Once a thief, always a thief


"Whoah, finally some wonderful weather," Baekhyun thought, as he stepped on the streets of Tokyo.

It was raining. Not heavily, just a little bit. Enough to make one quite wet if walking on the streets. The whole summer had been really sunny and hot. Baekhyun was a weird boy; he really hated the sun and adored the rain. Not like all the other people on the streets, he liked walking in the rain without an umbrella. Getting wet was nothing, he enjoyed it.

There were practically no people on the streets, just a few beggars. Well, for good reasons. He was walking in the darkest part of Tokyo. That part, where normal people didn't dare to go. The part where the yakuza families were active.

But Baekhyun wasn't a normal person and had no reason to be scared of the dark streets. It wasn't because he had a gun hidden under his jacket. He was part of the yakuza business. Actually, his dad was one of the most powerful yakuza bosses in Tokyo.

It wasn't his biological dad tho; their family adopted him one day 10 years ago, when they were on vacation in Seoul. Baekhyun was a homeless boy before that;  the people in the orphanage always told him, that his successful parents, who were both doctors and his older sister were killed brutally when he was only 9 months old. After losing his family, Baekhyun was a helpless little baby without anybody who would protect him or love him. Of course, the police brought him to an orphanage, but as he grew up, he became one of the most antisocial kids ever. He didn't want to live with all these other kids; it was too loud and too depressive for him. He just wanted his big sister and parents back and tried repeating to himself, that they'll be back - that they'll come and bring him home from that horrible place.

But when he was 11 years old, he realized that he will never get them back and the world is a cruel place. Baekhyun ran away from the orphanage and started living on the streets. He learned to steal food from shops and wallets from people so skilledly, that he never got caught.

Until one day, when he saw a rich-looking Japanese tourist walking with his wife in a supermarket and tried stealing his wallet. Carefully, Baekhyun went next to them and acted, like he would also look at the colorful fruits on the counter table. Even more carefully, he slipped his hand in the pocket and grabbed the edge of the large leather wallet with his long thin fingers. Already hoping that he got it, he started slipping his hand out, but he was stopped by the man.

"We got a little thief over here," the man spoke in clear Korean. He looked Baekhyun straight into the eye and smirked.

Baekhyun was too shocked to answer; he was sure that the man will bring him to the police and they will take him to jail or even worse: back to the orphanage.

"Please…" he begged, trying to look as innocent and sad as possible.

"Please what?"

"Please don't call the police, don't bring me to the orphanage…please… I'd rather die like my parents. Please, rather take my life brutally like it was taken from my parents and my dear sister..."

The man got rid of the smirk on his face. He let go of the boy's hand and took out his wallet by himself. "Money never comes to you by itself," he said. "You have to ask for it, but not grab for it like you did. Remember this, boy. "  He took out some money and his business card and handed them to Baekhyun. There were kanji's, katakana's and hiragana's on it; Baekhyun's Japanese was too poor to understand the writings on the card.

"Can you read this?" the man asked, still speaking in Korean.

"No…I only studied Japanese at school for a year…" he whispered as an answer.

"Then I'll tell you myself. I'm a Japanese yakuza boss. Do you know what the word yakuza means?"

Baekhyun nodded. He had seen some of these scary Japanese people in those darker streets of Seoul himself; he lived in those streets, that's why. One day in one abandoned house, the next day in another abandoned house. That's how his little meaningless life rolled.

"I want you to join my family. Recently, I have lots of business in Korea, so you would be useful.You can have power, money and revenge and all the information you want. You know, maybe your parents are alive and they just lied about it. Think about it, I know you want this, but it would also bring the responsibility to be the next leader of our family, " the man said and walked away with his wife.

The little shocked Baekhyun was just standing there, still in the same place, eyes wet and wide open. After a minute, he pulled himself together and put the money along with the card into his pocket. It was already late and the boy was tired, so he decided to go find himself a place to sleep and think about the offer.

He ran to the house he used for sleeping yesterday. After opening the door, he looked around carefully; it was empty. Baekhyun was relieved and sat down on an old bed which was probably left in the house by the last owners. He always wondered, why people leave their stuff in their old apartments like this. Why do they not sell it or take it with themselves? He just didn't understand it. Slowly, he lied himself down on the bed and tried sleeping, but he was too excited and still a little bit shocked. Why was the man so generous? And why did he offer all these things to him? Suddenly,  he remembered one of the things the man said to him. "You know, maybe your parents are alive and they just lied about it," Baekhyun said quietly and stood up to leave the house.

"This is it," he whispered "I have made up my mind. I will find out what exactly happened to my parents and where they exactly are. Maybe they really are alive…" Suddenly, he remembered another part of the man's speech. "…but this would bring the responsibility to be the next leader of our family." Baekhyun bit his lip. "If I save enough money, I can just fly away to America or something…they won't find me there I bet," the little naive Baekhyun thought and smiled at his thoughts.

It started raining as soon as he stepped out of the house. But the rain didn't bother him. For the first time in many years, Byun Baekhyun really had a reason to smile and to be happy. "Starting today, I'm a new person. I will never cry again. I will never steal food again. I will become a strong man and have a happy family one day; I will give somebody the love I never got and find a person who would make me happy, " Baekhyun thought, as he walked slowly to the nearest telephone booth. He took the business card out of his pocket and dialed the number.


Baekhyun could recognize the voice.

"Hey yakuza boss, I'm in. I'm in, but this doesn't mean that I'll become your servant. I'm joining your family only to get the information I need and to get away from these streets."

The man laughed.

"My dear boy, I never wanted to make you my servant. I wanted to make you my son. You are the one who will get servants and whatever else you need to become a successful yakuza. "

Baekhyun was quiet.

"I'll pick you up from the same supermarket, tomorrow, 6am. Don't be late, son."

"My name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun, " His voice was confident and strong.

"I'll remember that name, son, I'll remember it well."

And the yakuza had hung up. Baekhyun looked at the scratched and old watch on his hand; it was 3am already. Three more hours and he'll have a new life. "Three more hours," he whispered and started walking towards that supermarket.

Since that day, Baekhyun lived with that family named Sawada. They bought him everything he wanted and treated him like he'd be their own flesh and blood.

The boy was satisfied with his life, but not totally.

He knew that one day he will have to leave them and find his own path. He knew, that he will never be the leader of that family, even tho he could feel, that mr. Sawada really cared for him and raised him like he'd be his real son. He was just a total dreamer and wanted to become a writer not a yakuza boss.

Baekhyun was heading to the nearest 24h shop to buy some juice; he knew that he could just call somebody and the juice would be behind the door of his apartment in a few minutes, but he enjoyed roaming around the streets alone. He didn't want to feel special only because his father was powerful and treated everybody in their family equally. His father thought this is stupid sometimes, but Baekhyun was stubborn and didn't care about his opinion.

He entered the shop and looked around searching for orange juice. "Ah, there it is~" he said and started taking a bottle of juice, but suddenly, he had a strange feeling.

Like somebody would be watching him. He had already some kind of yakuza-sense for danger or weird situations. Baekhyun acted like he wouldn't have noticed anything and just took the juice, but then he realized what was wrong. Behind him, there was a man. About his age, but a lot taller and with wavy brownish-red long hair. And his hand was slowly coming towards Baekhyun's pocket. The boy could see all of this from the reflections of the bottles.

Baekhyun smirked. "This is so much like me 10 years ago, such a deja vu feeling…" he thought and turned around quickly after that. The tall man was surprised and looked really stupid with his mouth and eyes wide open. His face was scratched heavily and his shirt was bloody; his condition really didn't seem the best.

The thief ran out of the shop; Baekhyun hesitated for a second, threw back the juice and ran after him.

"Hey, stop," he yelled. "It's not like I'm going to call the police or anything, I just wanted to ask you if you want some juice too or something."

Seemed like the wavy-haired thief wasn't listening and kept running, but Baekhyun's physical condition was probably a hundred times better and he could easily run after him.

"You can just say no if you don't want juic- "

A loud splash. The man had collapsed and was now on the ground in a huge puddle.
"Oh great, , what should I do now." He walked to the man and looked at him. He was unconscious and bleeding. "Well, I guess I have no choice…" he said and tried to lift him up, but failed. "Ugh, what a giant…." Baekhyun mumbled and realized he won't be able to carry him home.

Looking around like a clueless child, Baekhyun could find a guy far away, standing next to a motorcycle. He took out his gun and headed to the guy. "I'm an idiot seriously, doing this for a complete stranger, damn…" he thought and stood behind the motorcyclist. "Your motorcycle or your life," he whispered while poking the man's back with his gun. And the man didn't even turn around; the next second he was running for his life.

"Cowards…Like I'd ever use this gun," Baekhyun thought and chuckled quietly. He was a criminal, but he had made a promise to himself a long time ago - that he would never take a person's life. Even if somebody would kill his yakuza brothers, he would never kill the person who did this. He would just make sure, that they would spend the rest of their lives in jail, because he had friends among the police officers too.

He sat on the motorcycle, pulled the bleeding stranger on it and started driving home. "You better be alive, thief," he thought, as they arrived home. Carefully, he pulled the man on his back and went up the stairs. A trail of blood was following them; the bleeding was quite bad.

Baekhyun put a bunch of towels on his bed and placed the injured guy on them. Some groans were escaping the man's lips as Baekhyun moved him to remove the wet and dirty clothes. He could see it now clearly - the source of the bleeding. The man's shoulder was obviously shot and looked really bad.

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Chapter 2: Ahahaha! The Sawada surname reminded me of
Katekyo Hitman Reborn anime. Lol. Anyway,
Chanyeol willingly become Baek's bodyguard?
Cool! XD
menikkey #2
Chapter 2: Wow. That's kewl...
You have an awesome story. :D
Katttts #3
Chapter 2: This is awesome!!1!
The plot is great so far!!!
Update soon please ^__^
Mizukamo #5
._. Can't wait to see what will happen next.
-_- you're not stupid, this is a really good idea!! i subscribed :) update soon XD
I like this! Hope to find both action and romance in this fic! Please update soon! ^^
I like this idea ~ i always love action, psycho n thriller or something like that ~ so i really love this idea ~ i'm looking forward ^^