Chapter 1


Chapter 1

"Yo! Kris! Mail for you!" said Luhan, dumping the pile of heavily scented and colourful envelopes before the taller boy seated at the kitchen table.
It was July 17th and the members of EXO had been granted a few days off - a small yet much appreciated reward for all their hard work. So, D.O. and Chen were dozing off in bed, Sehun, Xiu Min, Tao and Chanyeol played video games in the living room, Baekyun decided to spend some time with his school friends while Suho, Lay and Kai were out buying groceries, of course not before disguising themselves as three very suspicious-looking men. Inconspicuous my .
So here was Kris, seated at the dining table, a steaming cup of Jasmine tea by his side, and the heap of "love" letters before him.
He sifted through the envelopes, eyes scanning for something different and interesting, though he doubted he'd find anything different from the usual proclamation of a fan's love(read lust) for him(read his body) - he almost gagged at the thought. Don't get him wrong; he was grateful towards his fans. However, sometimes their love(lust) for him made him want to impetuously jump off a building. The unusual had become the usual, while the usual had become the unusual ever since EXO gained fame.
As he was about to give up on finding one of those unusual-s, his sight fell on a plain, white envelope tucked within the edge of the pile. His eyes widened when he read that the writer's address was India.
Whoa...Didn't think we'd have a fan there.
It wasn't that he was not aware of K-Pop fans in India. EXO had only recently debuted and so he didn't think someone would bother writing to a rookie group, let alone liking one, especially one that was accused of being SJ and DBSK wannabe-s. Oh he was aware of all the hate, alright. Who wouldn't be?
Using the letter opener, he carefully cut open the envelope and pulled out a crisp white paper. Plain. He unfolded it mechanically and scanned its contents with bubbling excitement. Ah. It's in English.....obviously. Time to put my skill to the test!
With that, a new adventure began, an adventure that would eventually shape him and the writer of that letter.


A/N: Just so you know, this isn't going to be the typical fan's-letter-leads-to-idol-falling-for-fan. :)
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saphira20 #1
Chapter 4: Awesome... i loved it
Chapter 2: please please update D:
saphira20 #3
its quite interesting..looking forwrd to the nxt update:)
DeadHearts #4
Thank you so much!! It's so nice to see a comment!! It always encourages me to write better! ^^
Yay! You updated! I wonder what happens next? Please update soon (^U^)
Hi! OMO! The first chapter was great! Please update soon :3