
Monkey See, Monkey Do




I just got off the plane. The area smells so different from the states. It smelled & feels more clean  & less polluted. I tied my short, medium length hair in a half ponytail then slipped my shades on. I walked into the parking lot looking for that Poo-Head, Terry. I wanted to call him, but I don't have a phone & I don't know his number. Damn it! Why did we talked about this a few days ago before I left home! I sighed & slapped my forehead. 


I just continued to roam around the airport's parking lots & tried to find someone that reminds me of him. The last time i was online, I checked his pictures & he had light brown hair, which was his current picture. I gave up. I walked back into the airport & took a seat there. I took out my iPad to keep myself occupied. The battery was running low. I sighed & shook my head. Just my day. 


I grabbed my stuffed & walked to a nearby cafe. I took a seat near a outlet plug beside the wall. Just when I slipped my earphones on, someone handed me a Strawberry Cream smoothie.I followed up the arm & met eyes with him. I scoffed & snatched the smoothie from him. It was Terry.


"Finally you found me." I took a sip of it. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I knew you would be tired from the flight, so I decided to buy you something to drink." He drank his Iced Americano & took one of your bag & suitcase.

"So, are they here yet?" I asked him. He should know who I'm talking about.

"Why would they be here at the same time you do? I know Jet should be here in 2 days since he's in Japan & he still lives with his parents." I laughed  about the fact that Jet is still living with his parents at the age of 18.

"That loser. Well Judy is in the Land Down Under." I drank my smoothie again & threw my bag over my shoulder.

"I heard that place is really hopping." Terry joked. There was a total, weird awkward silence. 

"Ha ha, I get it." I sarcasticly told him. I just scoffed & crossed the street. Arriving to Korea isn't that bad. It actually pretty fun. Terry took out his car keys & unlocked the trunk. "Hey, copying my car too?" I stared at his Audi A3 S-Line.










"I never copied you. This was always the car I wanted. I had it for 2 & a half years now." Terry lazy threw my stuff in the trunk.

"Hey! Watch it!" I yelled at him, "That's not exactly the one I wanted. I want the one with the black roof." I carefully put my left over stuff in there & closed the trunk. Terry & I got into the car & were on our way somewhere, maybe his place. "Can we go somewhere?" I asked him.

"No." He rejected me straight out. I glared at him & shook my head. 

"I need so many things right now!" I need a new phone, clothes, stuff for school-"

"I got all that for you man, calm your down!" Terry yelled. 

"What phone?" 

"Samsung Galaxy S3"

"What co-"

"White" I nodded & rested my head on the window. "Yeah, I'm that cool like that." Terry leaned back & drove with one arm on top of the wheel. I just smiled & so happy to see him. 

"I guess we could just go home & sleep." I yawned while telling him. It was getting late anyways, 6:45pm. I should've came here earlier so I could take the time & explore my hometown again. 

"Hopefully Jet can get here soon. I don't wanna be stuck all alone with a girl like you." Terry stopped at a red light & looked at himself on the mirror. I scoffed & slammed my hand on the armrest.

"What's wrong with me? Am I Girly? Am I not guy-ish enough for you?" I joked around with him.

"Maybe, but you're young & I don't want to hear any whining & nagging from you." He drove on & turned at a corner. 

"It's because I'm young huh? Well, I'm old enough to do stuff on my own." I crossed my arms.


"Jet's 18 & he still lives with his parents! He usually waste his time by flirting with girls! Look at me! I'm 15, turning 16 soon! I moved out of my parents place because I couldn't stand my dad's drunk state & my mom can take care of my older brother. It feels like I'm a burden to them. I was independent my whole entire life. I didn't depend on anyone besides you guys..." I was in the state of teary eyes. All Terry could do was sigh.


"Ever since you guys left, I didn't know what to do..." I took a deep breath. There was another silence that was between us.


"I just wish Jet & Judy is here right about now..." He spoke with a croaky tone.


"Why? Is it because of my drama right now?" Terry shook his head & parked his car in the dark, underground parking lot. 


"So we can re-live the past we had together." He stopped the car & went out. I sighed & wished the same. I took one last, long sip to finish the smoothie. It made me feel so much better. I could wait. Being with Terry is fine since he was the first friend I ever had in my entire life.







Yay~ First chapter again~ :))

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Chapter 4: Update!!! Update!!!
Chapter 4: i love it.
can't wait for the next update (^-^)
thank you guys so much for your lovely comments~ <3 makes me want to update more! ^^
Woohoo.....Awaiting further developments ... LOL!!!! This story brightens my mood somehow!! :)
-dances and sings- UppyUppyUppydate~ PrettyPrretty Please~ :3
update soon please~
LOL walking around in her cow pjs xD