A normal Day? Nope, a golden card instead.

24: The Story of EXO

-October 2007-

It was raining heavily, walking under the shelter of my umbrella; I bowed my head against the wind. Hearing some commotion, I looked up, only to see a man running in your direction, paparazzi trailing behind him.

OMG! Alex Mitch!! He was a famous and foreign designer who was up and coming in the city of Seoul. I had seen what he designed for stars on the red carpet; he also had a everyday wear line that was very popular and sold in almost all major stores here in Seoul.

Just then, a huge gust of wind nearly blew me off my feet, it also blew away Mr. Alex’s small-compact looking umbrella.

*Argh! What to do???* I wondered..

Just then, Mr. Alex passed by, in that moment, I pushed my umbrella into his hands.

*Why the hell did I do that?? Now I’m umbrella-less! Argh!* I screamed in my head.

Being the one without the umbrella, I ran, looking for cover from the bullets pelting me.

I found a small, quaint little café. The nice lady over there offered me a towel to dry off, I accepted it gratefully, thankful for it. I returned the towel to the lady, and asked for some biscotti and a hot chocolate.

Sipping my hot chocolate, I took care not to burn my tongue, and yet, it was long gone when the rain stopped. I headed back to the dormitory. Hanging my now-soaked jacket on a chair inside my room, on of the two in the dorm (I shared it with another girl); I sighed and realized that I was shivering. I went and took a warm bath. After it, I climbed into the warm covers of my bed; I slept easily, for it was already past 10.

Early in the morning, I woke up. Turning in a circle, I took in last night’s mess. *Aish, the stuff I own…*

I exhaled, wishing that some fairy godmother would swing down and clear it all. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

I picked up my jacket, only to see something fall out of it. A card. A golden card.

*Huh, what’s this?*

It was hard to read, thanks to the fact that it was all written in silver and was all shiny and everything. I could just make out the name in it…Alex…Mitch!!

“KYAAAA!!!” I started screaming. This was a name card from Alex Mitch, the fashion designer, thy person I had helped out yesterday. I screamed again, but this time for a reason, why would he give his name card to some random person who helped him on the road?? I grinned, realizing that he obviously saw something in me and that the card didn’t somehow randomly end up in my pocket.

Still, I wondered, why would he take an interest to a fashion design student, more over an athlete, a sailor?

I decided to meet him at his office after lunch time, when I was free.

Hello. Mianhae if you find it a bit weird, and  for the lack of anything KPOP-ish, it will come in the next few chapters, so just enjoy the story. Thx.


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I have FINALLY updated. well not really, but i have put up the story on my new account. see you there!


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Chapter 5: i can't wait for your next updates Author-nim!!!
Chapter 4: omg, this is so adorable... hai hehe
Chapter 3: this is preety nice i really like it make a new chapter soon
Chapter 3: I find the length of your chapters just nice :)
Hwaiting with the updates! ^^