lover boy

The You I Know


“EunHee ah, wait up,” Hoya called out to her, trying his best to keep up with her pace. EunHee hugged her book tightly and fasten her step. She’s embarrassed. How could she not? When she saw Hyejin hugging Hoya, the first things that came to her mind was jealousy. She was jealous and knowing that she didn’t have any rights on him makes her feel worst.


Before she could make a turn at the corner of the hall, Hoya managed to grab her wrist and swung her to face him. “I said wait up,” he muttered as his intense gaze fell on her.


She pretended to smile. “Yes?”


He frowned. “Don’t give me that. I know you more than anyone else. Especially when you’re pretending,” he said and heaved a sigh. “Look, back there-“


She raised her hand to stop him. “It’s fine,” she muttered. “I mean, we don’t have that kind of relationship or anything so you don’t have to explain,” she explained.


Hoya looked at her. Her words came slashing through his heart and that he knew she didn’t say anything wrong. But, a part of him seemed to enjoy it because he was sure on what he saw. She couldn’t hide it from him. He could see her through; he could see the she was jealous. He raised one of his eyebrows and a grin plastered on his face.


The only thing EunHee has in mind now is that she’s dead. That grin means that she’s in trouble and Hoya is going give all his will to win the conversation with her. “I a-“


“If we didn’t have anything, why did you have to run away again?” he bit. “I was pretty sure you were upset just now,” he said, still having the grin on his face.


She could feel her blood rising and she begged herself not to reveal her blushing face. “I was not,” she claimed. “I saw a bee,” she said to his face.


Hoya frowned and in the end, he couldn’t take it and burst to laugh. He ruffled her hair before turning his back on her and walked away.


Realizing that she messed up, she hit her head with the book in her hand. “Pabo EunHee. Pabo,” she said and made her way to the library.


Whispers echoed throughout the hall, it seems like some people overheard their conversation. Hyejin furrowed her eyebrow and crossed her arms in annoyance. “I hate everything about her,” she exclaimed that made her friends to turn their attention towards her.


“Well, you’ve done enough by cutting her hair,” one of them said.


“and I say we should do more,” Hyejin added.


“More? What more can be done? Look Hyejin, just leave her alone-“


“Leave her alone?” Hyejin flared. “It’s too late for that. I’m going to break her into pieces if I must. That annoying smile, that annoying face; what does everyone see in her,” Hyejin said.


“If Woohyun caught us, we’re in big trouble,” Yori said and Haneul nooded.


“See if he dares,” Hyejin smirked. ‘I was going to let you off with everything, but just I thought, I should play a little bit more.’




It was a still night and Woohyun was exhausted, he sat down on the bench with a sigh and looked up to the night sky. Thinking about EunHee messed up his mind. He knew it was his fault for dumping back then. He should have listen to his heart rather than listening to his friends.


“She’s ruining your reputation Woohyun.”

“Why the heck did you even bother to hang out with her?”


Biting his lips, he covered his eyes with his arm. He regretted listening to those words, reputations? He was blinded by it. Enjoying the fact that everyone flock him just makes him feel superior; that he got all the things in his hands.


EunHee was different for him. She’s not exactly everyone’s type. Woohyun snickered as he remembered how she used to look like. Her messy bun, her messy appearance, and the noisy mouth; she nags most of the time but that what makes him likes her. She’s just different from the other girls.


“Love trouble again?” Woohyun glanced up and saw Sunggyu looking at him.


“Hi Hyung,” he said as Sunggyu sat beside him.


“EunHee again?”  he asked and Woohyun smiled weakly. Sunggyu faced the empty road, “Forget about her, Woohyun.”


Woohyun frowned and looked at his hyung, but Sunggyu’s eyes were still fixed to the empty street in front of him. “What do you mean by that?”


“You better start forgiving yourself,” Sunggyu said. “Maybe you are to blame for what EunHee went through but don’t suffer yourself to chase after her,” he paused. “What i’m trying say is, try letting go of the past Woohyun,” he looked at his friend with concerns written all over his face.


“You know I can’t do that. I told you the hundredth time, I can’t.”


“You’re not trying hard enough.”


