The Meeting :)

Choosing Between Friendship and Love


You were studying at Kim International High School it’s a school owned by the family of MyungSoo, though he is busy with his career as a kpop star he still finds time to attend school if he has free time…
though you have been studying there since Elementary you have not seen the Myungsoo that every girl talks about.

Since it would be a month before your graduation everyone was busy fixing their applications for college and if what course they would take, but you, just don’t mind anything related to college stuffs since you thought that you were just a puppet that your parents are in control of what course you shall take up in college…..after the class you decided to go home right away since you feel tired thinking about college all day and so you decided to call your bestfriend Eun Ri.

Hae Ra: Eun Ri~ah… you have something to do tonight????
Eun Ri: Why Hae Ra??? Is there any problem….?
Hae Ra:Anni. I just wanted to ask you if you can come with me and go to a bar???? I mean just have fun tonight??? And forget about everything related to school???
Eun Ri: Daebak!!! Let’s go and have fun tonight!!! Let’s meet there at 8pm.

So  you were looking for something good to wear, you chose a blue mini dress which showed your  contured body, after dressing up you went down to your apartment and drove off to the bar…you arrived earlier than your bestfriend so you parked your car and waited outside the bar after 3o mins Eun Ri arrived and said sorry for being late. Then you went inside…..

Meanwhile at Infinite’s dorm they decided to ask the manager hyungs for a day off and so the hyungs agreed and they thanked them. So all the members got up and fixed themselves and went wild as they waited for their car….they arrived at the same bar.

So you were sitting at a couch at the corner of the bar and patiently waiting for your drinks to come. Eun Ri was on the dance floor showing off her skills in dancing with sungyeol who was at the dance floor too. so then your drink arrived and took it and gulped it in one shot then the other drink, the other drink too.. but you felt that that wasn’t enough to make you drunk so you asked the waiter to give you the strongest drink they have…that would make you forget he want back to the bartender and he made the drink, you were getting dizzy you were searching for Eun Ri so that you wont feel lonely sitting alone…meanwhile myungsoo and the rest of the guys were already drowning themselves with beer and other drinks, then when he myungsoo turned his head he saw you and he felt something strange in his body that instructed him to stand up and go near you he called the attention of the other guys and said “hey look at that girl over there, she’s alone since it’s our free time, there’s nothing wron if I go there and be her company right?? The other members just looked  at you and said to him ya! Do whatever you want and just enkoy this night… so he stood up and walked his way towards you…. Then the waiter arrived and gave you their trademark drink that was approved to be the strongest alcoholic beverage among the bars in korea… at first the waiter was hesitant to give you the drink but then you got it from his hand and drank it after a while you felt dizzy and you kept looking everywhere…then you saw that someone was starring at you, when you looked at him he smiled and that smile suddenly made your heart beat fast suddenly so you looked away and pretend that you did not see him. Then suddenly you felt that someone touched your shoulders and you quickly looked at the person and you froze when you saw that it was the same person that was looking at you … you first did not believe what you saw and thought that you were just so drunk that you began seeing guys near you… but it was real that he was the guy that made your heart beat fast… he sat beside you and said:

MS: hey miss what’s your name?
You:  me??? tsk… I~m Hae Ra…..Jung Hae Ra
You: You?? Wwwwhats your name
You: what kind of name is “L” are you kidding me??
MS: Myungsoo, Kim Myungsoo

Then you remembered what the girls around your school were blabbering about,,,,the kim myungsoo who is so handsome and he’s the only child of the owners of Kim Intl. School and Kim Corp.

You: ahhh…myungsoo~shiii???  That everyone at my school likes???
wow…it’s really fascinating that you really are handsome and …. Suddenly you passed out and slept at the table…

He was also drunk that time but he still managed to stand you up and go to his car…

He drove off to a nearby hotel and got a room for the both of you.. since you were drunk and you passed out, you did not know what was going on and where you were so he got the pass and opened the door and locked it and carried you to the bed and he began to remove his clothes and your’s….

(think of whatever you wanted to happen to the both of you . I don’t know how to make a scene so feel free and think of things you want myungsoo to do, when your unconsciously being abused)


Sorry for the late update readers :) been busy lately... i'll update as soon as i have free time :) please continue to read ans subscribe to this story :)



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itsmeandonlymelaine #1
Chapter 2: Ineedmysleep hahaha i will update it already :))chill
itsmeandonlymelaine #2
hannaurora hehehe in my next fan fics :) thank you please look forward for this story :) thank you
Why not Myungyeol T_T Joking only XD