Jaime's Life - All the Time in the World

It's You

“How was your day today?” Daehyun asks me as we begin walking home together. It’s been a habit of ours since Yongguk no longer has the ability to currently pick me up due to him having to rest. Actually, I’ve gotten used to walking and actually like it, but I know that Yongguk will be driving again since he would be coming right from the company to pick me up, so then we’ll go back to driving.

                “It was good,” I say nodding my head. I hope to discuss the whole situation with Himchan with Yongguk first before I let Daehyun in, but I guess that might be hard considering that he’s now living with us at the house, but that’s alright. “How was your day?”

                “It was fun,” he says with a light chuckle.

                “Why? Did something happen that I shouldn’t know about?” I quizzically ask. For some reason it feels like it’s that way, but Daehyun is also a bad liar, I could’ve just figured it out from that too.

                “Nothing,” he says shaking his head. “Ah, Yongguk-hyung thinks that we should get some dinner out while we’re going home.”

                “Dinner out?” I ask.

                “Yeah, he said that it could be a nice change.”

                “I guess it could be,” I say nodding my head. Eating out would be a nice change from me making dinner all of the time, or rather Yongguk making dinner since he’s home all the time. I told him that he should find a hobby and he took up cooking. Who would’ve thought that that guy would’ve taken up cooking because he’s stuck in the house? “So, did he specify anything specific?”

                “Nope, he just said for you to get what you want.”

                “What I want?” I ask. That’s strange. Normally if Yongguk is the one to request out, and normally this happens with me too, then we would always say what we want. Is something going on that I don’t know about for Yongguk to request that we eat out but have me pick it? I don’t think it’s ever happened before.

                “Noona, Yongguk-hyung is probably hungry, we should hurry up.”

                “Right,” I say as I fasten my pace and walk next to Daehyun.

                The two of us look around the different shops and the varieties of food available for us to eat. I’m not entirely sure what I want and in the end, I go with a bunch of random small foods that can be placed together. Most of it is stuff that I haven’t had in a while and that I can’t wait to eat again.

                “Are you sure this is enough food?” Daehyun jokes as he holds up the bags.

                “I’m sure,” I say slightly laughing as I look at the watch on my wrist. “Daehyunnie, we’ve already spent a half an hour getting all of this food, we should head back now.”

                “Okay,” he says nodding his head. Thankfully the places where we got the food isn’t too far away from the house so we’re able to go back pretty quickly. Still, I’m kind of curious as to what is going to happen, or rather if anything is going to happen once we get home. For some reason I keep getting the feeling like something is about to happen, but I’m not sure.

                And then I remember. I remember about the fake relationship with Himchan. Am I feeling some sort of sign telling me that it’s bad to tell Yongguk about it? I should tell Yongguk, he is my boyfriend and I love him, but at the same time, would that get Himchan in trouble? I don’t see any reason why it should, we’re simply friends, but somehow now thinking about it, I feel nervous about it.

                I don’t have feelings for Himchan; at least I don’t have feelings for him anymore. I’ll admit that during the latter half of middle school and the beginning of high school I had feelings for him, I’ll admit to that. Looking back on it, I’ll admit that I was slightly stupid for not fully realizing his feelings for me, but those things have faded by now, that was years ago and I’m pretty sure that there is no way that Himchan and I will ever be together. I have Yongguk and despite him just breaking up with Jessica, I’m sure that there is someone else out there that is perfect for him.

                But yes, I had feelings for Himchan during that period of time. I thought he was cute, but there was always something inside of me back then saying that I could never have him. Himchan was popular and all of the girls always fell in love with him and always confessed. Although, I did think it was strange that he would practically turn each and every one of them down, but I didn’t think anything of it. Back then I was naïve and I thought that everyone was just friends and that boys and girls could just remain as friends. Back then I didn’t know about anything, only later did I realize it.

                However, that’s the past. I have Yongguk now and I don’t regret anything. I love him and nothing can replace him in my heart. I don’t even know why I was thinking about my past feelings for Himchan anyway. They’re a thing of the past like I’ve said multiple times. There’s no reason why they should just randomly be coming up now out of nowhere.

                “Are you okay?”

                “What?” I ask turning to look at Daehyun.

                “Noona, you don’t look very good.”

                “I don’t?” I ask. Has my expression be changing?

                “You look like something’s bothering you, are you alright? Is the food heavy? Should I carry it for you?”

                “No need,” I say shaking my head and shooing Daehyun away from attempting to carry the bags. “We’re not that far away and I can carry them. I was just thinking about things, you know?”

                “Yeah, I know. What were you thinking about?”

                “Just things,” I say sighing. “Work related things.”

                I can’t tell Daehyun the truth. I can’t tell him about my agreement with Himchan. I have to tell Yongguk first before anything.

                After about two more minutes, Daehyun and I finally arrive home and walk into the house carrying all of the food that we bought. “Yongguk-oppa, the food is here!” I yell so he can hear me. I hear movement happening upstairs and figure that he must hear me even if he didn’t say anything in return. “Let’s put the stuff over here.”

                Daehyun and I walk to the table where we place the food down and begin taking it out of the bags and opening the containers so that we can see everything that we bought. “Noona, do you think you bought enough food?” he asks slightly chuckling as he looks at all of it.

                “I don’t think so,” I say as I put my hands on my hips and shake my head amusingly.

                “I didn’t think so either,” he says with a laugh.

                “What’s so funny?” Yongguk’s deep voice booms through the kitchen.

                “Food,” I say turning around and smiling at him as he comes up and wraps his arms around me from the back.

                “You took long enough,” he mumbles into my neck.