“I’m not trying hard enough? Hyung! I tried my best to ask for her forgiveness. I tried protecting her-“


“But did she ever see that? Did she ever look at you like how she did years ago? Did she Woohyun?”


“You don’t under-“


“I may and I may not understand what you’re going through Woohyun. But as a person who’s watching how things moving on, I don’t want you to get hurt. Things may not go as well what you’ve planned,” Sunggyu exclaimed but he sigh as he knew Woohyun won’t listen to him. “Just, think about it. Travelling here might be a bad decision to begin with and I can’t imagine if EunHee knows I’m with you in this. She would probably kill me,” he sighed and ruffled Woohyun’s hair. “Go home and rest, brat,” he bit and walk away.


Woohyun sat there for a while, Sunggyu’s words rings in his mind. Although he hated to admit it, but Sunggyu has a point, he might regret all of this. With the cold shoulder EunHee is giving him, he won’t be able to reach her like he wish he could. She just won’t let him.



The Math class went as usual. Math is Math. After class, Myungsoo had something to ask Mr.Shin so Eun Hee waited outside. Myungsoo was taking a long time than she expected so she skidded around the hallway. Got bored and peeking every classroom. She scratched her head lightly. “Seems like our class is the only one here tonight,” she mumbled alone.


She was about to turn and walk back to where Myungsoo was when she heard a loud music playing. ‘Hurm...’ she shuffled backwards and came across the dancing room. “I didn’t know we have one of this,” she gawked inside and saw a guy dancing. He was pretty good that she actually watched him for a few minutes. ‘He looks familiar,’ she peered. As the guy spinned, she got a glance of his face. "Hoya shii?" she mumbled. "I didn't know he could dance," she wondered. 


“Yah! Eun Hee ah~ let’s go,” Myungsoo called out.


“Oh! Coming~” She said. With one last look at Hoya dancing, she made her way towards Myungsoo.


“Did something caught your attention?” he asked.


Eun Hee shrugged.




She snorted. She shook her head and he laughed. “Let’s just go home,” EunHee smiled and both of them made their way home.


Hoya was practicing that night. He’s been busy with his part-time job so he didn’t have his alone dance practice. He wanted to sharpen some moves he learned from Dongwoo. He used to practice a lot at nights with Dongwoo, but Dongwoo couldn’t make it tonight so he was alone. He was lucky that he could use the school’s dancing room. Usually, there would be the school’s band practicing every night, giving him a hard time to use the room. But lucky him, they weren’t here.


As he was dancing, he heard noises by the door. He paused and turned, but all he could see was a girl, walking away from where she stood by the door.


He shrugged.


Maybe it’s one of his crazy fans stalking him for pictures to sell it to other girls. Shoving the thoughts off, he continued his dancing.




Another kick and Hoya was sure he was going take off the bear’s head but as he heard someone yelling; he froze.


“You kids!” she yelled out. “Did you know that there’s a person inside this costume?”


Hoya gulped and glanced at the angry EunHee, he tried pulling her away from the kids but it seems like his effort is hopeless.


“You better run along or I’ll tell your mom what you’ve been doing,” she said and the boys ran away; crying while calling their mom. EunHee smiled, satisfied with what she just did. “Did they hurt you?” she asked and the bear shook his head. “Good. They deserve it,” she smiled triumphantly. “Oh, bytheway, I bought you lunch!,” she said and dragged him away to sit on one of the benches near the big tree. She sat happily and gave Mr.Teddy the food. “Go on, take a bite,” she said.


Hoya frowned and pointed his head with his chubby finger.


“Ah, I forgot about that,” she giggled and Hoya smiled; placing his hand on her head. EunHee froze. ‘The same gesture,’ she bit her lips and glanced at the bear costume. “Ahjushii, why don’t you take off your head, it must be stuffy inside there,” she reached out her hand to the soft costume. She’s getting curious. What if her assumption was true? What if Hoya really is inside there?


‘Yikes,’ Hoya quickly held on the costume head and shook it in disagreement. If he ever let her do that, it will be later when he told her himself. But as for now, it’s not the right time.


“No?” and other disagreement from the bear. EunHee bit her lips. “Fine,” she said. Maybe she got the wrong person. Besides, Hoya wouldn’t be the only person in the world to do that to her. She nodded lightly and tried to brush off her suspiciousness. EunHee stood up, “I guess I’ll be going then,” she said and the big bear waved her a goodbye. She smiled and made her way towards the side of the road. She was planning to walk home.


She frowned. “But they do have something in common,” she bit her lips and glanced back to see the big bear whose now waving at kids. She stopped and watched for a while as the big bear waved to one of the kids, another came and hit him.


Hoya cursed under his breath, but instead of losing his patience, he gritted his teeth and bend down, ruffling the kid’s hair.


Seeing his actions, EunHee touched her head. “Maybe it’s what he does,” she said to herself. She was about to walk away when she saw a figure approaching Mr.Teddy. She watched them, “Hey, it’s that kid,” EunHee remembered Sungjong; the one who called Mr.Teddy ‘hyung’.


‘Maybe this is my chance,’ she was about to approach them when a hand caught her wrist and turned her around.


“EunHee ah~” Woohyun blinked.


She narrowed her eyes. “What do you want Woohyun?” she said, her eyes went back to the bear.


Woohyun followed her eyes, “What are you doing here?”


“Walking?” she lied; still feeling uneasy. Out of all time, he just had to come now. He just had to hold on to her wrist, preventing her from running away from him.


“Are you okay?” he asked.


“Do I look like I’m okay to you? Now, let go,” she exclaimed.




“Woohyun, let go of me, please,” she said. Her eyes diverted to the costume bear again, this time, both of them were walking away. “Ah!” she tried to reach out. “Woohyun, let go!” she yelled.


Woohyun frowned. The way she acts makes him look bad and people started to whisper around him. “Yah, stop yelling,” he said.


“I won’t unless you let go of me,” she said, trying to free her hands again.


Without any hesitation, Woohyun let his hand slips away from hers and he watched as EunHee walked away from him. “EunHee ah,” he called her name although he knew she’s far away.


Her eyes scanned the surrounding around her. “Where are you?” she cursed under her breath as she can’t find them. That was her- perhaps, one and only chance to get to know who’s exactly inside the bear costume. Although she promised herself she wouldn’t mind, but if it was Hoya, it’s a totally different thing.


Her steps became quicker as she made her way through the park, searching every corner if she must. “Please, I just need answers,” she begged.


EunHee exhaled a long breath when she returned to where she started. She run her fingers through her hair, frustrated that she just missed her chance. When her eyes are still searching, it landed to a figure sitting on the bench. It was Woohyun. She smiled weakly.


‘That Nam Woohyun,’ she bit. Instead of seeking for the bear, EunHee made her way towards Woohyun. She felt guilty all of a sudden. “Don’t tell me you’ve been waiting for me,” she said with a worried look.


Woohyun glanced up to meet her eyes. He then stood up facing her, closing his gap between her. “EunHee ah,” he started.


Him being so close to her reminded EunHee of how things used to be. How sharp Woohyun’s nose is, how she loved his eyes, how she adored his presence around her. “I beg you Woohyun, please stop,” she begged him. She looked away from his stares. “I’m tired of all this.”


He nodded weakly and put a smile on his face. “I know,” he said. “I was going to tell you that-“ he bit his lips and looked away  as she gazed at him. “I’m giving up,” he finally said.


EunHee bit her lips. She felt bad. She felt bad for treating him negligently. Nobody can blame her, but she just wished she would forget and instead of hating Woohyun, she could accept him as a friend. “I’m sorry,” is the only thing that came out from . She looked down to her feet, “I used to like you Woohyun. I used to like you a lot actually but after what happen, I just- can’t,”as she glanced up to face him, Woohyun was sliding his hand to the back for her head and his lips were inches away from hers.


“Wait a minute, lover boy.”


Before she could react, Woohyun was yanked away from her. Her eyes went wide to the whole situation and she blinked as she saw Hoya in front of her, his hand still clenching on Woohyun’s arm.


“What the heck,” Woohyun cursed as he glared at Hoya.


Hoya shrugged and he looked at EunHee. “What exactly are you doing?” 

Author's note: Woohoo.. i'm sorry.. i just can't..*jumping all over* i just love the last part! haha.. are you guys still here to read. =) please leave a comment.. i would really love to her some thoughts about the fic XD  and so sorry for the late update~ *hugs and kisses*

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T