Chapter 2


Chapter II

Dear Kris,
Hi there. If you are who I hope you are, well, hi there, I'm a big fan. If you are not, then, well, it doesn't matter. To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing. I was in need of someone to talk to, and so I had this CRAZY idea and I got this address off of the internet - scary, right? Or did you guys purposely leak it out? I just feel so....... 
You can call me AS.
I'm actually not as sprightly as I've been sounding so far. Like I said, it's easier to spill the beans to a stranger you're never really gonna meet. But since I've ruined your mood with my letter, I'll give a brief description of myself. I look like the typical South Indian - chocolate brown skin, dark brown eyes, a petite frame with short ebony hair. Did I mention I'm 18 yrs old? That makes me what, 2 or 3 years younger than you (Well, I don't really remember your age....oops).
My life has been the epitome of angst and drama, of the abnormal and dysfunctional. I....I was never born into - what you and anyone else would call - a normal, happy family. Watching other families, it makes me wonder what it really is, you know? I live with my mom, dad and two sisters - one who is two years older than myself and the other who is around 7 years above me. As long as I can remember, my parents have fought a lot, and by fought I don't mean the arguments one sees in a family movie. It's really scary you know. I think my mind unconsciously blocks my childhood memories, but, I remember my sisters and I waking up to screams and sounds of furniture being thrown around. My sisters would always tell me to stay in the dark bedroom and they'd venture outside as if into a jungle - I guess it probably was like a jungle. Their screams and crying would be thrown into the commotion and I would just sit there, buried under the sheets, praying to God, counting to ten, anything to make it all stop. I listened to them every time; never would I venture out of the bedroom whenever they'd be dealing with my parents. I'd just sit there and cry. What else could I have done? I was a coward.
I don't have a lot of friends. Actually, I don't think I have the friendship that has been defined in so many books and portrayed in so many manga and movies. I have people with whom I can make small talk. I know what you're thinking. Why not get their help? Tell them my problems, they could be the shoulder I need. It doesn't work like that here, at least not where I live. I live in an apartment with my family. Our neighbours avoid us like the plague. They tell their kids to avoid us like the plague. With fights like that, obviously they'd be aware of just how dysfunctional my family is. One of the neighbour's kids even spread rumors about us - though those rumors were true, but it still hurt. It was like getting ostracized. My sisters and I were ostracized.......and it was all our parents' fault. They have ruined our lives. They've ruined my life.
I'll stop here for now. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What do you think of me? Don't write to me. Just pretend that you'll be there for me. Not for forever, but least a little while.


Kris thought this letter was messed up........or someone was truly bored enough to be playing this joke on him. He never had to deal with family problems, his family was not perfect, but they were happy. This girl's clearly wasn't. She wasn't. He was at a loss of what to do.

He wasn't going to reply, whether she asked for it or not; it was simply against the rules. No idol was to reply to any fan-letter. If done otherwise, they would be put under even more restrictions and that was the last thing he wanted. It was understandable why they imposed this rule. A reply from an idol would encourage the fan's obsession over him and might even set the idea that said idol was interested, and may be even in love with her. It would then lead to all sorts of scandals and rumours that would tarnish the idol's and the company's reputation. The whole thing was sick, but this was South Korea, where people scrutinized you every which way and owned you. The whole thing really was sick.
Finally, he decided not to show the letter to his friends. The fans had the tendency to lie through their teeth, and right now, he wasn't buying this story. So he dumped all the letters back in the bag and left it on the table. He was just about to head outside when he turned and stared at the bag with letters, mulling over what he was about to do. Rummaging through its contents, he found the letter in the plain envelope and shoved it into his pocket. May be he should hold on to it. 'AS.....I wonder what it stands for...'
Just for a little while.


A/N: Bah! This chapter looks so bad! I've been so busy that I haven't been able to focus as much as I'd like on writing the chapters. I hope you guys still liked it though. See you next time. :)
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saphira20 #1
Chapter 4: Awesome... i loved it
Chapter 2: please please update D:
saphira20 #3
its quite interesting..looking forwrd to the nxt update:)
DeadHearts #4
Thank you so much!! It's so nice to see a comment!! It always encourages me to write better! ^^
Yay! You updated! I wonder what happens next? Please update soon (^U^)
Hi! OMO! The first chapter was great! Please update soon :3