The Unexpected

Monkey See, Monkey Do




Just when Terry dragged Suki out of the apartment, she immediatly pulled over her hood & covered her face.


"You know that's just making me look stupid." Terry opened the door for her.


"Good. I'm not crazy!" She ran into the car. Terry shut the door on her & checked his phone. He recieved a message from Judy.


 HEY TERRY! I was playing when I said it was gonna take me a day or so to get to Seoul, but I'm actually in Busan. I'm at Daejeon right now waiting for my bus to get to Seoul haha. I got to Busan 2 days ago. Me & Jet planned it out so well~ kekeke anyways, i'll see you guys this morning with Jet~^^


"These guys." Terry shook his head & entered the car. "So where do you want to eat?" Terry asked Suki. 


"I'm craving for some Mayo Shrimps." She stuck out her tounge.


"You got a bun in the oven?" He joked. Suki lightlly punched his shoulder & adjusted her cow hoodie.


"But then again I want sushi..."




"And pasta. And Chicken Alfredo!" Suki started listing all the food she wanted to eat. So the perfect place for that is a buffet. He drove from Hongdae to the depths of Seoul to eat at the best buffet he ever dined in. "Seoul Buffet...Sounds good!" Suki yelled & quickly got out of the car. She rushed towards the door, but she forgot she was in her cow PJs. *Crap...* Once she heard Terry shut the door & walked up to her, she quickly hid behind him.


"W-What? Are there gangsters around?" He joked. Suki shooked her head & covered her face. "Dude, relax~ A lot of Japanese wear crazy stuff. I-In a good way."


"I'm. Not. Jet. He could even wear makeup & not get embarrassed or get called names!" Suki pointed out. It was true. He was even mistaken as a girl. 


"Man, no one is gonna say anything! I'm here dude! Let's just go!" Terry interlaced his fingers with hers' & pulled her in the buffet. 


"H-Hey! I'm not your girlfriend! Let go of my hand!"


"It's the only way to not get embarrassed if you're acting like this!" Terry yelled in a low volume. Suki pulled her hand away crossed her arms, "That's better." Terry patted her head & pushed down her hood. 


"Table for 2?" The waiter ask. Terry nodded & he motioned for them to take whatever seats they wanted to. Suki froze when she saw the seats filled with smoking hot guys. The buffet was totally filled. So many people grabbing food, munchiing it, drinking it up, chefs coming in & out of the kitchen to refill the foods. It was a hustle.


All of a sudden there was a wolf whistle. Suki came back to her senses & hid her face with her hoodie. There was little laughters coming from a tabl far away. Terry was already sitting on a table watching Suki walking straight ahead. 


"What is she doing." Terry shook his head & walked to get her. Suki kept walking with her face hidden & her face down, then she bumped into someone who was as hard as a brick building.


"Oh, I-I'm so"


"You're making both of us look stupid now..." Terry hooked an arm around her neck & took her to the table. She slightly revealed her face & look around. "Well, dig in." Terry picked up his fork & stabbed a piece of mayo shrimp. 


"Wha-How did you get all these food so fast?" Suki starred. It looked like paradise, but she thought she stood at the enterance for hours. In no time, she picked up her fork & stabbed a shrimp. There was no conversation being brought up. Not even a sneeze, cough, sigh, eye contact or words spilling out. Just when Terry was about to bring in a subject, he revieved a text message.


*Why does he always get these text messages? I wonder how it's from.* Suki took a drink from her rasberry sweet tea Terry pourded for her. Terry smiled & started texting back. Even when he sends his text, he's still smiling, which left Suki curious. "Who was that?" She cleared .


"Someone." Terry answered immediatlly.


*I knew he'd say that...* "Is it someone special?" She played twirled her spaggetti.


"You can say that." He answered in a way that made Suki's curiousity into jealously. Then again, he recieved another one.


"I'm gonna get ice cream..." She shot up.


"Can you get me some in a bowl?" Terry started texting.


"No, get your own." She turned away & took a few steps.


"I thought you were embarrassed wearing your PJ's here?" He took a sip of his drink. Suki turned back & made a pig nose while sticking out her tounge. That's her way of flipping someone off in public. Terry coughed & almost spit his drink out. Suki stuck her tounge at him again & walked to get her ice cream. Terry just shook his head & smiled. 


Suki arrived at the ice cream & dessert section. She wanted to eat everything or take one of each & every one. She shook her head & pulled out an ice cream cone. Just when she was about to pull the switch for the strawberry vanilla ice cream, there was another wolf whitsle. Suki wanted to cover her face, but she didn't want to make it obvious. 


There was little laughters from the table & chattering. Suki didn't want to be mean to Terry, so she grabbed a cup for him & got vanilla flavor for him. She added a few sprikles on hers' & Terry's. She carefully picked up Terry's cup & turned slowly, then she accidently bumped into someone, which made her drop her own ice cream. That person was as tall as Terry & his body felt as hard as The Great Wall of China. 


"Terry, you jerk!" Suki lightly yelled & glared at him, but it wasn't Terry. He was wearing a red cardigan, a blue hooded scarf & a blue snapback sideways. He also had a very soft, blonde hair. His baby face made Suki paralized & speechless, "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were my friend." She chuckled. She noticed some ice cream was spilled on his cardigan sleeve.


Suki's jaw dropped & started looking for the napkins, "I-I'm terriblly sorry for this. I-I..." Just when she was about to wipe his sleeve, he crouched halfway to her waist & wiped off the ice cream & sprinkles on her cow PJ's.


"Good thing it's white, you can barely tell it's there." He looked up at her & smiled. 


"Is he really going for it?" One of his friend whispered to another. They just shrugged.


"You look pretty cute in those. Surprised you're not shy or embarrassed." He stood up & crossed his arms. "Are you?" He slowly leaned in close to Suki's clueless face. She giggled awkwardly & just walked away. All of his friends at his table aww-ed in disappointment.


"Way to go Zelo, you lost a pretty cute one~" Yongguk stratched his arms & rested it on the chair.


"She's alright. She doesn't look shy or innocent when she was sitting with her boy friend over there." Himchan scratched the temple of his head & nodded his head towards Terry & Suki's table. 


"Ooh~ She's got a boyfriend already, huh?" Youngjae clicked his tounge.


" for you Zelo, you're out of luck man." Jongup patted his shoulder. 


"Not yet. Just you wait..." Zelo smirked & leaned back on his chair crossing his arms, not leaving an eye on the both of them.






"Jet, you pretty face, double crossing, erted liar!" Judy rubbed her arms & stomped her foot. She looked left to right to see if Jet is anywhere around Starbucks. Then someone slapped the ends of her hair. "Uh, excuse me?!" She scoffed & glared at the person.


"Hey Beautiful~ Where were you?" Jet wrapped an arm around her neck. Judy pulled away & dropped his arm.


"I was waiting out here for the past 35 minutes! Where have you been?" She placed both of her hands on her hips. That's...not a good sign...


"I-I was inside waiting for you the whole...time..." Jet took tiny steps back. Judy looked like she was being possessed. Her eyes looked so feirce while she gripped both of her hands into a fist. "S-Sorry Gorgeous! I-I'll make it up to you!" With no hesitation, Judy smacked Jet around for a couple minutes until she finally forgave him.





Poor Jet TT A TT

Poor Ice Cream



Lol JK

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter

I'll be updating later:))













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Chapter 4: Update!!! Update!!!
Chapter 4: i love it.
can't wait for the next update (^-^)
thank you guys so much for your lovely comments~ <3 makes me want to update more! ^^
Woohoo.....Awaiting further developments ... LOL!!!! This story brightens my mood somehow!! :)
-dances and sings- UppyUppyUppydate~ PrettyPrretty Please~ :3
update soon please~
LOL walking around in her cow pjs xD