Jaime's Life - I Can't

It's You

I can’t go back home. I can’t step foot in the house. The memories of what I found in the box come back. Maybe they’re unimportant to some people or maybe they wouldn’t think much about it, but they’re on my mind, I can’t help it. I can’t help feeling this way about finding the pictures. This is my life we’re talking about. It’s my life…and this is what happens to me?

                Yongguk and I have dated for what feels like forever. He was also giving me subtle hints about marriage, so how did this whole thing arise? How in the world is Yongguk with Jessica? How in the world did the two of those meet? It’s not even like he even acted any differently. Yongguk always treated me the same as before and it never seemed like he would be cheating on me. I still can’t believe it.

                Taking a deep breath, I sit on a bench outside of the house, the house that I don’t want to enter by any means. If I go back in there, I figure I’ll just be hurt more. I’ll remember the happy memories that Yongguk and I had together in the past in the house. Maybe I’ll ask Daehyun to get my stuff for me.

                But am I overreacting? It was only a picture…it was simply a box of pictures. And maybe Yongguk was helping Jessica like I’m currently helping Himchan. Would that be something that Yongguk would do? But why would he hide it from me? I told him about my fake relationship with Himchan and if Yongguk were in a fake relationship with Jessica, wouldn’t he tell me about it?

                “Noona, are you alright?” Daehyun asks stopping in front of me.

                “Ah, Daehyunnie,” I say putting a fake smile onto my face. Even if it doesn’t do much, I hope he doesn’t read too much into it. “What are you doing back? I thought you had something to do.”

                “No, not really,” he says as he sits down next to me. “Why are you sitting out here instead of being inside?”

                “Fresh air,” I say quickly making up an excuse as to why I wasn’t inside the house but rather outside. I can’t just tell him that I’m afraid to go inside of the house. That would seem weird. Plus I would have to go through the whole explanation, something that I definitely don’t feel like doing right now.

                “Fresh air,” Daehyun repeats like he doesn’t believe me but he’s attempting to convince himself of it. “Oh, that’s good. Fresh air is always nice when one’s mind is cluttered.”

                “You got that right, but noona, what’s the real reason you’re out here?”

                “Don’t you have training or something to go to, Daehyun?” I ask looking at him.

                “No,” he says shaking his head as his eyes stare deep into mine. I know that he can tell that I’m not outside to get some fresh air. I know at least that much. I know that he can read me because I’m just easy to read. Everyone can read my emotions and everyone can just step over me like I’m nothing, like I’m nonexistent. “Noona, why are you outside? What’s the real reason? Are you waiting for hyung?”

                “No, I’m definitely not doing that,” I say shaking my head and probably answering a little too quickly.

                “O…kay,” he says looking at me with a slightly questioning look like he doesn’t know how to respond to that or anything. Frankly it doesn’t matter to me.

                “Look, Daehyun, it’s nothing against you,” I begin, “but I just don’t feel like talking about it.”

                “I understand,” he says getting up and giving me a smile. “I’ll be in the house if you need anyone to talk to. And if this thing is with you and hyung, while I don’t know what happened between the two of you, I suggest you talk it out with him. Where is he?”

                “I don’t know,” I say remembering that he told me he was going out today. Was he going out with Jessica?

                Without saying anything, Daehyun nods his head before he enters the house leaving me sitting out there.


2nd Year of Friendship (Sophomore Year of College)

“Oppa, I like you, please go out with me,” another girl shyly confesses to Yongguk. Without even blinking an eye, he rejects her. It’s not a mean rejection, but it’s rather calm and very Yongguk-like.

              “You know,” I say as I chew some of my food and point my fork at him. “You could accept those girls one day.”

                “Nah,” he says shaking his head.

                “Why not?”

                “Because you see,” he begins after he puts down his silverware before staring at me intently. “I want to wait until the one that I’m destined to marry comes along.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “I want to wait until the girl that I want to marry comes along. I want to wait until the one that shines right before my eyes comes and I tell myself that she’s the one. I’m saving everything for her.”