                “Sorry,” I say as I manage to turn myself around so that I look at him as I gently touch his face. “I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to eat, which is strange considering that you always pick it whenever you say you want to eat out.”

                “I just thought we could do a change,” he says gently laughing. “We always eat what I want since I’m home all of the time and I’m the one doing the cooking.”

                “True,” I say with a light laugh. “I just got some street food and other things. I hope you don’t mind.”

                “Of course I always like what you like,” Yongguk says gently kissing me before he sits down in his seat and I take a seat next to him with Daehyun sitting across from the both of us.

                “So, how was your day today?” I ask Yongguk as the three of us being eating.

                “Like every day,” he grumbles. “Nothing special.”

                “Well…okay then,” I say gently laughing. “You should do something to spice up your life. It’s not that much longer you actually have to stay home, but if you don’t do anything it’s going to feel like an eternity.”

                “It already does,” he grumbles once again as he sticks some more food into his mouth. “Sitting around doing nothing, it’s not the best feeling in the world.”

                “I can bet,” Daehyun says causing Yongguk to glare at him, but it’s a friendly glare and I know that Daehyun meant no harm by it. Yongguk knows it, too.

                “So,” Yongguk says attempting to move the conversation along, “Jaime, how was work today?”

                “Work?” I ask as I take a sip of my water. “It was perfectly fine. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

                “See, you didn’t really do that much today either,” Yongguk says pointing at me with one of his chopsticks. “Then you tell me to do something.”

                “Hey, one of us is at work while the other one is currently at home,” I say poking fun at him as I place my hand on his shoulder and put my head on top of it.

                “Well it’s not my fault that I got injured,” Yongguk grumbles. Thankfully Daehyun is too busy and engrossed in his food to notice what Yongguk said or I’m pretty sure he would be hurt by the comment. Anyone would be hurt by the comment if they knew that they were responsible for something like that.

                “Moving on,” I say taking myself off of Yongguk and moving to continue my food. “Today was just a very lackluster day for all of us I’m assuming.”

                “Basically,” Daehyun says nodding his head.

                “Why don’t we make the week not so lackluster?” Yongguk asks.

                “What do you mean?” I curiously ask. How would Yongguk not want to make the week so boring? I already plan for a boring week since Yongguk is still at home, but the countdown is on until he is allowed to go back to work.

                “What are you doing Sunday?” he curiously asks.

                “Sunday,” I say attempting to think of what day it is. “That’s in a couple of days, right?”

                “Indeed,” Yongguk says with a light laugh, probably at my foolishness of not being able to remember the days.

                “Nothing, why would I be doing anything?”

                “I don’t know if you were doing something work related.”

                “Oh,” I say nodding my head. That sounds like an appropriate reason for why I wouldn’t be able to go on Saturday, but I don’t know of Himchan actually working on Sunday. Now that I think about it, the company may just be closed on Sunday.

                “Anyway,” Yongguk says as he begins to get the conversation back on track. “Let’s spend the whole day together Sunday. It feels like forever since I was last able to simply spend it with you alone.”

                “That means I can’t come?” Daehyun asks chiming into the conversation for the first time since it started.

                “That means you can’t come, sorry Daehyun,” Yongguk says looking at him.

                “No problem,” Daehyun says flashing a smile. “I hope you and noona have a good time. What are you guys going to do?”

                “I don’t know yet,” Yongguk says with a deep laugh. “I wanted to make sure that she was free first.”

                Quickly, our food gets done and we all go separate places. I begin working on some of the assignments that I have to do for work while Daehyun goes off to his own room and Yongguk goes to our room. After a while of doing my work, I decide that I should take a break and at least talk to Yongguk about the fake relationship situation that I’m in with Himchan right now. It’s better to tell him about it than have someone else say something and have him suspect that I’m cheating on him.

                “Yongguk-oppa?” I ask as I open the door. A couple of seconds after I walk in, Yongguk walks out of the bathroom with boxers and a t-shirt on, but that doesn’t scare me. “Are you going somewhere?”

                “Jaime,” Yongguk says smiling at me as he puts on some jeans and changes out of his shirt. “I’m just going to go out and get some fresh air.”

                “I’ll come along with you,” I suggest.

                “You have work to do, silly,” he says coming over and ruffling the top of my head. “I won’t take long, I promise. I’m just going out for some fresh air, I feel like I’ve been cooped up here for so long plus I’ll even have my phone. Just give me an hour, alright?”

                I think about it. It has been forever since Yongguk was able to go out considering that he has mostly been home all of the time doing nothing and bored out of his mind. I would go with him but like he said, I have work to do. “I wish I could go with you, though,” I pout.

                “Just wait until Sunday,” he says with a chuckle as he slips on his jacket. I follow him downstairs to where he puts on his sneakers and grabs his wallet and keys. “I’ll be sure to come back within an hour, alright? Nothing’s going to happen to me.”

                “Alright,” I say sighing as I stand by the door and watch him take off.

                “I love you,” he says with a big gummy smile.

                “I love you, too,” I tell him back. I watch him leave down the stairs and I wave back to him when he waves to me. I don’t know why I didn’t stop him and tell him about the fake relationship, but there’s always another time for that. I have all of the time in the world.


When will Jaime tell Yongguk about her fake relationship with Himchan? Where is Yongguk going? What does Yongguk have planned for Sunday? Will someone else tell Yongguk about Jaime's "relationship" with Himchan before she does? Will Jessica do anything in the future?


Here's Chapter 17. Hope you enjoyed :D


And sorry my updates are so far apart from one another. I guess that's what college life does to ya.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg