “Whatever I’ll pay. You don’t have money anyways. Now come on.” Dongwoo took you by the hand, “I got you.”

Your eyes widen at the sight of his hand in yours. You shook your head, what am I thinking?

Dongwoo walked around the store and picked a couple packs of ramen noodles and 2 big aloe drinks, his hand still held on tightly to yours.

Dongwoo walked up to the register and smiled at the cashier, “Ahnyeonghasaeyo, I’m also going to pay for what the young lady forgot to pay for earlier.”

The cashier nod, “$15.13”

Dongwoo paid for everything and walked you out the store.

You smiled, “Thank you Dongwoo, I really appreciate it.”

Dongwoo smiled, “No problem.”

You looked at Dongwoo’s hand that was still holding tightly onto yours, “Um, Dongwoo-ah”

Dongwoo grinned, “Yeah?”

“My hand?”

Dongwoo quickly let go, “Ah yah. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize.”

You bowed. “Thanks again.”

Dongwoo grinned, “What about that coffee?”

You smiled, “Yah I almost forgot. Can we go back to my place so I can go put these things away?”

Dongwoo nod.

Chungyang stood watching and put down her phone. “Who is that?” Chungyang smirked, “Jay is totally going to hear about this.”

Chungyang smirked and sent Jay a picture of Dongwoo holding your hand.

“I’m going to get my Jay-oppa back.” Chungyang rolled her eyes while she watched you and Dongwoo walk away.




Jay picked up his phone and read the text from Chungyang. *”Omooooo Jay-oppa I’m sorry to see you girl is two timing you. I told you I was better than her!*”

Jay stared at the picture. “_______ is this true?”

Jay tried calling your phone. You didn’t pick up. Jay was mad and confused. He quickly grabbed his coat and headed out the house.

Jay dialed your number and left a voicemail, “_____ pick up your phone. We need to straighten something out. I’m heading to your place.”



Hopefully you guys enjoyed Chap. 21. :)


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-notyourself #1
Chapter 22: aufauefhawefhawehf /spazzing hard
please update soon ;u; i can't wait <33
i'm loving this story SO MUCH <3
Good story♥♥
Chapter 19: Eeeee ! Jayyyy ! <3 I love how Jay is completely different now <3 Is it bad that I like Jay better than Dongwoo? Omgggg Jayyyy <3
momolover #4
Update soon! XD Love it
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Jayyy <3
sehun-derp #6
Chapter 17: wow jay really seems to have started liking her, his personality seems to have changed a bit too. but i'd still rather something happen to them and her realising feelings for dongwoo, it just seems.. more right, seeing as jay was such a d-ck in the past
Chapter 17: T________________________T dongwoooooooooo I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but Jay <A< >A> Omo....
Chapter 1: this is so easy for me to read since I am actually 5 4 and chubby orz
Chapter 15: Owww, My Poor DONGWOO! =.= But I want JAY for me/her LOL
Anyways, NICE JOB Author-nim ^^ THANK YOU!

I LOVE YOU :"> *giggles*
Chapter 15: uhaaaaaaaa ...... i want dongwoo !! i dont want jay park !! dongwoo dongwoo n dongwoo ! poor my dongwoo :(