                “Everything?” I ask. Slowly I’m getting more intrigued with each answer that Yongguk gives me. It’s quite different from most of the guys that I’ve met in the past and that I’ve befriended. I’ve never dated anyone before so I don’t know the feeling and somehow I kind of know what Yongguk is referring to. It’s different hearing a guy say that they want to be like that.

                “Everything,” he says giving me a smile. “Honestly, I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”

                “Really?” I ask slightly raising my eyebrows. It seems weird for him not to have a girlfriend before. He’s Bang Yongguk and we’re in college. Then again, I can’t really say anything since I’ve never had a boyfriend before. Still, girls confess to him on a daily basis in college, I can only imagine how it was in high school for him.

                “Really, don’t believe me?” he asks like he’s testing my ability to differentiate between the truth and a lie.

                “No, I believe you,” I say backing down from a possible argument between us, or rather, a competition to see who’s right and who’s wrong. It’s his life, so why wouldn’t I believe him when he says something? I just don’t find it very believable, that doesn’t mean that it’s not true. “So, you’re waiting for that someone,” I say slightly changing the focus of the conversation.

                “Yeah,” Yongguk says nodding his head as he continues eating. “I’m looking for that special someone and once I find her, I’m going to give everything to her.”


Tears start welling in my eyes as I remember the once precious memory during our friendship. I remember how Yongguk always stuck to his standards and rejected every girl that came his way and I still remember the day he confessed to me. It wasn’t the most romantic confession ever, but coming from Yongguk, it was still sweet. I remember every detail about it.

                What happened to us? Did anything even happen to us? If Yongguk isn’t cheating on me, then why does he have a box of those pictures? Why does he have one of Himchan and I kissing? I’ll understand if he’s upset about that, I will because it’s me that kissed Himchan in the first place to attempt to help sell the idea that we’re dating each other. Maybe I went a little too far, but I was helping him with Jessica. Was Yongguk helping Jessica in those pictures?

                “Hey, you’re home earlier than expected,” Yongguk says with a smile as he approaches me.

                “Oh, yea, I got let out earlier than expected,” I say as I attempt to hold back the tears and everything else that I want to do to Yongguk. I want to know why, but I can’t say anything. If I say anything now, then it might ruin everything. What that everything is…I’m not entirely certain myself.

                “What are you doing outside?”

                “Fresh air,” I say using the same excuse that I used for Daehyun.

                “Okay,” he says nodding his head. “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight?”

                “Where do you want to go?” I ask. I try my best to act like I’ve always acted in the past and show that nothing’s changed.

                “I don’t know,” he says thinking. “Why don’t we go inside, though?”

                “Sure,” I say getting up and taking his hand as he leads me inside of the house. That’s when I remember about the box. The box is still on the floor and its contents are spilled. I didn’t clean it up, I was too shocked. Surely Yongguk is going to see it and know that I know about the box. If Yongguk is going to see it, then that means that Daehyun probably saw it when he entered the house. Why didn’t I think about it before?

                However, when Yongguk and I enter our bedroom, it looks perfect. It looks clean and the box is nowhere to be found. “Are you looking for something? Is something missing?” Yongguk asks after seeing my concerned face.

                “No, nothing,” I say shaking my head.

                “Okay, I’m going to get changed, alright?” he asks as he heads towards the bathroom. I nod my head as he goes and closes the door behind him.

                I sit on the bed and think about all of the possibilities of where the box and its contents could be when my thoughts are interrupted by a text message.


Noona are you wondering where the box went that was in your room? Don’t worry, nothing bad happened to it, I just put it back into where I’m assuming it dropped from. If that’s what you’re worried about, what was in the box, I’m sure it’s nothing bad and I’m sure Yongguk-hyung has a reason for it. Ask him. –Daehyunnie


I smile to myself while reading the text. I never knew that Daehyun could be someone so sweet. I guess that that means that he already knows about it, but frankly, it doesn’t bother me since I know he probably won’t tell Yongguk about anything.

