
My Love is you (English)
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Well, time files. Is been a year since Nickhun and his family came to Singapore.


Guess what we are doing today ?


He is with me in my room sitting on my bed looking at me knitting clothes for the bear that he gave me on my birthday.


“ Wow you know knitting ? “ He placed his hands on the table and his helding his head and look at me.



Those charming eyes of his can kill many girls out there.


I have kinda of get use to the way he look at me with those charming eyes.


If my heart beats fast whenever I see him I think I will die in no time.



“ Ok lah. Small case lah. “ I feel proud of myself and answer confidently.


“ Hey.. someone is feeling proud  yo.” He tried to tease me.


“ What .. can’t I ? “ I answered him hands not stopping continue doing my knitting.



“ Of course you can. Who dares to object what you say my princess huh.”


Nickhun Chinese had greatly improved in this 1 year and I’m proud to say I’m the one who should get the credit.



“ Yo, someone Chinese had improved a lot . Don’t know who is the one who helped him.” I stopped at what I’m doing and look at him.


“ Haha.. What do you think ? “ He pinch my cheeks again.


“ Is me….me …ME” I answered not shy at all by my answer .


After being with him for such a long time what is the word Shy is no longer in my dictionary.


“ Ok talk to me in Korean. I want to see how well you can remember those that I teach you..” He looked at me and asked.



“ 오빠 보고 싶어요 “ I rolled my eyes trying hard to remember what he teach.


Over this 1 year he also had teached me some Korean.


“ Not bad. So you are thinking of me always? “ He winked at me at the same time doing the action like shooting me with an arrow like cupid.



“죽을래” I stared at him. This is what I learned from My sassy girl. Both of us giggle at the same time.


“ some more. I remember I teach you more than that. “ He held his stomach trying to control his laughter. He laughed so hard that he felt his stomach pain.


“Sah..Si…ni yo..”( This word have to say in Chinese meaning I will kill you. ) the sound similar to Saranghaeyo .


Actually what I want to tell him is 사랑해요


But I did not say it out . A smart one like me immediately think of another similar sound and answered.


“ What you want to kill me. This is Chinese. I did not teach you did.” He do a pose pretending to be angry with me.



“Yah yah this is the word you teach me. “ I trying to be cheeky.


“Is 사랑해요.” He pinch my cheeks once more.


Hearing this from him still let my heart skip a beat.


Actually is not hard to make him say this to me. Just a little lied to him that I forgot, he will repeat it to me once more.


Although the meaning to him is different from what I want but I still feel happy whenever I hear that from him.


“ Oh 사랑해요.” I repeated after him with a lot of emotion in it.


I’m not sure he can sense what I mean.


“바보 .You better remember it well. Don’t say the wrong word to the guy . If he is being scare away don’t blame me for that.” He pointed at my forehead and say.


“ Ok.  바보.” I stick out my tongue and make a merong at him.


Feeling sad for myself because he did not know the emotions I showed when saying 사랑

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Chapter 13: Aww....
Khuntoria is really sweet~^^
B-reader #2
Chapter 13: first time reading. You get my vote, authonim. please keep updating. thanks
diaaaahhhhh #3
Chapter 13: woaahhh finally updated. i'm almost think this story never gonna be updated but you did it. thank you author-nim ^^
starfishmoon #4
Chapter 13: Wow 2 years has passed so quickly and my last update stops there. Not sure anyone still remember this story. Hope you can leave your comments.
khunviclurve #5
Chapter 12: finally you update but i want more......update soon please..^^i think this chapter is kinda sad i though..cant wait for the next chapter..FIGHTING!!!...AND GONG XI FAI CHAI...
aarasa #6
Chapter 12: Awww Vic taught Khun how to knit and they fell asleep on the same bed :) this is so sweet kekeke ^^
starfishmoon #7
Chapter 12: Hi ceciliaDy ,

He too dashing to hate him keke.

Hi hOttEstaffxtiOn ,

He really doesn't know what he did is hurting her cos Qian always treat him like buddy so He thought that they were the best of frens.

Hi heartmisstar ,

But he is sweet right ^_^

Hi aarasa ,

I like the way they are close to each other. qian and Khun ^__^
Although is kinda of sad now. But who knows the future hehe.

Hi khunviclurve,

Thanks for your support ^_^ Vote for my story if you like it. Thanks
khunviclurve #8
Update....i love u ff..^_^
aarasa #9
Chapter 11: It is sweet what Khun did for Vic on her birthday, but I agree with everyone that it's a bit sad too, knowing that he doesn't think of her more than just a friend. but thanks for the update though and I can't wait to see when Khun realize that it's Vic that he should be with kekeke :)
Chapter 11: it's was so sad because she just was her good friend..