Himchan's Life - Back to High School

It's You

“You better remember that we’re now boyfriend and girlfriend,” I tell Jaime as we begin to go our separate ways at the end of the work day. We’re already standing outside of the building and talking in low whispers just in case someone over hears us and tells Jessica. We don’t want that to happen.

                “Yeah, now I have to have a long talk with Yongguk-oppa thanks to you,” she says sticking her tongue out.

                “Oh well,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Just tell him that you’re helping me. I’m sure that he won’t mind.”

                “How are you so sure?” she worriedly asks. “I’m pretty sure that he’s going to be upset about me pretending to be another person’s boyfriend.”

                “Look,” I say taking a grip on Jaime’s shoulders and making her look me in the eyes. “I’m pretty positive that Yongguk isn’t going to mind that you’re posing as my girlfriend since you both love each other and this is just to help me until I get things sorted out with Jessica, alright?”

                “I guess,” she mumbles. “I have to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

                “See you tomorrow,” I tell her as I watch her walk down to Daehyun.

                I sigh as I turn around and kick a rock. I don’t even know why I told her that she should pose as my girlfriend. I guess my feelings got the best of me, really, but somehow I was happy when she agreed. I still am happy, or at least happier knowing that there is a possibility that Jessica might leave me alone. It doesn’t bother me knowing that I might not end up being with Jaime in the end. I just want her to be happy and if she’s happy with Yongguk, then I’ll be happy.

                Getting into my car, I begin to drive back home. Gongchan wouldn’t be home until late today as he was going to eat dinner over at his girlfriend’s house. It seems like my little brother has finally grown up a little bit, now that he hasn’t before, but that it’s just that it seems like just yesterday he was learning elementary math.

                After parking my car, I see Jessica standing on my doorstep. What does she want? Why is she even here? I thought she would be researching my background and Jaime’s background to see if we’re actually dating. Maybe she’s not as crazy as I automatically assumed she was.

                “What are you doing here?” I ask her.

                “Well, it seems as though you come home at the same time every day still, aren’t you dropping your girlfriend off?” she asks eyeing me as she takes some steps closer. Still, I hold my ground.

                “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Jaime doesn’t want to be a burden so she goes by yourself to her house.”

                “Then why did I see some guy pick her up today?” she asks. Was she following me the entire time?

                “Because that’s her cousin that’s in town,” I casually lie. Jessica’s not going to know anything. I’ll make sure that she doesn’t bother Jaime about any of these questions that she’s bothering me with. Jaime’s not one for exactly lying about things. She’s not like me and she’s definitely not like Jessica. When Jaime lies, her words will stutter and I’m pretty sure that Jessica will be able to figure out that she’s lying. I have to cover most of this and frankly I don’t mind since I was the one that put us into this situation anyway in the first place.

                “Hmm,” Jessica says crossing her arms across her chest. I don’t know if she believes me or not, but for right now I have gotten her to shut up.

                “Now if you don’t excuse me I have some work that I need to do,” I say as I attempt to walk right past her, but she still blocks the door.

                “Not so fast,” she whispers into my ear.

                “What do you want now?” I impatiently ask. I just want to get inside and put an end to this day. I’m tired and I have a lot to think about, including this new relationship plan with Jaime and how to make it believable that we’re both dating to Jessica.

                “Why?” she whispers.

                “Why what?” I ask looking her straight in the eye, but instead of anger and resentment, I see sadness and hurt. Is she asking why I broke up with her? Why I’m not going to marry her? What is her question why?

                “Why not me?” she asks.

                “Why not you,” I say, repeating the question to make sure that I understand what she’s getting at. Slowly, Jessica nods her head.

                I think about her question. Why not her? Why not Jessica? I was happy with her, but then Jaime came up. I can’t just put the full blame on Jaime, though. Truthfully, I never really saw Jessica as a long-term relationship type of person, but things turned out that way and then I suddenly became in a relationship with her and then it went to this.

                I was happy with her and she was a good girlfriend and I treated her well. I guess it’s just my own decision to break up with her, of course it was my choice to break up with her, but still, it’s not fully because of Jaime. I was never really that into Jessica. I saw her as a fling like all of my past relationships in high school and even the ones during college.

                There was no way that I could tell Jessica that, though. That’s not what I do…I can’t do that. I can’t tell her that I was never really in this for the long run and that I just thought of her as another fling, she would be hurt. I’ve already hurt her too much already and it’s just because of my stupid feelings that things have gotten this way. My stupid feelings have gotten in the way of my relationships with people.

                “I…I’m sorry,” I finally say sighing as I walk past Jessica into my house. I close the door and lean against it taking a deep breath. I don’t know why I’m like this. I was mean to her before and now I’m here not finding the right words to say not to break her heart. Has seeing Jaime again done all of this?

                After changing my clothes, I make my way to the kitchen to make some dinner before I collapse on the couch and envelop in my thoughts. Dinner is something simple and it’s nothing really that fancy since I don’t even feel like eating, but I know that I have to. This…everything, it’s just too complicated for me to think about right now. There’s just too much going on for me to be able to think about it.

                I like Jaime. Things are basically that simple, that’s the most basic thing that I can say right now. But I broke up with Jessica because of the fact that I like Jaime, but there’s no way that I’m going to be able to get her. She’s dating Yongguk and Yongguk wants to marry her, so it’s almost impossible for me to be able to be with her, but somehow I can accept that. She’ll be happy and that’s all that matters.

                Jessica, she’s just not it. I don’t like her anymore, I don’t think I ever liked her in the first place, but still…I can’t tell her. I shouldn’t tell her that I like another girl, especially when I’m trying to sell this idea of me dating someone else when that person is about to be engaged. I hope that Jessica doesn’t figure anything out, it would be the worst if anyone were to find out something about this being fake. Jaime and I really have to sell it while we’re at work or else it’s not going to work.

                “Hyung,” Gongchan happily says as he walks through the door.

                “Hey,” I say turning to him and smiling.

                “Hyung, is there something wrong?” he asks putting down his bag and sitting next to me on the couch. “You look like there’s something upsetting you. Is it something I could help with?”

                “I’ll be fine, how was dinner at your girlfriend’s house?” I ask.

                “It was good, her family really likes me. I was even playing with her younger brother,” Gongchan brightly says as he thinks about the fun time that he had at his girlfriend’s house. I’m glad that he had a fun time there. “Now can you tell me what’s wrong with you?”

                “There’s nothing wrong with me,” I say shaking my head and dismissing his comment. “I’m perfectly fine; I’m the same Himchan that you’ve always known.”

                “Hyung, I know your face when you’re worried about Jaime.”

                “I don’t have a face when I’m worried about anyone, let alone about Jaime,” I say shaking my head. I at least hope that I don’t have a face that lets anyone know who or what I’m worrying about. How in the world would Gongchan be able to catch onto that, if I really do have one? No one else has, but then again, Gongchan lives with me, he’s my younger brother, he would be able to pick up on anything, really.

                “Yes you do,” he says nodding his head and disregarding any of my comments. “Now tell me, what are you worried about?”

                “What if you liked another person and they were dating someone but then you broke up with the person that you were dating because you liked the other person and then you were in a fake relationship with the person that you liked because of the person you were dating that you just broke up with?” I ask in one straight sentence without taking a breath.

                “Hyung, you do know that you can just use the names, right? I know that this story is already about yourself.”

                “Then you fill in the blanks yourself,” I tell him. “If you already know then there’s no reason for me to say all of the names again.”

                “Alright,” Gongchan says as he thinks about the names and puts all of the names into the story before he speaks again. “So, basically you like Jaime and now you’re in a fake relationship with her because of Jessica?”

                “Basically,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

                “Why did you do that?” Gongchan asks flipping out and hitting me.

                “Why did you hit your hyung?” I ask pretending like that hurt when it didn’t really.

                “Because you’re stupid. She’s dating someone else and now you’re pretending like you’re dating her because of Jessica-noona? I thought you liked noona, what happened? And what about Jaime-noona’s boyfriend? Wouldn’t he not like the idea?”

                “I’m pretty sure he knows that I have no intention of getting together with her.”

                “But you do.”

                “Look Mr. Smartypants,” I say staring at Gongchan, “you don’t need to refute everything that I say.”

                “What else are younger brothers for?” he asks with a smile. “Fine, then I’ll just leave you alone.”

                “Wait,” I say stopping him before he’s able to go any further up the stairs. “What am I supposed to do?”

                “You’re really asking the brother that’s not a playboy about what to do for relationships?” he asks in disbelief.

                “Yes,” I say nodding my head. “And because I am a playboy I’m pretty sure that Jaime doesn’t like me.”

                “If she didn’t like you back in high school then I’m pretty sure that she won’t like you now.”

                “No need to get smart now,” I say eyeing him as he sits back down on the couch. “I don’t want to steal Jaime away from Yongguk, I just want to make sure that we make this boyfriend and girlfriend act believable.”

                “Of course,” Gongchan says nodding his head. “I’ll help you, don’t worry.”

                For a large portion of time the two of us are together and we begin thinking of how Jaime and I could do things without necessarily cheating on Yongguk and still pretend like she’s dating me. It’s not that complicated when I think about it and I figure that I should get together with Jaime and look over this plan so that we’re both on the same page together.

                “Thank you, I really owe you,” I say looking at him with a slight laugh.

                “No problem, that’s what dongsaengs are for, right?” he asks as he starts heading towards the stairs. “Just be sure that you can help me with I need relationship advice.”

                “Of course, of course,” I say nodding my head. “But I don’t think I’m the best person, I’m only good at knowing how to stay in short term relationships.”

                “Then do you consider Jessica-noona a not long relationship?” he questions.

                “I’m not sure,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “It could really go either way, I guess, but thanks Gongchan.”

                Gongchan nods his head and disappears upstairs where I’m sure he’ll be talking to his girlfriend on the phone. I lean back in the couch and look at the paper that has our whole plan spelled out. We’re not going to go as far as making out with each other or even kissing, we’re just going to act like friends, best friends to be exact.

                Actually, looking at the plan kind of reminds me of the way that I was back in high school. Maybe I’ll end up reverting back to that time as some inspiration as to what I should do with my life. Seriously, though, I should figure a way out of this. I don’t want to make Jaime a part of this any longer than she has to be. It’s dangerous for both her and I if Jessica were to find out that this wasn’t real, it could mean both of our jobs and I like my job. I’m pretty surprised that she hasn’t actually fired us yet.

                I close my eyes for a moment and think. I like Jaime, but I don’t want to cause her any trouble. I think about the times that we spent in middle school. It was like this even back then, but back then she didn’t have a boyfriend and she didn’t have a boyfriend that had the intention of marrying her. Back then Jaime and I were simply friends. We had a love/hate relationship and we liked it that way. Many people either thought that we hated each other or that we were dating, there was no middle ground.

                “Things just never change do they,” I mutter to myself as I open my eyes. “I still like you and there’s no way that you like me. There never was.” My phone rings breaking me out of my thoughts. “Hello?” I ask.

                “Himchan, it’s Yongguk, I’d like to meet with you.”

                “Sure,” I say, “just name the time and the place.”


What does Yongguk want to talk to Himchan about? Will Himchan be able to confess his true feelings to Jaime? How will their fake relationship go? Will Jessica ever know the truth?


Here is Chapter 16. Hope you enjoyed :D


I finally updated!! And college life is awesome and I've adapted quickly so there should be many more updates in the future :)

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg