1 Down, Millions To-Do's Left

Monkey See, Monkey Do




"Hey, what happened?"


"Nothing. Let's just get out of here!" Suki immediatly pulled Terry out of his seat & dragged him out of the buffet.


"H-Hey! Are you crazy, we're gonna get busted!" Terry kept looking back at the buffet to see if anyone would rat them out.


"Not unless we get the heck out of here!" Suki grabbed his keys from his pocket & unlocked the car. Terry was on the verge of having a mental break down. He never, ever! left a food place without paying. "Coming or not! Let's get out of here!" She started the engine which made him flinch.


"Yo man! Did you eat spoiled ice cream or something?!" Terry opened the passanger door & hopped in. Just like that, Suki drove off like a badass. Terry rubbed his eyes up to his forehead & the back of his head. He couldn't stop looking back at the buffet. "I'm so gonna-" Terry growled & just massaged his temples.


"Don't worry, the food is on them." Suki rested her elbow on the window & her chin on her knuckles. 


"Who's them?" 


"Oh, some..." Suki didn't know what or how to explain him. Terry just eyed her & waited for her answer, "Some monkey." Terry mouthed a "wtf" & shook his head. 


"Now this is one of the MOST weirdest- not weirdest STUPIDEST thing we EVER did!" Terry finally exploded, in a panicked way.


"One down. Millions To-Do's left, bro~" Suki fisted out her fist at him. Terry just stared at her for a second & scoffed.


"You're one of the craziest girl I've ever met." He bumped his fist with hers' & adjusted the seat down so he can lay comfortably. In no time, Terry fell asleep like a rock dropped into a pond. Suki had no idea where she was going. She just has to use her memories she remembered back in the days. *That's it* A lightbulb dinged in her head.


She did a U-Turn & drove straight to the place they would alway, always, always hang out at. The Han River. They used to dance there everyday, play fun games, tease each other, made an unforgetable memories together. It was pretty dark & it waas not a good idea to go down there since it's pretty dark. 


"Terry? Terry?" Suki shook his shoulder.


"Slaughter the cow!" He yelled, sheilding himself with his arms. Suki just gave him the "wtf" look. He blink several times & stared outside. "Where are we?" He asked while scratching his head & fixing his precious hair.


"Get out & you'll see." She got out before he did & set the alarm on his car. Terry stepped out of his car & felt that cold, gentle breeze blowlng passed him. Suki tossed him the keys & carefully went down the hill.


"S-Suki. Don't go down there alone. T-There might be a !" He slipped the keys into his pocket & ran after her. They both walked closely together, side by side as they walked along the sideway. 


"Look the floating stage!" Suki pointed to where it was at. There's people there, but the stage is not lit up yet.


"You know at this time, the lights should've went on." Terry checked his phone.


"What lights?" Suki looked around. Sudden colorful lights flashed on in a split second. Her eyes sparkled in the amazing, beautiful scenery.























"That's so freaking..." Suki was speechless. The colors & the breathtaking sensation made her feel like a new person, "It's amazing..." She whispered. 


"Do you remember this?" Terry elbowed her. She shook her head.


"We never stayed out this late before. Ever..." She whispered again. All she can do is stare at te colorful waterfall coming out of the bridge. She has never seen anything as beautiful at that in her birthplace. Her very own hometown. Her eyes stared to get teary. She sniffled a bit & took a deep breath & let out a calm sigh.


"You alright?" Terry peeked at her face.


"It's nothing. Just..." Suki looked away from Terry & hugged her arms, "I just wish we can go back & experience this before. The kids that saw this before us is so lucky." She sighed. "They're lucky. They get to see this longer than we I did. I'm pretty sure you saw this after I left to the states." Suki heved a sigh again & slowly waked away, along the sidewalk.


"Suki." Terry followed her, "I didn't see this either. Even when you guys weren't here." He explained.


"Oh yeah, well how did you know the lights would go on at this time?" She turned & gazed into his eyes. She hardly makes eye contact.


"I only witness from afar. I wanted to come here so bad, but I knew I couldn't. Not without you." Suki was speechless. "Not without you, Judy, or Jet." Suki was so touched at the moment. She didn't want anything to ruin this precious moment. Since Life is not fair, Terry got an incoming call. He took out his phone & check the number. He never saw this number before.




"Terry~ Guess who this is~ ?" the person asked with a sweet, innocent voice.


"I knew it was you." Terry laughed.


"Are you with Suki right now? Don't say anything!" It was Judy. "Hey bro~ I love you ma- Shut up! Ow!" Jet said in the background & Judy slapped him on his chest.




"Brudah! I miss you man! Jet stop it! Suki might hear you & it's gonna blow our cover! I got this Baby Cakes. -slaps- OW!"


"Haha, I miss you too." Terry looked at Suki & held out a "one second" finger, then turned away. Suki just eyed him & pouted. "Where are you guys right now?"


"Stop abu- She's abusing me. Sorry for disturing you, sir. Um what? Give me the phone! You're so immature!" Terry pinched the bridge of his nose & blinked his eyes several times.


"Give me that! -clears throat- Hello? Terry, we're at Starbucks right now. You like whip cream~ ? (in a seductive voice) Jet! Stop it!" Terry just burst out laughing.


"Come on guys. When are you guys gonna get here? We miss you guys a tons man." Terry sat on the tiny steps, looking back at Suki. She was leaning on her arms against the handle rails, starring out into the flowy river.


"We'll get there when me & Judy are done with our business. We have things to do~ Stop! IT! (slaps & Jet's laugh in the backgroud along with Judy scolling him)


"Jet, you dog. How are you gonna get a girlfriend?" Terry shook his head.


"Terry, please pick me up. Please, right now. I'm walking to the karaoke place we used to go to. Babe where are you going? Leave me alone you-you freak! You sick moron!" Judy was leaving Jet & walked with incredibally fast steps to lose him, but he could not get out of her sight.


"A-Are you serious? Isn't your plan to surprise her?" Terry looked around the area.


"We rented a car, but I don't want to be with this gross freak." Judy siighed & panted, trying to catch her breath. "Look, I'll get serious right now. Let's go." Jet took her hand & walked her to their car they rented.


"I guess you guys are on your way right now?" Terry shot up & smiled.


"Yeah we are bro! What's your address?" Jet took the phone from Judy as she started the car & drove off. Terry told them his address & slowly approached Suki. "Alright, see you soon!"


"Lates." They both hung up. Terry arrived beside Suki & leaned on the handle rail, starring at the city lights & the beautiful waterfall colors. "How do you feel?" He randomly asked.


"New..." She spoked with a tired voice. She yawn & covered .


"You must be tired." Terry patted her shoulder. She just nodded & walked ahead. Terry walked behind her & examined her cow figure. She looked so warm & comfy & adorable in those PJs. Terry is thinking of getting one himself, but not a cow though. They both got into the car & he drove off. After a couple lights, Suki fell right to sleep. Her head was leaning foward in an uncomfortable position.


Terry stopped at a red light & her head slowly moved back & rested on the head rest. Terry moved her into a more comfortable position. The light turned green & he didn't even notice. Without hesitation, the car behind him honked. Terry flinched & drove off. He checked to see if Suki looked okay. She was fine. He rested his chin on his fist & thought about the old times. It was unforgettable. Hopefully, they could relive it.














YES YES YES!!! The comments are so nice~ Makes me so happy~



































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Chapter 4: Update!!! Update!!!
Chapter 4: i love it.
can't wait for the next update (^-^)
thank you guys so much for your lovely comments~ <3 makes me want to update more! ^^
Woohoo.....Awaiting further developments ... LOL!!!! This story brightens my mood somehow!! :)
-dances and sings- UppyUppyUppydate~ PrettyPrretty Please~ :3
update soon please~
LOL walking around in her cow pjs xD