Chapter 5: Mishaps - Myungsoo's POV

Do You Remember?


We returned to my dorm with full stomaches...well at least I did. I tricked her into buying me two boxes of chicken wings on the way home. Haha er! 


I opened the door to our dorm and before I knew it everyone was crowded around her. 


“How old are you? Age? AGE? AGE?!” pestered Sunggyu.

“Anyung!” greeted Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sungjong in unison. 

“AHHHHHHHHH! Welcome!!” squeaked Sungyeol, like a dolphin.


...and there was Woohyun. “Oh Hyerin! I see L and you finally reconciled.” He turned to the rest of the bunch, “Guys. This is my friend, Hyerin.”


“Then why did L bring her home?” Hoya wittingly asked. Woohyun shoved him into a closet and proceeded to introduce her to every single member.


Gosh. I was the one who brought her is she Woohyun’s friend? 


“Reconcile? Hah, that’s funny hyung.” I joked, “We have to work on a school project together. By the looks of it, we’re not going to get any work done here. Let’s do to your place Hyerin.” 


As we got to her apartment, the door was wide open. I could sense that something had gone wrong. Out stepped Mina.


“Well, well, well. What do we have here? I told you to stay away from my L oppa. Why did you deliberately bring him back home?” she smirked.


“How else are we suppose to finish our project?” Hyerin defended. 


“I don’t care. Wing it.” She snapped back, “I’m sure you know my daddy owns this building. Get your stuff and move out by tonight. I told you I’d make you suffer. I guess you’ll have to endure it now.”


“What? It’s not like she didn’t pay the rent or anything. Where is she going to stay?” I butted in.


“She’ll figure it out.” Mina replied and strutted away.


Hyerin collapsed to the ground. “How could this happen? What have I ever done?” She cried.


I kneeled down next to her and attempted to hug her. Her head rested on my shoulder and my arms were wrapped around her. I felt like the whole world had stopped for a moment. How I wish we could stay like that forever.


 “This is all my fault. You can always stay in my dorm. I’m sure my bandmates won’t mind. Let’s go pack up your things first.” I finally spoke up.


 I stood up and began walking in her apartment, when I heard her sniffle “Thank you”.  



Bleh! Sorry for not updating! I know this chapter is short! D: 

Chapter 6 will be better! I promise~

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B2ST43V3R #1
oh! this fanfic is interesting ^ o ^ i hope you'll update soon~ c:
inspirit4L-4ever #2
ooooooh poor myungsoo
Well this was interesting.
coolme #4
lol that was so abrupt.... anyways, haha love how woohyun comes in the way of their love :D I LOVE TRIANGLES!!!
Update soon! :-)
coolme #6
Haha thanks for the update.....btw, i sense some romance on the way #D.... anyways, jiayou for the fanfic!!! really enjoyed this chapter:D
It must be L!
My new favorite :-)
Update soon!
coolme #9
nooooooo two days? haha i dont think i can wait that long T^T
But anyways, just have to deal with it huh? Hope to see your update soon and hope you get LOTS of interesting ideas :D
inspirit4L-4ever #10
what!!!!two days?how am i supposed to wait this long