                “So, where do you want to go?” Yongguk asks as he comes out of the bathroom and wraps his arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder.

                “I don’t know,” I say. My whole insides smile because of him holding me and my heart starts to beat fast. “Wherever you want to go, it’s alright with me.”

                “Then I know the perfect place, one we haven’t been to in a while,” Yongguk says as he lets go of me and grabs a jacket. “Let’s go now, they normally get crowded.”

                As soon as we get into the car, I already know where we’re going. We’re going to the restaurant that Yongguk and I went to while we were in college. The two of us frequently went to that restaurant together, practically on a daily basis. I’m not sure if the same workers work there that did when we were in university, I’m betting that they aren’t, but it’s a place that holds a lot of memories for the two of us.

                “How long has it been since we went here?” I wonder as I stare out the window at all of the familiar sights.

                “Longer than intended,” Yongguk says smiling as he drives with one hand and uses the other to grab mine. “For some reason I felt like going today.”

                “Awesome,” I say smiling.

                Within a half an hour, Yongguk and I make it to the restaurant. We both take a seat and order before we’re silently looking at each other. Somehow I want to bring up the pictures and the box, but this is a place that holds a lot of memories, a lot of good memories and I don’t want to ruin it by simply asking one thing that might make or break our relationship.

                I don’t know why I keep thinking that it’s bad, though. There always is the possibility that it’s not something bad. There’s always the possibility that he’s helping her, but are these just the things that I keep repeating to myself?

                “So, where did you go today?” I ask attempting to casually start a conversation with him.

                “I met up with some old friends from high school,” he says with a light laugh. “I would introduce you but I know how you wouldn’t want to miss work, considering you are still a rookie there.”

                “Thanks,” I say, so he still does care about me. That should be a good thing, right?

                “What did you do today?” he asks.

                “I…I cleaned after I got let out of work early.”

                “You cleaned and then you were sitting outside?” he asks. I nod my head.

                “Yea,” I say. “I cleaned our bedroom.”

                At the mention of me saying that I cleaned our bedroom, I see Yongguk’s eyes go wide. He must know. He must have already figured out that I saw the box.

                “You…you…” Yongguk stutters.

                “Saw it?” I ask finishing the sentence for him. I have no idea what came over me, but I feel like I can take on anything that Yongguk throws at me. I feel like I’m gaining confidence with everything that I do. “The box? Yea, I saw it.”

                “Jaime, listen,” he says as he attempts to touch my hand, but I pull it away.

                “I don’t understand,” I say as my inner thoughts keep revealing themselves. “I don’t understand what that box is or why you’re keeping such a thing and I don’t know why you have those pictures in there. How did you even get things like that?”

                “Listen, Jaime, I didn’t want you to find out this way,” he begins.

                “Find out what?” I ask staring at him intently, but before Yongguk can speak, I speak for him. “You know what, I’ll beat you to it then. Yongguk, we’re done.”

                Before he can respond to me, before I can reevaluate my decision, I walk out of the restaurant that once held so many happy memories for the two of us. I walk out of there knowing that I’ll probably never be able to face Yongguk again. I just put everything that we have up on the line, but something strange happens. Yongguk doesn’t chase after me.


What will happen to Jaime and Yongguk's relationship now? What will happen to Jaime and Himchan? Will Yongguk go after Himchan? What is the purpose of those pictures? Where did Yongguk get those pictures in the first place? Is Yongguk really cheating on Jaime?


Here's Chapter 21. Hope you enjoyed :D


And I think I might see an ending to this fanfic coming into the future.

And also, there's a poll for you to vote in. Who do you think Jaime should end up with? Vote below. If you think that she should end up with someone else other than Yongguk or Himchan, who else do you think she should end up with?


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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg