New chance




"The bullet is probably still in…." Baekhyun put on a pair of his white rubber gloves and cleaned them with some antiseptic spray. "Maybe I should still bring him to a hospital…" Baekhyun muttered, looking at the injured shoulder. The man grunted again and tried saying something, but Baekhyun couldn't hear; his voice was too quiet. He leaned closer to him and asked the man to repeat himself. 

"Don't…bring me…to the…hospital…they'll take me back…" he said, breathing heavily after every word. 

"Where will they bring you?" 


Baekhyun bit his lip; he could understand the man's fears. The thief reminded him too much of himself. For some reason, he really didn't want to cause any trouble to him.

  "This is going to hurt, man. You can scream if you want to, but not too loud, the neighbors are sleeping probably." He could see the man nodding slightly. "Here we go," he said and put his finger quickly in the wound to get the bullet out. A loud and deep scream escaped the stranger's lips. He tried keeping himself still, but it was obviously quite complicated to keep still while Baekhyun was in the wound with his fingers. 

"Got it!" Baekhyun said and smiled slightly; he was sweating too. He wasn't doing this for the first time in his life; as the son of a yakuza boss, he had removed quite a few bullets. Baekhyun went to the kitchen for a second - to put the bullet there & bring some water for the injured giant. "You need to drink something" he said, "and take some pain killers with the water. Come, I'll help you." The tall man looked at him with his tired eyes and sighed heavily. Baekhyun put the painkillers in the boys mouth and supported his back, when he was sitting for a second to drink. After that, he lied on the bed again and closed his eyes. "You can sleep. Nobody will hurt you here, trust me," Baekhyun told him and the man's long hair slowly. 

He suddenly felt the urge to clean the wounds on the stranger's face too. Carefully, he sprayed some of the antiseptic spray on a small cloth and cleaned the wounds. They weren't serious; just a few scratches actually. Baekhyun smiled again and felt proud somehow. The stranger was breathing heavily but a lot slower than before. "Are you sleeping?…. " Baekhyun whispered. The man shook his head carefully. 

Baekhyun now noticed, that he was still wearing his leather jacket and hadn't even taken off his shoes yet. He took them off and threw them somewhere further away from the bed; he was about to do the same with the stranger's shoes but before throwing them on the floor, he looked at them and sighed. Those shoes where so worn out and there were probably more than 5 holes in both shoes. Instead of throwing them on the floor, he threw them in the rubbish-bin. "I'll buy you new ones tomorrow. Or you can borrow mine, if we have the same shoe size," he whispered, because he didn't want to talk too loudly. The other boy was probably having horrible headaches, that's why.

Carefully, he sat on the bed next to the tall boy and looked at him. His face was actually really attractive after cleaning it; he had pretty lips and a nice head shape. His ears were a little funny, Baekhyun thought, but it was cute somehow. Lying there with closed eyes and his long hair covering his face a little, he looked like a prince.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Baekhyun's hand and tried pulling him closer; this brought the boy back from his daydreaming. The injured boy probably wanted to tell him something, so he leaned closer to him. "Can you…tell me your" the tall boy whispered quietly. "Oh. I'm sorry for not telling you yet, I just didn't find the chance . I'm Baekhyun. " he answered. "Thank you…Baekhyun…for saving my meaningless life. I'm.. Park...Chan..yeol." 

"Stupid. Nobody's life is meaningless, Yeol " Baekhyun said and lied next to the stranger. "Rest now. You'll feel a lot better in the morning." 

And Baekhyun didn't have to say it two times, because the next moment, Park Chanyeol fell asleep. 

"I hope he'll be okay," Baekhyun thought, as he covered Chanyeol with a blanket and also closed his eyes. He was tired from the unusual evening and fell asleep in a second. 




Baekhyun opened his eyes. The room was still dim; it was probably very early in the morning. Very carefully and slowly, Baekhyun rolled himself out of the bed. He didn't want to wake the still sleeping Chanyeol up. 

He went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and stared into it for a few long seconds. There was nothing, he would really want to eat right now. "And no juice also, thanks to him, damn. Thanks Chanyeol," he muttered, still bowing a little down to see clearly into the small fridge. 


Baekhyun closed the fridge and turned around in a second. It wasn't hard to guess, who was standing there, right behind him. "Oh. You're awake," his face started turning red, because those thoughts weren't meant for Chanyeol's ears. A minute ago, he was still asleep. Why did he even wake up? It was still so early.

"Are you hungry?" he asked and slightly smiled at Chanyeol. "Does your shoulder hurt? Let me see. " In a second, Baekhyun grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the bedroom. He removed the bandage and looked at the injured shoulder. "Damn, you are lucky. Seems, like it's healing quite well. I bet it will be totally okay in a few weeks." Baekhyun was happy and smiled at Chanyeol again. The other boy didn't seem to be too happy about the good news. "What's wrong? Does the injury hurt? You can tell me."

Wrinkles appeared on Chanyeol's face. He seemed to be really concerned about something. "Why did you even bring me here?" he suddenly said, keeping his eyes down on the floor. Seemed, like he didn't like eye contact. 

Baekhyun sighed. Really, why did he bring the other boy to his apartment & treat him like a guest?  "Well, you kinda reminded me of myself," the shorter boy sighed and sat down on his bed. "I used to be an orphan. And live on the streets. I had often injuries and stole wallets exactly like you tried to yesterday." He could see, that Chanyeol's face was red; he was ashamed of his attempt to steal. 

"Don't worry, you don't have to be ashamed. I'm just trying to tell you, that I know what you feel and I used to be exactly like you. Until one day, when I found the wrong person to steal from. I think, that exactly the same thing happened to you yesterday. I was just kinda…the wrong person to steal from, because I'm probably a more skilled thief, than you are. But in another way, it wasn't a bad thing; to try stealing my wallet from me," 

Chanyeol raised his head and looked at Baekhyun with a very confused face. "How was it right to steal from you?"

"I changed your life. You'd probably be dead by now, if I wouldn't have stolen that god damn motorcycle to bring you here and treat your wounds. Don't you think it's positive?"

Chanyeol's face got even more confused. "Wait, wait, wait. You did ..what? You stole a motorcycle? To save ME?"

Baekhyun laughed. He was amused by Chanyeol's cute facial expressions and the way he looked so confused. "You probably haven't guessed yet who I am."

"I haven't. "

"If I tell you, that I'm a yakuza boss's adopted son, would you believe me?"

For the first time, Chanyeol looked into Baekhyun's eyes for a longer time than 2 seconds. "I would. But you really don't look like an usual yakuza. An usual yakuza wouldn't have saved my life…" he paused for a second, "okay, probably nobody would have saved my life. That's why it looks so strange for me. But I'm really thankful and I want to return a favor somehow. "

"You don't have to, it's only natural for me to help somebody in a weak condition" Baekhyun told him, and patted Chanyeol's not injured shoulder. 

"No, no, no. I must return a favor. I will feel guilty if I won't. "

"I said- " and Baekhyun stopped, because he heard somebody opening the door. 

It was mr.  Sawada; Baekhyun's stepfather and one of the richest yakuza bosses around Tokyo. He was dressed flawlessly; a black slim suit which showed his muscular body well, a pair of dark sunglasses and black shiny leather shoes. This made him look like a perfect leader. Although he had already quite many wrinkles on his face, he still looked younger than he actually was. 

"My son, what is going on here? Who's this?" mr. Sawada pointed at Chanyeol and looked suspiciously at him. "What is an injured boy doing in your room, can you please explain? " He spoke in Korean, because he knew that Baekhyun preferred speaking in Korean. 

The short dark haired boy could feel sweat drops on his face. The situation was complicated; he didn't want to cause any trouble to Chanyeol and didn't want to lie to his stepfather also. 

 Baekhyun was about to open his mouth to lie, that it's a friend from Korea, but before he could start speaking, Chanyeol stepped forward and bowed.

"Sir, My name is Park Chanyeol and I am Baekhyun's loyal bodyguard," he told with the deepest voice Baekhyun had ever heard. "My shoulder is injured, because some punk got in our way and I did the dirty job. I'm sorry for being reckless and getting injured, I promise I'll become stronger and a better bodyguard. "

Mr. Sawada scratched his head and started laughing. "Son, why didn't you tell me, that you got yourself a bodyguard?"

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol, still amazed by his words. Did the other boy just become willingly his bodyguard?

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Chapter 2: Ahahaha! The Sawada surname reminded me of
Katekyo Hitman Reborn anime. Lol. Anyway,
Chanyeol willingly become Baek's bodyguard?
Cool! XD
menikkey #2
Chapter 2: Wow. That's kewl...
You have an awesome story. :D
Katttts #3
Chapter 2: This is awesome!!1!
The plot is great so far!!!
Update soon please ^__^
Mizukamo #5
._. Can't wait to see what will happen next.
-_- you're not stupid, this is a really good idea!! i subscribed :) update soon XD
I like this! Hope to find both action and romance in this fic! Please update soon! ^^
I like this idea ~ i always love action, psycho n thriller or something like that ~ so i really love this idea ~ i'm looking forward ^^