-2- Cute



The man stepped out of the shadows. But before So Mi could get register who it was, her mind went blank and she passed out, her head hitting hard against the solid concrete.

She probably passed out from the shock… I hope her head is alright.

The man scooped her up and took her away from the dirty ally.


So Mi woke up, however kept her eyes closed. She had been in these types of situations enough to learn that it’s better to take in your surroundings through fake unconsciousness than having to deal with those people while awake.

She replayed what had happened in the ally in her mind.

The sharks were after me again… Did they catch me? So Mi felt uncomfortable lying on her arm behind her back.  Shifting slowly, she brought it to her side.

Wait. She wasn’t ties up like she was last time. The memory of the predators being knocked out by an unknown guy surfaced. Was she at his place? Who was that?

She felt the fabric of that she was lying on with her fingertips. She was thrown onto a couch. Her feet met the armrest on the other end so it wasn’t a long one.  It was much too familiar. It was actually her couch.

“Kris!” A she shot up from the couch and pain shot up to her head. Her hand rose up to the back of her head that was throbbing in pain.

She heard the door close and Kris came into view. “Kris, I’m sorry—“her eyes met her brother’s. So Mi immediately became quiet and kept her eyes to the ground. At the quick glance, she saw Kris’ deadly gaze, but it was filled with worry. She could tell that he was exhausted and fed up with her stupid actions.

“I’m sorry…” she started again after a solid minute.

“Sorry for what? For buying useless things for some kid? For putting yourself in danger every day? For making me worried sick every time you step out of the door?” Kris said through clenched teeth to the floor.

“Lu Han is not just some kid. He is someone special; someone I love.”

“You could’ve gotten hurt today! Do you know how many times that have happened?” he raised his eyes. They were begging her listen.

“But I didn’t get hurt. You’re always there for me.”

“But I wasn’t there, So Mi.”

“Then who—“

Kris turned his back to So Mi he didn’t want to let his sister see his pained expression. “Don’t you think I ever get tired? That I’m scared? You need to stop so that I can rest. I’m scared for you.” He continued out the door.

Even if So Mi didn’t see his face, Kris’s voice was pleading.

But she couldn’t stop.

No. I can’t stop. I love Lu Han and that’s that. Kris doesn’t understand. All I can do to show my love is through gifts.

She doesn’t get it. I wasn’t there today. Why did it have to be him? That damn Lu Han. Why did he save her? I don’t know what she sees in him. Kris lifted his head to the sky, letting the soft breeze cool him off. He hoped that everything would turn out for the best.


Lu Han arrived early to school the next morning. He loved school at this time. There were no fan girls, no bothersome teachers, and no teasy best friends. Only studious students that didn’t care who did what as long they their studies weren't disturbed.

He found the tree that he always went to. He lay down on the soft grass using his bag as a pillow. The atmosphere around it was always calm and peaceful. He took in the fresh morning air and set his mind free.

The first thing that his mind roamed to was So Mi. So she’s been barrowing money from those loan sharks, huh? Lu Han could only think of how kind she was. But the darker side was that she can’t pay off the debt.

Lu Han never got associated with loan sharks; he never needed money, but from what he heard, if you don’t pay up, you’re either dead meat, or a forever running prey that is eventually going to get caught. I wonder if she’s safe…

 Lu Han was lulled to sleep by the soft rustle of the leaves.


“Oppa. Lu Han oppa. Wake up.”

Lu Han tried to open his eyes but they refused to. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Showing he’s awake.

Click. So Mi held her phone closer. On the screen is a picture of Lu Han’s sleeping face. “Did anyone ever tell you that you have a cute, baby face?” she spoke to the Lu Han on her phone.

Lu Han stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants. With a glare he stated flatly, “Is your head okay? You hit it on concrete, didn’t you?” He slid his backpack on one shoulder coolly and walked away to find his friends.

Anyone who said that would’ve meant it to be an insult. Lu Han however, was literal and was concerned inside. Those thugs were rough with her.

My head? How does he know? So Mi touched her head…



theninjafailXD did this chapter, she did a good job didn't she? If you don't like it...well i'm not gonna change it.


I love this, it's good, but So Mi is kinda scaring me :3 In a good way.

*Sigh* Check out my other story -although I never update that-

I will...someday. Bye~!-Iheartloveminho


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IHeartLoveMinho #1
Unnies, please update soon! It's been seven MONTHS since the last update! ^.^
itsjustmecindy #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon ^_^
so mi =_= she never learn her lesson ~ uhhhh, poor kris. well, sometime love could overcome your fear ~ duhh. update soon ^^
poor kris ><" he has to deal with such situations and why the heck did so mi become like that? there must be something behind her obssession? nevertheless, update soon ^^
sharky #6
ommgg this is a good chapter :3
Okay, i'll blame Tina XD, I like this chapter. It was nicely written :)