
The You I Know



“Yah Myungsoo!!!” Little Eun Hee called out her bestfriend’s name.

“Yah?” he raised his eyebrow as he approach her. “I’m older than you, you know!” Myungsoo flick Eun Hee’s forehead.

“Aish! That hurts! You’re just few months old,” she rubbed her forehead.

“Why did you call me?”

A smile crept on her face as she pointed to the bear whose busy giving kids the balloons. “It’s Mr.Teddy!” she chirped. “Can you accompany me to talk him?”

“Ah wae?” he whined.

“Pwetty Pweasee~” with her puppy eyes, she knows Myungsoo will somehow give up and do as she says.

“Fine. Fine. I’ll go with you..” he said and the little girl clapped her hand happily. “But just so you know, I’m already 10. I’m a man not a boy..” he muttered.

She snorted as she heard his words. “Aigoo..again with the man..”

“Boo?” he narrowed his eyes towards her.

“Araso araso.. I won’t say anything,” she said and started to drag Myungsoo towards the bear a.k.a Mr.Teddy



Hoya walked downstairs with his eyes searching for his purple bag. He must have thrown it somewhere but he can’t seem to remember where. “Omma, have you seen my bag?” he made his way to the kitchen, but his step stopped as he saw his father, sitting at the dining table.


His father glanced as he saw him. “Why a sudden stop?” he asked with his stern face.


“Good morning appa,” Hoya greeted him.


“Morning Howon..” he said with his eyes back on the newspaper.


Hoya’s mom came with two plates of pancakes and placed them in front of Hoya and his dad.


“Omma, I’ll be home late this evening. Won’t make it to dinner,” Hoya explained as he poured syrup on his pancake.


“Dancing again?” his dad asked mockingly.


Those words stung pretty hard. He stared at his dad for a moment before answering him. “Dae..”


“When are you going to stop doing that wasting-time activity?” He shot a look at Hoya who seemed disturb with his words.


“It’s called dancing..” Hoya muttered and bit his first bite.


“Still a waste of time..”




“You should concentrate on your study..”


“I am..”


“Do you? I've see your marks are dropping..”


“You’ve been spying on me?”


“Any parents would do the same..”


Hoya calmed his self down. For how many times he explains his passion about dancing, his father just wouldn’t understand. “I’m leaving..” he shot up.


“Finish your breakfast..” his father said strictly.


“Lost my appetite..” With that, he dashed towards the door.


Hoya sighed. Actually, he was starving since he practice a lot last night. Due to the bad morning-call this morning, he can’t even eat his breakfast.


“Chingu yah~!!!” Hoya could hear Dongwoo yelled from behind him.


“Oh.. Good morning hyung~” Hoya greeted him as he was now beside him.


Dongwoo nodded vigorously. “Good morning to you too~” he smiled widely.


But instead of returning the smile, Hoya sighed.


“It’s your appa again isn’t it?” Dongwoo asked.


“Yuph.. he just can’t understand..” Hoya muttered while rubbing his tummy. “Hyung, I’m hungry..” he pouted to his friend.


Dongwoo laughed. “Why are you telling me? What do you expect me to do??”


Hoya grinned. “Buy me food..”




Hoya nodded.


Dongwoo laughed. “Araso, araso..”


Hoya smiled back. Dongwoo hyung is his dancing partner. They’ve been together for a long time and they went through rough roads and such. Hoya likes hanging out with Dongwoo because he knew he will be taken care off. His hyung might look a bit cheerful but once he takes care of someone, he does his best.


When they entered the school, Hoya suddenly remembered about his job.  “Oh Hyung, I got fired few days ago.”


“Eh? Seriously?” he asked and Hoya nodded.


“But Sungjong said he will find me another job so I might miss out training this evening.”


“Ah, that Sungjong?” Dongwoo nodded in understand. “Well, guess I have to hang out with my Jiro then.” He laughed happily. Jiro is Dongwoo’s dog. It was k-9 dong which he loves so much. He once said to Hoya that Hoya reminds him of Jiro. That’s why he likes to hang out with Hoya.


“Oh! It’s Eunhee noona!” one of the juniors said as both of them reached the hallway.


Hoya’s P.O.V

I entered the school hall and saw her. Park Eunhee, the person I dislike the most in this school. I just don’t get her. It was clearly she’s just being pretty and mature for everyone to like her. Why can’t she be herself?


“Oh, it’s Eunhee,” Dongwoo chuckled. “She’s pretty isn’t she?”


I shrugged. “Not my type.” I said and walk away.


“Yah Hoya! Wait for me,” Dongwoo yelled and followed me from behind.

End of P.O.V

EunHee rested her chin on her palm and stared outside the window. Sometimes, she wish she could be herself infront of everyone and not to care what would people thought about her. But if only she didn’t take Woohyun’s words to heart, she could have yelled through the hallway and say hi to everyone with a bright smile. Instead, she had to kept her posture and say hi in a polite way. Although that’s what people called manner but it’s just isn’t her.


She clenched her shirt hard. It just feels so frustrating and it hurts so much not to say what she wanted to say.


“EunHee ah, I envy your skin. What kind of product do you use?” one of her classmate came and sat in front of her.


She smiled. “It’s a secret.”


“Ah, no fair. I want to be as pretty as you.” She said. “Guys love girls like you. Pretty, mature, can take care of herself properly and I know you’re not the clingy type-“ and others were mute to her.


Clingy. She snorted. ‘How would you know,” she said in her heart and stared at the scenery.


“Eun Hee ah~” Myungsoo called her from the door. She smiled and excused herself.


“Thank you for saving me,” she said as both of them walked through the hallway.


“You’re so obvious.”


“I am?”


He nodded. She sighed.


“I’m sorry that you have to put up with all of this.”


“Buy me chicken then. Tonight.”




“If you feel sorry, treat me chicken.”


“You food lover.” She paused. “Araso. But in return, accompany me to the park this evening.” She said happily.




“I found Mr.Teddy.”


“That bear suit?”


She nodded. “I don’t feel so good, if I meet him I’m sure I’ll be fine in a jiffy.”


“Girls used to believe in fairies.”


“But I believe in Mr.Teddy. Just imagine him as my fairy god-mother. So don’t be late!” she said and waved him goodbye.


“That girl,” Myungsoo smiled and went in his classroom.


That evening, Hoya kept his promised and went to meet Sungjong at the park. He reached there early and waited for Sungjong. He glanced at his watch. “Where could he be?”


Few minutes later, Sungjong came with a bear suit. “Hyung, sorry I’m late.” He huffed.


Hoya looked at him and then to the bear suit. “You don’t mean-“


Hoya’s P.O.V

I knew something was going to be wrong. I glimpsed at Sungjong whom was laughing at me, telling everything is fine and I look good in the bear suit. Heh. How can he tell? He can’t even see my face.


“Sungjong ah~” my voice sounded hoarse as I spoke inside the bear suit. “Are you sure this is the only job you could find?” I said and started to wriggle my legs.


“Mianhe hyung. I really want to find you a good job. But I can only find this one,” he said.


I sighed.


“You look good hyung.”


“I have a tail Sungjong. I have a tail!” I yelled and cupped my face with the big paws.


“Having a tail is not bad. It’s cute.”


“Oh god.” I sighed again. Still, I need a job and since this is the only thing Sungjong could find, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try. I’ll just find myself another job to replace this one. “Thank you Sungjong ah~”


Then, I could see his face brighten. “Dae!” he smiled and heh, this kid. He’s lucky that I’m I adore him. I smirked. Now, what should I do?


“Ahhhhhhh~~~ It’s a big bear!” The little girl yelled and hid behind her mother. I thought girls loved big bears like this. I tried to hand her the balloon but all she did was scream. 


“Mianhe..” her mom bowed and dragged her away.


I stood there and kicked the pebble in front of me. Aish. If I knew this thing would be like this, I should have rejected this job earlier. Staying out in the sun for hours, wearing a bear costume, with kids screaming, my life is ruin!


“Oho! You big bear!” a boy came by my side with his friends.


Being a nice guy, I handed him a balloon.


“Let’s hit him!” he said and all of them started kicking my legs.


“Yah!” I yelled and all of them ran away, laughing at me. “When I get my hands on you, you’re dead! Do you hear me?”




“Myungsoo ah~ Just once, please..” I heard a familiar voice from behind me and I couldn’t help but to turn to face her.


“Ah, go do it yourself,” he said and shoved her away.


“But I’m too embarrass to face him alone,” she said and glance at me.


I narrowed my eyes. Park Eunhee? What is she doing here?


“How would you know if it’s a him? It could be a her,” he said to her, making her pouted. Well, never seen her like that before.




“Haish, arasoaraso, we’ll go together. Be sure to keep a distance from me,” he said and she jumped in delight. Wait. Did she just do that?


“I owe you one Myungsoo,” she chirped happily and came by to face me. “Annyoung bear ahjushi~” she waved happily.


Ah, so this is the real Park Eunhee. Ceh. I waved back.


She looked down to her feet and I was pretty sure she blushed. “Can I have one balloon too?” she asked. Her actions were pretty childish, knowing that she’s always serious and mature at school it kinda surprise me. I never know she had this side of her. Unknowingly, I passed her the balloon and she took it happily. “I love you!” she said and ran back to Myungsoo, showing off the balloon I gave her.


Heh. Park Eunhee, I never knew you were this childish. What would the kids in school say if they saw you like this?

End of P.O.V


Author's note: Comments and love are welcome =)

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T